Which of these is the superior one and why?

I am starting to think that the UK is better. London might not be as big as New York, but it is close enough. Especially when you consider how small the UK is. And it is the financial capital of the world. The banks there make Wall Street seem like a dump. It also has a stronger middle class.

The only down side is that the UK has more Muslims. But no "good enough to live" White majority country is free from non-Whites.

Stay away from the coastal cities in the United States and you should have a better time.

Why are the coastal cities bad?

They tend to have much higher population densities and higher costs of living. As far as I'm concerned, unless you're one of those bankers or investors, living in a city like New York or London is just about impossible - I could be biased, though, I've lived near New York City for most of my life and got a bit disillusioned with it.

Why did you move to Estonia? Are you a US military personnel defending them against Russia?

I feel like I'd go crazy living in a big city like that anyway so I wouldn't really want to stay in either.

Even Auckland is a bit much. I've walked everywhere I've needed to get to all my life. Now all of a sudden it's a three hour trek to get from one suburb to another and that's still just on one side of the bridge.

A grad student - I got a rather nice offer and figured I'd go for it. The cities here are so pleasant, I'm so grateful that I got this opportunity!

USA, but only because of all the wilderness and wildlife.


Seems to be like Stockholm. The problem is that you can explore the entire city. It has no adventure to it.

It is like an open world game. Skyrim is nice, but playing for a while, you've seen it all. The bigger a city is, the more DLC it has, more adventures and places to explore.

I get that, but I need green and quiet. Fucks me up when I see that a city as big as NY or London and it just doesn't seem to end. I don't see more adventure and places to explore, I see a whole lot of shit and buildings and people I can't escape.

I know smaller cities must be boring to a lot of people but I like knowing a city, knowing shit is reachable and having it to myself once it's late enough. Trees are nice too.

>and people I can't escape.

Isn't that more of a problem of smaller cities? Everyone knows each other and need to know what you're up to all the time? Larger cities gives you anonymity, no one cares about you.

Central Park in New York City is pretty big and green.

Why does people on Sup Forums prefer small cities so much?
I lived in both big and small cities, and I found small cities (like Luxembourg) to be boring as fuck. They are good if you're old and want to retire or something, but I miss the frenzy of big cities.

I like small towns because I can do lots of community events and know everyone around me. People actually give a fuck about each other because they see them regularly. Plus I don't like living like a sardine and I enjoy being outside and having breathable air.

Monarchy like Japan: UK
Mobile CPU: UK >> USA
Desktop CPU: UK USA
Right-hand drive: UK
Jap High Speed Trains: UK
JSDF Weapons: USA
Jap Navy Curry: UK
Tea culture: UK >> USA
Food: UK USA


Are estonians as nice in real life as they are on Sup Forums?

Going by these two series, USA/NY is better than UK/L.

>the "United" "Kingdom"
>slave mentality
>dough-rolled coal is the epitome of their cousine
>there exists no British quality people would like to have

>The United States of America
>self-assured and positive in the face of any challenge
>melting pot of the best European cultures
>financial, military and cultural leader, people are literally begging them to cuck them in every possible way

It depends on a number of factors. It's not like people usually smile at me on the street, but then again, I haven't really had anybody yell at me either. In one of the supermarkets I frequent, one of the cashiers is super enthusiastic to practice his English with me, and another entirely refuses to make eye contact with me or talk to me at all. I'd say that Estonians are nice, but a little cold!

>is poo or pee better

I hope Amsterdam will be as comfy as London once again

UK is way better at everything but climate imho

he wdn is dat het paleis op de dam?

Dit is het Paleis op de Dam gezien vanaf de gedempte Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal

AMerican cities are poorly designed, and are crime infested shitholes full of minorities. Britain is going down that route too, but there is still some cities there that are nice. Ironically I hear Belfast is actually really nice, because the super nationalist tendencies of the people there scare the Muslims and blacks away.