Scummy drops edition
bing bing bing bing b-bing baa aramba baa baa barooumba
paddies and pakis are all the same
>normies go travelling externally, not me though, High IQ individuals like me use chemicals to travel internally and explore our minds
*sits there monged out in the corner drooling**
Moving to London lads
normies do drugs
Please stop doing what you're doing, it's the current year.
not very conservative
yeah normoid drugs like weed and MDMA, not some mind-rotting chemical they found on the darkweb
nelson mandela was a terrorist
Going on a cultural highlights tour of magaluf
the drooling is how you know they are having a rad experience
would it be a good idea to get a forklift license so I can get some work in the short term? I see a lot of jobs asking for forklift license advertised
is the rubin report THE go-to conversation kino second only to the joe rogan experience?
I bash coke I'm not looking to explore my mind I'm looking to fuck anything with a pulse and stay awake necking can after can of lager for days on end and being a loudmouth violent racist
going to fuck the homemade fleshlight, have scrambled eggs, shower, then go for a long walk and read for a bit
drum and bass is SHITE
>Only the ones going to jail would have the potential to tolerate gays based on that logic
Duhhh what is a deterrent
They wouldnt change their belief you donut, theyd change their actions.
You can force school curriculums to preach not to do these thibgs and that thesevbeliefs are wrong to hold. Fine, i agree it may help.
But the religious will always hold the divine mandates over state ones. But spending a decade in a pen for beating up on a homo. That will stop people from acting on their beliefs
Banning beliefs wouldnt work without north korea tier book burning cleric killing and heavy penalties for belief (3 generations in the deathcamp). Prefer not to live in that sort of society though xo
what I meant mate
what other drugs are /brit/ discussing, I've only just arrived
Could be worse. Could be grime
some chemical that scientists use to rot rat's brains
paddies blend in though
you can't spot them unless they tell you their last name
the mixed ones are practically english
probably surrounded by paddies and pakis
What exactly was the point of brexit again?
going to do an exercise, a breakfast, funpost for a bit and then go to sleep
what's its name?
yea but be wary of working environment
just quit a factory job myself where i was a forklift driver because they wanted me to pack pallets by using the forklift to lift the pallet then go back and forth underneath the pallet to with the packing wrap
don't ever do a job where they want you to ever be underneath a forklift
the unloaded forks and carriage themselves weigh a few hundred pounds
really want to get the train from moscow to urumqui
He never killed anyone and his attacks were against infrastructure.
The ANC (and all nonwhites) were denied any political voice well before they were militarised and their attempts at organising strikes ended in police officers shooting unarmed blacks.
T. Someone who has read the rivonia trial proceedings
I've done beijing to moscow ama
Damn, he mastered whatever that instrument is
why does chelsea boast about her age and being able to get old men to goon over her when she knows her value depreciates over time?
london let me fucking hear you!
sleep well greatest ally
4-fa something something(really long sciency name)
So not too hard to find a job yeah?
I don't want to blow 400 dollarydoos on a license and not get a job
But you remind me of a china webm
post fucking machines
all false, niggers would've been merciless
>their attempts at organising strikes ended in police officers shooting unarmed blacks
still a terrorist. and a racist thug in addition. im glad he spent a significant chunk of his life behind bars, im glad he's fucking dead and im glad south africa turned into a massive shit-hole under his governance. fuck him.
how about linking the post sweaty
I'm here ja*gets acid thrown in face*
bizarre question
south africa turned to shit after mandela
you can shit on the bleks if you like but he was pretty based
Want me to go food shopping for you too sweety? How's about I show up at work for you on monday, sound good? xx
>im glad he's fucking dead and im glad south africa turned into a massive shit-hole under his governance
>wishing bad upon millions of people just because of one person
dat Kojima
fucking abbo
>>their attempts at organising strikes ended in police officers shooting unarmed blacks
adidas creps don't ask where i got them
Even the cape's anglo politicians in the 40s realised that apartheid was untenable and history would play out as it did.
Their strategy was the gradual political integration of nonwhites.
postman has my pack
he best hurry
guess everyone loves niggers and pakis now
millions of racist blacks. couldnt care less. hope they all die of famine and aids - which seems likely thanks to mandela and his shite-arse legacy.
been wanking too much lately
Love this image
And then I said "That's not a barmcake, that's my wife!"
yeah great thanks! but I don't have a job
stop getting so riled up on a saturday morning
I know its very safe and all but I never understood giving out your home address to a dnm vendor and then getting a fucking postie working for the gov to deliver drugs to your own house
where's the charlie, pat? fucking short-wearing mong
done that already, that's why i want to take the unconventional route next time. i want to go all the way from the UK to singapore without flying.
>working for the gov
nicer in Korea to be honest.
maybe it's the people being friendlier and that.
Only reason i dont do dn drugs
Seems ridiculously naff
yeah i was bricking it the first few times. now it's become routine.
in all fairness, police dont give a shit about personal buyers anyway
will heem anyone who insults britain
plausible deniability.
why do drggies come here to tell us about their pathetic habit
because she can get the money now and be set for life you idiot.
it's like an electric clarinet in simple terms i guess
can fuck you up also don't rape anyone
Nice conjecture mate. Are you too illiterate to read a research paper? You seem jealous.
>Duhhh what is a deterrent
Yeah those "same" deterrents that have been so succesful in stopping terrorism? Prison does not change how people act. A lot of people take drugs, but do they stop taking drugs because it can send them to prison.
Even at that; do people who go to prison for drugs still continue using drugs? Yes. even more so
Their actions aren't being changed, as evident by the analogy I made above.
Islam needs a reform. Simple as, and it needs to be enacted by their leaders. Maybe since we are sending the Sauds so much weapons and money we could speak to them about teaching their disciples not to behave like this, just a thought. But noooo that'd be too racist. or rather sectarian.
>But the religious will always hold the divine mandates over state ones
Not government but the leaders they listen to, their religious leaders.
I'm not saying to ban beliefs, I'm a different poster. Merely a reform.
What would be wrong with sponsoring a reform of their religion in Saudia Arabia? Wahhabism is the culprit.
We could even just suggest it to their leaders since they owe us quite a bit.
>prefer not to live in that sort of society?
Ah I see, you'd rather live in a more violent society because you don't want to hurt peoples feelings.
logic > emotions
It's amphetamine analogue. Amphetamine is used as medicine, so you don't have an argument.
4-fa is also safer than amphetamine. So it's quite literally a drug that is safer than a medicine.
My source:
going to shoot up some heroin this afternoon its been a long time
Someone just send 100 pounds worth of lsd to me as a prank! I didnt ordervit!
no what I mean is she boasts about being young and able to attract older men
street coke around here is dogshit. DNMs is literally the only way to get good flake
you'll be able to find work easily enough and a good company should never tell you to go underneath the forklift in fact they should tell you never to do so
i just so happen to live in a state with virtually no worker protection legislation
>also don't rape anyone
when a yank replies to a smaller nation it makes their day
must feel good being that important
sound islamic and not at all free
what does post toot mean
literally why
I enjoyed it but it was a bit shit being couped up in a train for 4-5 days. definitely worth it but wouldn't want to do it a second time
xinjiang would be interesting but I think the chinese really limit foreign tourism there and your movements
hmmmm do koreans love jew people?
is £35 for a gram worth it?
she isn't having sex with them though she's just leeching their money
how does it fuck you up
all the side-effects I read sound mild, and it's even used as a medicine
My mate had 12 ounces of MDMA seized and nothing happened to him.
They can't prove you ordered it.
Police don't go after people buying drugs on the darknet, they are going after the big fish that are supplying them.
That is the only way you stop people buying drugs.
You use PGP encryption so only you and the vendor can ever access your address. And see above about the to your own house.
meeting a lad with a gorgeous cock later
imagine being so much of a faggot you get a tattoo
oh shit caught by the samurai
we fear the samurai
it is known
i loved my long train rides. just drinking vodka all day having a laugh with the locals, was awesome.