>no capeshit
>nothing that is a blockbuster Hollywood film
>no "pretentious" arthouse films
>no mainstream popular films
>no Citizen Kane
>no There Will Be Blood
>no "identity politics" films
>no historical dramas involving black people
>nothing about Nazis in a negative light
>nothing about gays or lesbians or trans people
>nothing foreign
>but also nothing produced by "jews"
Literally, what do you faggots want?
What exactly does Sup Forums want?
non reddit movies
People to stop treating this board like a goddamn japanese meme factory.
>What exactly does Sup Forums want?
name ONE
More Stephen Chow movies
>Sup Forums is one person
I just want to discuss movies really
>hundreds of threads on the same bland popular shit "muh brands" "muh revenue"
>endless off topic spam/waifu shit by sad niggers who are upset their posts got ignored or deleted
>catastrophic levels of "memes" and people who forcefully post the same thing every fucking day to get noticed
remove all this, the board will greatly improve
Personally I want Kurosawa back.
Sup Forums can only be happy in an environment where no forms of media or distribution of ideas exists.
>what is a majority consensus
True bliss
Sup Forums likes asian horror
millenial babbies cannot even fathom what good tv is
Reminder that Sup Forums's taste is as good as reddit. Sup Forums is only good for parroting what the mass wants, and posting memes. If you come here for a real authentic film appreciation, you'd have better chance finding it at letterboxd.
I want Sup Forums to return to the glory days of actually producing OC. I mean, we used to have thread after thread. What happened?
>>no There Will Be Blood
Meme movies
More David Lynch movies
More Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and Fargo
Sup Forums is just full of pedophiles and Sup Forums neckbeards
so a movie where a guy has sex with children and kills jews
Those are all different people. You're getting various subgroups mixed up - Reddit, /s4s/ and Sup Forums memers, Sup Forums crossposters, Tumblrinas and people who aren't retarded.
cunny kino
>Sup Forums's favorite loli is jewish
>le OC
That's what brought all the cancerous memers here and turned this place into Sup Forums. 99% of OC is just stupid and unfunny shit anyways.
A movie without cancerous leftie ideology, post-modernism and lazy CGI.
Shouldn't be too hard.
Space Cop.
Movies like these:
The Passion of the Christ
Hacksaw Ridge
And if Jews have to make films, they should make Coen Brothers-tier films.
People who think specific content types are the problem are the main problem.
Sup Forums wants something like PSycho by Gus Van Sant.
>Literally, what do you faggots want?
>no capeshit
The rest are fine if they're done right
What's the appeal? loose skin and sacks of flesh turn you on?
you degenerates are so obsessed with your boogeyman , what does that even mean?
I want a gf