Boris Yeltsin

Was Boris Yeltsin /Our guy/ Sup Forums

>Made Russia into a democratic nation

>Transform Russia's socialist economy into a capitalist market economy.

>Made the right choice in bombing and storming the Supreme Soviet of Russia Stopping Alexander Rutskoy and Ruslan Khasbulatov from turning Russia into a fucking communist state again.

>Finally allowing privatization of Russia's state-owned assets, ensuring a quick dismantling of the Soviet-era command economy to make way for free market reforms.

>Is loved by all Russians except commies

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Gorbazov was also not bad

Any Russian anons willing to give their two cents on Yeltsin and how he whored out your Motherland?

>>Made Russia into a democratic nation


Yeltsin should be transformed into a word for something worse than cancer.

What did he do

Yeltsin was a Jew
Gorbatshov was a Jew

>>Made Russia into a democratic nation
He made it considerably less democratic.
>>Transform Russia's socialist economy into a capitalist market economy.
No, that had already been the direction for many years thanks to people like Gorbachov.

>>Made the right choice in bombing and storming the Supreme Soviet of Russia Stopping Alexander Rutskoy and Ruslan Khasbulatov from turning Russia into a fucking communist state again.
>>Finally allowing privatization of Russia's state-owned assets, ensuring a quick dismantling of the Soviet-era command economy to make way for free market reforms.
>>Is loved by all Russians except commies
Jesus christ, kys.


>>Finally allowing privatization of Russia's state-owned assets
surely no foreign interests were drooling over this

t. burger

>t. somali commie

>>Is loved by all Russians except commies
Gr8 b8 m8

I like Gorbachev better tbqh.

the worse russian leader picked by democracy



He was alright. Russians like to blame all sorts of shit on him though.

sorry pal too lazy to take a part on it right now. maybe if put at least some effort next time. hmm...

Yeltsin lover of vodka and money, stupid idiot.