Doctor Strange

This was surprisingly refreshing. Its a small story in terms of number of events that happen but it was nice to see Marvel flex the 'magic' muscle.

forgettable reddit tier trash film for 12 year old kids

stephen strange just felt like tony stark lite

yeah it was better than expected

Just got memed into watching this recently. Only torrent it if you don't value your time.


>all this magic power
>decides to use it to make little whips and shields

The comedy was forced as fuck, Dr. Strange was too much like iron man, and it just felt like a run or the mill superhero movie.

Imax 3d was pretty cool though. And the final confrontation was pretty clever instead of just using brute force.

Why are DC cucks so mad all the time?

Because their movieverse is complete shit so they try to make it seem like the Marvel movie verse is bad as well. When everybody knows outside of this Chinese picture board that all the MCU movies are decent or good.

its was boring and Doc Strange and Antman was too old for me

hes too old fro learning magic

I find nothing charismatic or appealing about Strange or Antman

they are like movies for Manchild dads

>nonstop quips
>shallow characters
>villain does nothing and dies
>will have aged poorly by this time next year

>they are like movies for Manchild dads

That happens to be the entire demographic for comics and capeshit movies.

He's still a greenhorn as far as wizards go, he only manages to save the day because he has a ridiculously overpowered artifact

Doctor Strange is the only film where I've said "this is really cool" and "this is incredibly boring"

Maybe you need to see it in a theatre

I thought it was cool how they played with time and dimensions instead of throwing fireballs

There's no excuse for the Ancient One or Mordo and Kaecilius.
All proficient and well-practiced. All used kung-fu and whips and spears.

Not going to pretend that shooting beams and shit is more entertaining to watch, but there's no reason for there not being a Crimson Bands of Cyttorak or Winds of Watomb thrown in the mix instead of just literal light-weapons.

antman and strange and ironman even more so

The Wand of Watoomb actually shows up in the movie, Wong is holding it before his ill-fated defense of the Hong Kong sanctum

Besides, they ain't gonna blow their load too early, plenty more magic for the sequel

It was the exact same capeshit as the previous capeshits.

Will Dormammu be the next big villain once Thanos is taken care of?

I don't know about that but I'm looking forward to when they run into Galactus
Galactus is my boy

Nope, Galactus because Marvel will have made a similar Spider-Man deal with Fox for the Fantastic Four licenses by then

the magic was kingdom hearts tier at the start and then went to being about magic objects, the magic was just lame and unariginal to me...but then again i havent read a single dr strange comic in my life, so i dont know shit

and that fucking ending dont get me started. i wanted to punch the nigga every time he said "DOROMUMOO"

>movie set in Nepal
>not a single brown sorcerer
>second most important sorcerer is a fucking African American guy

REEEE why the fuck do you hate us so much Holywood.

Shit to do with Chinese Government, you know, where Disney makes alot of its money?

Can't have some Indian dudes in there? Like half of Nepalis look Indian.


tfw no one ever has our back. SJWS and right both just fake use our support.

Ye the chinese govt mandated black sorcerers to fulfil their diversity quota...

It was not even remotely different from any of the other superhero movies Marvel has been putting out.

Wholly unremarkable.

There was no African-American user.

The diverse set of muggers was weird.