What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
JK Rowling is pro-refugee. Cernovich is saying that she should house them in her own homes to "put her money where her mouth is". Except his argument is a logical fallacy.
>I support socialized medicine
I also wonder why she doesn't take him up on it. Maybe she's worried that they'll be violent? I would have thought it was an easy propaganda move to say "ok. I will."
JK Rowling pays taxes
She thinks tax money should be used to help refugees
This does not necessarily mean that she wants refugees on her private property
this is not a difficult concept to grasp
So, NIMBYism. Got it.
Why doesn't mike cernovich put his money where his mouth is and donate to the border wall?
I agree with this.
Why would she let refugees in her multi-million pound gated mansion?
"Not in my backyard" refers to neighbourhoods, not private property.
Unless you mean the phrase literally, in which case you're right
>its a rich people cry about refuges but continue to live is white cities or far away from cites with hundred of acres episode.
For real, what the fuck is going on
she doesnt want them in her neighborhood either
that would mean she would actually have to do it.
What makes you say that?
gung ho liberals Samantha Bee and Jason Jones didn't want black kids in their schools. I wonder why?
They should change /soc/ to be for social media, this faggotry needs its own board
Is this film or television?
it's tweetkino
very true
Maybe it's because she says publicly she likes refugees because her target market is young liberals, but she doesn't actually want refugees near her because she is rich/not completely retarded
Best PR move is not to get involved in the first place. Or just make some big donation to one of those embezzling charities
YEAH where is the feet discussion
How is this even a logical argument in your mind? Seriously, what is your motivation here?
>I should be allowed to post off topic things because someone else posted a different off topic thing!
>it's a rich people appear on TV asking for poorer peoples' money to help even poorer people
Really makes one ponder
How big are her mansions? 100 seems good but maybe she can fit more.
Because Mexico is paying for it
>she love refugees why doesn't she let them live in her mansions?
I love pizza but I don't live in a pizza hut
does pizza rape your family?
Sup Forums is feets and cunnies,reddit
I'm against the ivory trade but that doesn't mean I'm willing to have an elephant shitting in my living room.
Whose property then?
If you're referring to the charter program then you should know that the system is absolutely retarded and only works in very specific situations like socially segregated cities so trying to instate it nationwide would be chaotic and students would be jostled from the former "best" school to the new "best" school like locusts as they ruined one after the other with overpopulation
t. public school administrator
I wouldn't house some random blue eyed, blond haired, Christian citizen either so I don't think this argument holds any merit.
>t. public school administrator
you're part of the problem.
Presumably a landlord.
You would have a Pizza hut in your house if you could. Be honest.
>just because she wants refugees to live next door to poor whites doesn't mean she wants to be close enough to see or smell them
Lolski at the dumb GOP lifers thinking refugees are literally gonna live in their house.
>>JK Rowling pays taxes
>>She thinks tax money should be used to help refugees
Yeah but she wont have to deal with the refugee fallout of crime and rape.
She wont be anywhere near it.
Fuck you too buddy. I got a job in an area that I wanted to see change in, and actively affect it from the inside. I'm literally doing the maximum amount possible to fix the problems
These landlords and properties are going to just appear?
Or do citizens need to gtfo to make room?
Sounds like an easy life to support something in a hot topic such as this while you yourself suffer zero consequences if it turns out to be a wrong decision, but it's okay because the people who actually suffer those consequences are labelled such-and-such so all their arguments are discarded
my dad can't get a steady teaching job in his state because of people like you emphasizing diversity quotas and putting younger teachers through the machine over all. please quit your job and remove yourself from society.
Do you not have landlords in your country? Have you literally run out of space?
yes but you would live next to them?
these celebrities who are pro refugee live in rich white people only neighborhoods, the people who have to live with them dont want them there
>I pay taxes, dump the toxic waste in the poor peoples neighborhood
Stupid fucking cunt. We should really push this shit. Let's have JK get culturally enriched in her palace
Maybe your Dad is a just shitty teacher and a failure.
Not really, if she wants to really help those "poor refugees" then she should use some of that money she makes and help them herself.
Why whats the problem? She has plenty of money, its not like those "refugees" are a burden right? I mean libs will push for them to come over but not if it means it they deal with them.
They will continue to live in rich mostly white neighborhoods and complain about white people and racism and all that jazz.
But you live near a pizzahut, near enough to get delivery
Imagine if the delivery guy steals your money and burns your house and rapes your wife...
I likew living alone but I don't give a fuck who lives in my neighborhood
Wow is it really that hard to be intelligent?
jesus christ
We literally have actually lmao
He literally spends all of his time tutoring and subbing. Kids love him. He loves to teach. He is a math teacher and makes math fun for students. Bureaucratic assholes like you don't give him a chance because he's over 50. I'm glad Trump is putting you people on notice.
>Implying I've said anything other than I don't like the charter system which is symbolically the opposite of diversity quotas
You don't know anything about what my job is day to day. I get to vote on things maybe once every 6 months and the rest of the time I just enforce mandates, approve grants and call my friends and tell them to fire your dad.
Doesn't Rowling donote a shit ton of her wealth to charity? Like she's dropped from billionaire to millionaire because of her donations.
>He literally spends all of his time tutoring and subbing. Kids love him. He loves to teach. He is a math teacher and makes math fun for students.
Hrm your source isn't biased at all
>Making a point that the rich elite will jam refugees down everyones throats whole refusing them into their neighborhoods is a "logical fallacy"
Hilarious. I forget how tiny your island is
kill yourself.
She has. Which is more good than any Sup Forumstard will ever do for anyone else.
The entire point of harry potter is that there is a fucking school that is hidden from the muggles by an invisible wall......
Her entire fucking book series relies on the fact muggles cant enter their magic world. Stupid fucking bitch.
In the last book they even literally create a wall to stop voldemort from entering the school ......
What a retarded cow.
>uhhhhhhh logicla falacy. fillabuster
Shut up you little autist. I bet you don't know the difference between formal and informal fallacies. God i hate autists so fucking much
Oh your dad's a sub over 50? Yea duh he doesn't have a job. Subs over 50 is pretty much exclusively for semi-retired people who have an A.A. and like to be around children.
He probably doesn't have a teaching history to show people or isn't willing to move
>approve grants
any grants for predominantly white schools?
The difference is we are bringing people in, and they are supposed to live where? Biggest supporters of this are middle-class and wealthy white people who live around other white people, and assuage their conscience by supporting this shit while wanting the result to be nowhere near them.
Samantha Bee, similarly, petitioned against integrating struggling black students into her son's school.
But you'd invite a pizza to share your house with it for as long as it lives.
>Paying taxes to fund on people who dont pay taxes
Oh wait i think you guys are already doing that to inmates
He got his teaching degree when he was over 40. Had many years teaching in a private school after that. Then he moved to public school, was full time for two years, then got fired before his third so they could avoid giving him tenure. He even broke up a fight between two students and testified on behalf of the school in court, but was still fired at the end of the day.
Fuck public schools. I hope they get even worse. I hope their jobs become waking nightmares.
The elephants get put behind fences with guards where they are kept from poachers. Immigrants are dumped into the neighborhoods of those that are less well off or straight up poor, without guards or fences to separate the animals from the people.
Apple, meet Orange.
This board is, and has always been, complete garbage. It might as well be used for this.
>logical fallacy
fuck you
gave me a hearty kek
Go be a Paki somewhere else.
>>I likew living alone but I don't give a fuck who lives in my neighborhood
Thats how i know you live a sheltered live and never had to deal with horrible people. You probably live in a nice vanilla place...
Imagine living next to these two.
Imagine them peeing in your house walls, stealing gas from your car.
Breaking your windows, killing your cat...
"I dont care who lives next to me" what a childish faggot. You probably live with your parents still. Fucking pussy
Yes? Grants for everyone who fills out the application and meets the requirements within county budgets. Obviously you prioritize so a music teacher doesn't get to take his whole class to a Journey concert (yes I've actually turned that down) over buying new supplies.
I tend to notice the richer schools will apply for grants for stupid shit like parties while the poorer black school want to buy pencils and paper so yea they do tend to get more grant money
Yea honestly sounds like he shouldn't have left private school. You usually don't get union benefits in private schools so when you switch you basically have to restart your career at 40 and move back up through the ranks with an obvious age disadvantage. There really shouldn't be an age preference on hiring but there is for some reason
So you hate Trump right?
>>Samantha Bee, similarly, petitioned against integrating struggling black students into her son's school.
How come no one gives her shit for this?
Is this recent? How come no one is hating on her because of it?
If you guys dont bring it up i would never know
celebs are always pro liberal ideas as long as they themselves are not effected by it and can always get away from it.
except its not the same. its more like "I support people shearing their food. well then can we have some of your food?"
>the refugee fallout of crime and rape
How do liberals even respond to this? What's the upside for regular citizens? The overwhelming majority of refugees from these shit countries don't even have a primary school education so at a minimum they'll be living on government handouts for decades. Most of them also have views that are fundamentally at odds with western values.
In Sweden, out of 163,000 refugees taken in last year, less that 500 were able to get any form of employment and less than 30 were able to find full time employment. That's a tremendous burden on the Swedish tax payer. Furthermore, crime and rape has skyrocketed and the average Swede's quality of life has gone down. There's no good justification for taking them in.
but she wants them in yours
>Except his argument is a logical fallacy.
in what way?
Your job sounds like the definition of over-bloated beaurocracy. How much do you get paid for this useless job?
I understand that you need to make tough decisions. I understand you wish my dad got a better shake of things. I do too. Which is why I am lashing out at public schools. The system needs a kick in the ass.
Yeah she wants them moving into semi-detached houses and estates beside the current working class. Poor Jo should not have to feel any of the repercussions of the virtuous bullshit she espouses.
Half a year ago.
>Like so many public schools in New York City, P.S. 452 has a lopsided enrollment, with a population that’s three-quarters white and Asian, with only 13 percent of kids qualifying for free lunch, in a district that’s 43 percent white and Asian and 48 percent low-income, according to a Chalkbeat story on the brewing controversy.
>One P.S. 452 parent speaking out against the move is comedian and former Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones, who’s married to Samantha Bee. "To portray any opposition as classist or racist is as bad as it can get," Jones told WNYC. And elsewhere: "We are not divided,” he said at a public hearing about the proposal, “we are absolutely united in wanting what's best for our children," then encouraged fellow parents not to talk to the press about the controversy.
That still doesn't make up for her shitty writing. She could give away all her money and her existence will still be a net negative for the world.
>tax money should be used to help refugees
Does she expect that money to be sent to them or for them to live in th UK?
>This does not necessarily mean that she wants refugees on her private property
That is like saying you are anti racism but won't stop calling your neighbors sub human niggers. "Im fine with it as long as its fixed elsewhere by someone else" is not a belief. While im not saying they should live in her house, Im saying she could do more for what she claims to believe in. many actors have gone to africa and started various charities without jazzing themselves on twitter.
Woah it's so hard for a billionaire to donate to charity especially when she gets free publicity and brownie points for doing it.
but who was property
Agreed. I hate JK Rowling and her vague moral posturing as much as the next guy but having the opinion "the government should help people" doesn't mean you personally do the helping. The government funds the police. The government funds hospitals. The government funds the army. People who support this don't expect to go march the streets in uniform or get covered in senial people's shit or go get blown up by an IED. But for some reason when it's welfare you're expected to house homeless people and people literally fleeing war.
>Which is why I am lashing out at public schools
Sperging out on a Vietnamese fishing board known for pedophilia over your loser dad is definitely going to kick their ass. I'm sure your dad's job offer is being written up as I type this.
also housing is an issue. in Sweden people did have to open up their homes because housing is not just going to pop into existence and there is a limit to how long people can live in tents
>it's a celebs advocate for refugees, open borders, gun control, and socialist ideals, whilst living in white neighborhoods, within gated communities, with armed security, and hidden money in offshore accounts episode
Bonus fun point about this:
>two reporters
>"then encouraged fellow parents not to talk to the press about the controversy."
I wonder why Jason Jones and Samantha Bee wouldn't support people talking to the press? Does the press have a habit of misrepresenting people's statements or something?
>Sperging out on a Vietnamese fishing board known for pedophilia over your loser dad is definitely going to kick their ass.
My state is hopelessly blue. The only hope we have for my dad's career is if we move. But I guess all of this is impotent because my mom is the breadwinner of the family.
buying into memes. They said the same thing about bill gates but money just keeps coming in. JK is blind to some stuff because she herself was not much of a worker bee, the state took care of her till the books made it big so she feels its the best way for everyone
70k. My job is literally to coordinate with local counties and make sure they're following the state and federal law. I oversee 10 counties in my state. Without me the schools would be way more unbalanced in terms of funding and at least 4 of them would have a class dedicated to creationism
Why is aisha white and blond?
Then you are a retard. Who lives in your neighborhood affects a lot of shit and im not talking about how houses look. Who lives there effects how often cars get jacked, how much piss you can smell in the stairway, how often there is drunken screaming outside the window, how often people get shot or mugged, Who you can ask for help or few $$ if you need something, how many people are moving around and how often does the elevator or the entryway door gets broken.
There's more to taking in refugees than simply providing a house and food. You've gotta get them assimilated into your community, get their healthcare and education right and have them serve a purpose and that takes a system, not just richy mcmoney bags opening her mansion to a few dozen folk. If she refused to pay the proper taxes for the required system to work then I could see an argument, but otherwise it's just more petulant whining from a twitter gasbag.
Are you trying to force pizza on people that don't like pizza? Are you asking them to pay for the pizza they've already said they don't like? Are you getting off on your own sense of self righteousness as you force feed people pizza that hate it and you?