Why is no one talking about economics here?
Why is no one talking about economics here?
collect denbts
beause Sup Forums is shit
Because we know the free market is the best system. Also Jews rigged the banks and the currency. Nothing more to discuss.
Because people here don't actually understand it, basics at best
Because people here are retards who don't understand the basic principles of economics. All they do is say "DA J00Z".
lel, cause
Is buiz any good these days?
I kind of got done talking about things on Sup Forums some years back when folks started to get it. But every time I've gone to /biz/ it's been worse than the local poopstreet MBA factory.
trumpcoins m8
we have a thread about economic related stuff every day.
Btw how Deutsche bank doing?
>the free market is the best system.
>Also Jews rigged the banks and the currency.
/biz/ fucking sucks, its just cryptocoin shilling and idiots asking how to make $1000 in a week. I've been asking for an /econ/ board for fucking years now
Econ major here. Don't fall for the "Sup Forums is one person" meme.
It's just cryptocurrencies: the board. It's also slow as fuck.
LOL /biz/ is nothing but cryptocurrency garbage.
One thread is not enough.
Politics are only the appendix of capital flows nowadays. They explain everything, from the EU to immigration.
Because its boring
>people here
>"Sup Forums" is a one person
like it or not, this isn't any kind of place to get financial advices
You made a generalization of all Sup Forums posters, but it's ok. Reading comprehension is hard.
You're not wrong, but who said anything about financial advice?
buy my penis
country day sale one time only
Because everyone who uses Sup Forums isn't old enough to understand economics
Every single economist called Brexit wrong.
"Economist" is a meme career
>the free market
Kill yourself, we all know that State Capitalism is the only way to go
Daydreams about Jews plotting to destroy the White race may be fun an stuff, but they dont have much to with reality. Reality is indeed less exciting, we are all struggling for some numbers.
Talking economics on Sup Forums is like talking science with someone who believes the earth is 6000 years old.
>Every single economist called Brexit wrong.
You mean every meme economist reported on in the media. Your country's press is shit desu.
Before Brexit, Merkel could've come out, shot David Cameron, and declared the EU the 4th reich, and the currency value would've still dropped. The value of the pound comes from confidence. Doesn't make leaving the EU a bad choice.
Closed borders ain't good for trade.
Sup Forums is too stupid for it.
>Socialism with make-up
Kill yourself my friend.
Otto Guevara presidente
>central banking
>fiat currency
>free market
Try again, little Marxist.
Daddy understand where it hurts.
Okay op, here we go.
China is fucked within the next couple of decades due to population growth ceasing and shrinking, they also have been seeing their economy growth slow quite a bit over the years.
Soon they will be way less relevant on the world market however if the US doesn't stop with the relentless free trade it will not be relevant in trade or capable of competing with foreign companies.
Sup Forums told be about DWTI during the days where Saudi Arabia was pumping out as much oil as possible. It went up several hundred percent.
Sup Forums told me to invest in the volatility and the thing is whenever there's a major announcement. Typical 20-50% returns.
Sup Forums can teach you many things, if you are willing to listen and manage to avoid the 20 bait threads on the catalog at a time.
*Volatility index.
Voice to text. No bueno.
>Sup Forums talking about economics
every thread would turn into "JEWS RUN THE BANK" and some retard derailing the thread by bringing up socialism
Sadly, I realized the same thing after reading some threads.
Economics is a Jewish invention meant to distract the Hyperboreans from...something