Yea or Nay???
I thought it blew. I had high hopes for this Series...hopefully it gets better.
Yea or Nay???
I thought it blew. I had high hopes for this Series...hopefully it gets better.
man plaza is fugly
>Yea or Nay
Are you new here?
Also, episode 2 blows the fuck out of 1 easily. Sorry this isn't quips the show with massive jump cuts every half second. Even the cg in episode 1 wasn't as garbage as other shows
There's a quick flash of 3 frames from the bedroom scene of episode 2 where he covers his eyes, in episode 1.
What does this mean?
Aubrey Plaza's appeal baffles me.
Bitch is untalented and unattractive.
Her career should have ended when she did that stupid stunt with Will Ferrell.
It's getting good
I hope the twist is that he's actually crazy after all
a real mystery
Can you really call that a twist? Doesn't he actually have a few multiple personalities in his comics?
I'm pretty sure Aubrey's character is gonna be one of them now based off that cut to her when he was quoting something she said from the first episode.
>he's actually crazy after all
He is crazy. He's an actual schizophrenic. Have you not been paying attention at all?
The show is literally flawless.
don't make her cry
Have you, dipshit?
I think the twist might be the old lady is with Magneto or is Emma Frost
Obviously there'll be some twist with his dad
The guy is actually crazy, he has multiple personality disorder and each personality has a different power.
It was trash. Some FX employee keeps spamming Sup Forums and Sup Forums with this feces and I'm getting tired of it. Even Heroes seasons 2-5 were better than this show so far.
Yeah. That's kinda why I know he's schizophrenic
>13 posters
>having a Sup Forums related discussion
Wew user
I'm just fucking with you, bro.
I forgot to watch episode 2
I don't understand the format. Its like the magicians with more mental issues. I expected it to be a fun ride with legion calling in other personalities whenever he needed a skill and maybe fighting a few inner fights. I know I was not getting maddox but still.
put your pseudo shit up your honey hole
>Obviously there'll be some twist with his dad
>I want it to play out like every single other Marvel cookie cutter plot
sometimes it looks so cheap that it could be season 9 supernatural mixed with power rangers ninja storm(with no jap footage)
yeah why not. Its not like marvel has any good tv shows, it would be nice to have a lucifer/forever type show with a marvel character.
>I'm pretty sure Aubrey's character is gonna be one of them now based off that cut to her when he was quoting something she said from the first episode.
Wait, I thought she was already more or less confirmed to be one and the show isn't even hiding it
I loved the scene where she says they're coming for him
The pilot just set the bar too high. Regardless it's still a nice trip to unravel every "delusion" that David had, episode by episode. Definitely a rewatch material.
Agreed considering I just watched the two episodes again.
Kek made an appearance.
god I love her
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I didn't like episode 2. I found it way too slow and full of pointless mumbling for about 2/3 of it.
David is some overacted character. They need to slow it down a little bit, it's getting annoying faster than I'd expect.
she's going to end up being evil, screencap this post
But, episode 1 was also garbage.
He's super powered and super schizo. His childhood fucked him up like that.
Get adblock you fucking tool.
>she's going to end up as my waifu
Same. How do we cope?
>when you can't afford to de-age patrick stewart
>implying he's his biological father and not a kek
Fairly certain they're avoiding his parents face for some odd reason.
And that his 'dad' may likely be his step-dad unbeknownst to him.
I was scared when that book fell?
Thankfully you don't have any say in it, so you can't ruin it.
1080p... no Citytv or FX watermark
where can i watch this?
>tfw these came straight from the source
Fuck man. I thought this was just gonna be another generic capeshit show but these first two episodes have been a delightful surprise.
David's real relationships are lagging behind his hallucinatory interactions. Sydney felt particularly under-written in episode 2.
Although Melanie Bird is certain David isn't hallucinating, I suspect she's wrong and he's set-up much like the comic David Haller. I hope he's got more on-board than just telepathy and telekinesis.
>it's not like marvel has any good shows so lets make another shit one
would you lads go back and watch some of your memories from a 3rd person perspective?
don't think i could
Oh shit, we Killer7 now
this show will be canceled, it has this low of ratings and no one here is talking about it.
This is a cool concept but I can't see how it works out. They have two ways to go:
1. Most of the plot is about his mental state and imagination and dreams and memories and whatnot, in which case it's annoying and random like the last episode
2. He figures his shit out and becomes just another X-men with telekenetic powers doing standard X-men shit
>its random because its non-linear
triggered? it wasn't good.
what if
what if it could be different? i am not shilling just genuinely checking this series because noah hawley really caught me off guard with fargo s2. dude probably got some taste.
>take a shot any time someone says "David"
Please, no.
you're retarded. There is already a fucking Lucifer and a dozen pewpew capeshit, watch fucking those.
yeah, sure Xavier would tell him killer tales, it's totally his character
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stop using .png
4 u
>where are my explosions?!
>no one here is talking about it.
then wtf are we doing right now and in the daily threads?
This, he most likely escaped that facility on his own (if it was even real) and the people helping him at Summerland are all in his head. Did anyone else suspect the old woman Bird might be Professor X?
>the people helping him at Summerland are all in his head.
I like this idea. It would explain why certain characters were so conveniently positioned in episode 2. To name a couple: Syd when he wanted to leave, and the asian girl while he was being MRI'd. The odd behavior of the guy running the MRI would be explained by this as well. The disorganized storytelling -- the way we skip backward and forward in the middle of sequences -- would also make the most sense if everyone involved were imagined. I like the idea of the plot being driven by cooperation among his fragmented personalities
>stop using .png
Who cares?
>Did anyone else suspect the old woman Bird might be Professor X?
While they were doing "memory therapy," she appeared to release the handles while they dove into David's memory. This was meant to get our attention, I'm curious what others think. Although she let go, she's present in the memory afterwards. Does this suggest she's manipulating the situation? If I'm not mistaken, that was the scene where David becomes withdrawn after seeing the troubling book cover.
>"This sense of seeing another world in the corner of your eye, when did it start?
>another world
Mojoverse confirmed
David's position swap with Syd would make a lot more sense if she were a projection of his mind. Especially if the others in the car were also projections.
If you look at the personalities on the comic Legion wikipedia page, you'll notice they all have odd, even deranged names. The characters in the show do, as well. Ptonomy Wallace, Kerry Loudermilk, Melanie Bird, Sydney Barrett
So basically we're saying everything after the Division facility is a kind of therapy inside his own head to help him come to terms with the potential power and all the people he has in his head. The part where he originally thinks that Division guy was in the car with Ptonomy and asian chick but later he sees it was that Bird woman makes me wonder if the entire Division facility part was also just a mental exercise.
I don't remember her letting go specifically, but what made me wonder if she was Xavier projecting himself into David's head was when he's explaining his past to Bird while they're in his memory and the second that he says "my dad" it cuts to Bird looking uncomfortable and pulling back a little from the table in that glass room.
Plus the way he isn't able to see his father's face in the memory could suggest Xavier's influence in his head. It certainly fits Xavier's MO to got into a person's head in order to help them control their power.
Is the blonde also one of the personalities. It occurred to me that only David can see and interact with her.
The psychiatrist does speak to her, but yeah I would say she's always been in his head. Lenny is definitely in his head now but was she ever real? I know the comic character can absorb the minds of people who die and turn them into schizophrenic personalities but she felt like a kind of Ninja Ninja imaginary friend from the beginning.
> It occurred to me that only David can see and interact with her.
That's false. Considering the people at the original hospital knew her, the Division guy who was questioning David knew her, and they saw her in the car.
But it's clear Lenny is now one of his personalities as seen at the swing set scene where he starts quoting her and it cuts to her saying it. And the promo for next week's episode shows her in the MRI room with David.
So when is Sir Patrick Stewart making an Appearance? it would be the smartest thing to do for fox since this is high tier capeshit and beats anything Marvel has out.
Are you okay?
>the Division guy who was questioning David knew her
I don't think he did, the only time he speaks about Syd he says the hospital had no record of her. When he talks about a girl being dead he means Lenny. But I'm not even sure that guy is real considering he turned into the Bird woman in David's memory, also the part where he suddenly doesn't have the trigger switch for the pool electrocution.
He asks "where's the girl?"
>But I'm not even sure that guy is real considering he turned into the Bird woman in David's memory
That's because we weren't sure he was the bad guy at first. Since we're getting David's perspective he wasn't sure either so he imprinted that guy being there helping his escape. He realizes it was actually Melanie when he was in the pool and he knew the Division guy was bad.
Which leads me to believe Melanie is also another one of his personalities.
Ah you're right, I just remembered he said something along the lines of "we got you but we want her too."
That works, though it's more fun if Bird and Division guy are guises of Professor X projecting into David's head to help him control his power through different scenarios.
>Professor X this
>Professor X that
he didn't even knew about he has a son (as i recall from X-men TAS) why do you think he is behind all this?
They already mentioned they won't tie it in with the movies.
Look at the big expert here, he saw the cartoon!
Until you've read over 600+ X-Men comics kid, leave the theories to us pros.
While I haven't read the Legion comics, it seems like a stretch to use the animated series as a guideline for the canon of this show. The simple fact that David is Professor X's son canonically is enough to suggest to me that he'll be involved in this.
And like I said earlier, knowing that it seemed significant that at the very second David said the words "my dad" there was an abrupt cut to Bird showing discomfort outside his memory.
You're the only person pushing this Mojo theory right? I looked Legion up hoping to find some support for the Yellow Eyed Demon in the comics but there doesn't seem to be any. Whether or not it's feasible this Mojo TV idea is horrible.
>read over 600+ X-Men comics
thats a nice life's achievment you did there, tap your back
In episode 1 when Syd entered David's room, she was invisible.
This ain't the thread nor show for you.
Definitely seemed to suggest that she isn't really there, if she could project or teleport herself into his room why would she need to open the door?
Xavier didn't know about David for years in the comics as well