
As english as you and me edition.

Other urls found in this thread:



Why are /brit/ cars so rusty



my car is NOT rusty
the paint is just chipping



our country now

all black creps today boys yeah

damp weather
poor maintenance because lazy



i bet rosy doesn't even go gym, she just has a genetically blessed body


> British / Irish ethnicity.


whoops, that image of the streamerfu is in low-res

whats the white lad doing with pakis?

Pretty funny how the left has gone so crazy that people like MLK and George Orwell would be considered right wing today

>"spanish" nation


thought that was ray mears before I clicked on it haha


any nudes of this hog?

We'll just eat the muslims. 2 birds 1 stone.

supposed titty pics

>yanks call it tonic & gin

>hes an irish farmer that is going to lose over 50% of his market

how many of these could you take in the race war?


love rosy me

is everyday life similar to like lock cock and few smocking barrelis movie?

To the lad regarding the 4-FA don't let the mong fear-monger you with a post from a drug forum that is laughed at

I posted a science paper on it that tells you the exact neurotoxicty but you resort to pseudo intellectualism
Mdma is more neurotoxic than it. Speed is about the same, but since you take less 4-fa than speed, 4-fa is safer. Coke is highly neurotoxic too, neurotoxic just means it depletes neurotransmitters lad. That's why you shouldn't take mdma more thaN once a month.
Here is the science paper. Compare this to MDMA and it is massively more safe
You can take 4fa safely if you aren't abusing it.
Don't talk about subjects you know nothing about.
The lad is taking coke which is not only neurotoxic but also cardiotoxic. 4fa would do considerably less damage.4-FA is not neurotoxic in the same way as MDMA and certainly not in the same way as the other para-halogenated amphetamines. 4-FA doesn't cause long lasting serotonin depletion like MDMA and haloamphetamines with larger halogens.
In terms of neurotoxicity, 4-FA is probably about as neurotoxic as amphetamine. hypothetically pure 4-FA in low doses should be pretty safe unless it turns out to have some sort of cardio effects like fenfluramine.

here's even a thread on it on reddit where people are discussing how it's less damaging than MDMA

hate it when dumb people on the internet assume that every woman is a trap

yea I have a pic saved of them but can;t post it here


>tfw brittany venti used to only be someone Sup Forums would have a laugh calling on stream and then forget about the next day amd now she has all the attention she craved for years

why do roadmen always try and hide their faces

yeah mate i'm sure the feds are on to you

>northern hemispherers discovered how nice it is to live in australia
>they got jealous and destroyed our ozone layer to watch us die
why weren't we allowed to enjoy the cloudless skies and the open land?!

no face no case


cringey post

>brittany venti


Hello ethpain

Is she still with 4chad from the hwndu event?


post it to imgur or somethin

from the wikipedia:

>4-FA does not cause long-lasting depletion of brain serotonin, unlike its analogs 4-CA and 4-BA.[8] >This is thought to "reflect the inability of the fluoro-compound to be metabolized in the same way as the other haloamphetamines."[9]

>Neurotoxicity does not increase down the series of para-halogenated amphetamine derivatives, even though serotonin releasing potency does follow this trend. For example, 4-iodoamphetamine is less toxic than is 4-chloroamphetamine

what does 4-FA do?

going to start a new game of civ v and listen to comfy music

What difficulty



cringey post


4-fa and another fluorinated compound only depleted serotonin and 5-HIAA in rats for less than 24hrs. This means the neurotoxic heal within 24-hours. Where as, 4-Chloroamphetamine depleted serotonin and 5-HIAA for up to 4 months and 4-bromoamphetamine caused irreversible depletion.
To compare this to traditional drugs.
MDMA depletes your serotonin for 6 weeks.
So, these suggest that 4-fa is far less neurotoxic than other halogenated amphetamines.
Also, the risk of fluorine anions (F-) being a product of metabolism is very unlikely. The carbon-fluorine bond is one of the strongest organic bonds in chemistry so it is very unlikely to break and there are dozens of well studied medications that have carbon-fluorine bonds.
tldr - studies suggest that 4-fa is not as neurotoxic as other halogenated amphetamines,


fuck your shit up senpai

going to start a local mosque and listen to black-metal music

>5 GB update for pubg
gonna take two hours haha

I WONT Be clicking this link and I encourage everyone else not to click that link

Don't see a singles white lad desu mate, just a light-skinned Paki (probably Kashmiri)

no charlie
no weekend

may as well end it

pubg is shite

>live in australia
>takes less than 10 minutes

You the 4-fa lad?

king or emperor not sure

I'll end you if you carry on like that sunshine

is it psychedelic? entactogenic? or more like cocaine?

>Not deity


>tfw addicted

don't fall in m8

what's your greatest achievement?

It's a stimulant empatheogeon cross. It's like a subtle lite version of MDMA crossed with a more forgiving amphetamine.

yeah i was enquiring about it

getting mixed messages about it's harm potential

>watching fatlads play darts
how did it come to this?

once took an unbroken shit that curled all the way around the bottom of the bowl

is it legal outside the UK?

get a life you druggie loser

packing for uni and me mum tries to throw out my chrissy jumper as "you ardly wear it"

aye cause it's hardly ever Christmas mate

you're probably just really bad and can never win

Probs getting into uni

define "a life"

At a wedd9ng. Dancing with heaps of fit chicks.

U R all faggs who wish you had my dance moves.

Anyone got a face mask recommendation?

Six things I could never do without
Fresh air
Sky sports
My walking boots

The mong is fearmongering you please read, with actual papers published on it:
It's not even legal in the UK.
Not anymore so than amphetamine. The neurotoxic effects recover after a day.

Can't stop me grinding on all these 18 year old ch8cks

(I'm 26 btw)

Not really your achievement is it? Your bowels and digestive system did all the work


you don't see that many of those hipster cross logos anymore

>It's not even legal in the UK.

i know mummy may banned all research chemicals etc but i don't think that applies outside UK?

is it a powder? how much do you take?


his digestive system though

Brunhilde Geflumpt is not my president

will give it a try. the lack of hangover would imply it's not that harmful, but that's just conjecture

how long will a gram last?

aztec clay nigger

thats actually quite impressive

giving up on tinder

Getting out of a depressing 10 year NEET/temp work slump and getting a place at university. Also, first one arm pull up was a good feel

Six things I could never do without
My bf
Straight to gay porn

borrow the ninja costume from the missus