Introduce Canadian culture with one pic

Introduce Canadian culture with one pic.

You mean québécois culture, the original canadian culture, right?

Is there difference?

The Québécois were originally called Canadians. Anglos conquered Canada (Québec) when France left North America and made it greater, then named themselves Canadians and named the original Canadians (the québécois) "french Canadians".
Anglo "Canadians" have no culture.

What is Québécois culture like?
Is there common with French culture?

I never understood what's the sauce they use for poutine.


You hate Gravy sauce?

Québécois culture is the product of western french cultures melting together

Poutin is Anglo culture?



Wait a minute
In bags?
To think I've been below these MADMEN the entire time! Wow!


i swear they do it just to piss people off because there's no other advantage to it

No, it's Quebecois, but as always the eternal anglo tries to take credit for it, don't let them fool you, nihon

>be president of Russia
>be named after Canadian junk food

I think he made that cuisine famous.

the advantage is that you can use a proper jug that doesn't piss out everywhere when you're trying to pour tea for a cuppa

what kind of retard can't pour milk?
are you an infomercial actor?

Managing the bag is bound to bring more spillage though