Ummm..Brazil, care to explain this??

ummm..Brazil, care to explain this??

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Explain what? Autistic gringos seeing horns on a horse?

ummmm can you go back to Sup Forumseddit?

I think most brs don't know doing the slanted eyes gesture is considered racist
One of our hosts did the same shit in front of a korean band

When I went on exchange program my Brasilian guys did it to me :(

what kooreans felt?

We don't need to explain nothing. We makes jokes with everyone, including with us, and none is safe from that. We can't care less for your sjw media.

That's all.

Not know and don't care.


Why is your post empty?

I don't think brazilians are superior to Asian.
I don't know why they are so racist to Asians.
I just think they are showing their inferiority complex to asians.
Their dirty, poor, chaotic country proves their stupidity.
their IQ 80 brain is useless and only thing they can do is eating, sleeping, pooping.. nothing else..
you are the real monkeys
You better die rather than having meaningless life in your shithole thanks.



You sound pretty upset. Do you want a hug?

>asian girl stretching her eyes

It's not racism, people here dont think that is racism.
Also, Asians are inferiors nu-males, with weak body, Ill society and beta personality.
You are so cucks that you guys need the west to solve your problems.

If we are monkeys, you are a little and weak tamarin.

>Also, Asians are inferiors nu-males, with weak body, Ill society and beta personality.
>You are so cucks that you guys need the west to solve your problems.
Is it not racism, either?

>Korean cuckold can offend
>can't be offended

rude, japanese tennis players are fun

rip kimiko

im glad the usa is becoming more like your country

that's pretty childish reasoning

the guy in OP's pic lost the game too, maybe he got butthurt?

>Millions handed over in development aid in recent years
I wonder where this "development aid" is going to, because it's definitely not going to my state, or my region, or the region above.

Sounds like yet another massive corruption scheme.

how come alpha, macho gorrilas cannot make a functioning country?

>huur duur childish you have to be a superior person!
I can't expect less from another cuckold.

Imagine if Singapore was attached to the African continent and that region became a one-state government under one ruler where people unironically call that a "democracy".

The Africans would keep voting for gibsmedat from Singapore, eating up 90% of your GDP to the point your development rates simply halt. Good luck building a functioning nation under those conditions.

why dont you guys seperate then

Because they got their butts kicked when they tried to. The same will happen if they dare to try again.

Because it isn't an easy process? And our *official* secessionist movement exist for nearly 30 years already, without even mentioning the countless secessionist wars we had against Brazil in the past, one of which resulted in Uruguay.

It's not like we couldn't though, considering how the entire Brazilian armed forces have been under South Brazilian control since 1980, probably the main reason why the military refuse to intervene in Brazil. Just let Brazil rot in corruption.

the sulista autista attacks again

the subhuman low IQ zika Moor-chimpanzee nigger hybrid abomination attacks again

What a sad life this sperg must lead lmao


>dando (you) pro sulista separautista
E o fio nem é disso, vão se matar no /luso/

is there a chance of civil war in brazil?

No, brazilians are too individualist to fight for any cause.

It really isn't considered an offensive gesture here, like blackface. That's American bullshit and it makes no sense to claim certain thing symbolizes anything outside of a cultural context.

Blackface is offensive in America specifically because of the racist, fucked up shit that happened in America. Brazil never treated black people badly, therefore a white guy painting his face black has no negative meaning. Likewise we have no history of mistreating Asians, and as such this gesture had no negative connotations.

Brazil is already at civil war, but it's niggers vs niggers and humans are rarely affected by the conflict.

>brazilians are too individualist
Individualism and selfishness is what makes countries prosperous, Brazil is a collectivist welfare hellhole. The word you're looking for is egomaniacal, where the average Brazilian is capable of causing severe damage to/murdering others for some short-term gain or pleasure.

>where the average Brazilian is capable of causing severe damage to/murdering others for some short-term gain or pleasure
that's psychopathy, the average Brazilian is a psychopath not an egomaniac

east asian eyes are cute, desu

t. american proxy

Brazilians do it more for jokes not for racism