>dude why do men get married lmao
>gets married to a sheboon
Dude why do men get married lmao
Dude I'm alt right now so I don't like him anymore lmao
she's a racist hypocrite as well.
seriously though, his stand up from a few years ago used to rip into people for getting married. how the fuck could you focus on something like that so much and then go get married.
she respects the pronouns too
it's called growing up
His comedy career is pretty much over
I get sleepy listening to his podcast now
Tens of thousands of years of European heritage flowing through his veins... he proceeds to end his lineage and people by having an African child.
>alt right
kill yourself normal fag
>she has baby
>she knows its time
>full divorce take everything he's got
>get alimony
He warned people then fell into the trap. mark my fucking words. in a years time he will regret everything.
You grow up kiddo
Watched his most recent special on Netflix and he's still got it. I don't see why his personal life matters if he's still telling good jokes. It's kind of entertaining to see so many people turning on him and bitching for no good reason, though.
Him and his wife are adorable on the podcast. For all his assholery and jokes about whores, he probably has one of the healthiest marriages in comedy. Meanwhile, Marc Maron is racking up exs and Louis CK is making female comics watch him masturbate.
My only hope is that he starts being funny again.
He is really slipping.
I lost a lot of respect for him, and he isn't as funny as he once was.
at least his offspring is a woman and not another gangbanging pyscho nigger
>at least his offspring is a woman and not another gangbanging pyscho nigger
what did he mean by this?
>mfw Bill goes on Conan and says he wants to be a dad and it's driving him crazy
>mfw Conan says it's too late for him and laughs
>Louis CK is making female comics watch him masturbate
Please elaborate.
If niggers didn't exist then the Irish would be the niggers, it's no big loss for a guy like Bill.
Pretty self explanatory, he stands in front of the door so they can't leave and masturbates. He had to pay a big one so she wouldn't talk though.
that was a big thing like a year ago. i don't know if it was ever actually proven by anyone, but he's not the left's golden boy comedian anymore
his sjw wife already put her foot down and told bill that they won't force gender stereotypes on their daughter, that they will explain homosexuality to their daughter as soon as she's able to comprehend it, and that their daughter's body is their daughter's body - not Bill's or Nia's, and their daughter can do whatever she wants with it.
damn did i click /pol by accident..
fuck off nigger
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