Is there a consensus on this?
I really liked it
Is there a consensus on this?
I really liked it
give me one good reason why you should care about a consensus or others opinions if you liked something
There's a consensus on the ending.
If you want to talk about something you liked or disliked with other people
So talk about it, don't just ask stupid questions like "is there a consensus" or "did you like it"
9/10 movie, but it wasn't as good in theater as the first
When I think of the concept of a pleb, this is what they call good.
Kek mewfags
Consensus is that it's a good+ film with a shit+ ending.
Patricians think the ending is the best part, though.
feet / 10
>she will never massage your dick with her dirty feet
this. its a great fucking film from start till the last 10 minutes. its still worth a watch but i think if they ended it with the alien ship/poison cloud and then her driving off itd be fine. the weird monster and her molotoving the spaceship was fucking retarded.
everything inside the bunker was great and goodman delivers once again.
Is Sup Forums serious right now. How embarassing, this was shit.
Remove the Clover field branding and title and its solid throughout
>ywn have her greeting you on your bed after a long day at school
I loved everything up until the ending. As soon as the alien lands in the cornfield the movie goes to shit.
Also, MEW is way too cute. Goddamn.
>you will never see this smile when you discover her fucking a BBC
Cut the bullshit and post more MEW you fucks.
Kill yourself consensus faggot
fuck off reddit.
That's not the consensus. The consensus is it's a stupid movie. Not bad, just stupid.
Great but it should have ended when she said "Come on" when the ship flew by.
Great, well crafted, suspenseful thriller until the last fifteen minutes, when she escapes the bunker and the movie has no reason to continue. After that, it's like being bludgeoned over the head with a garbage bag full of CGI trash until you're forced to let it retroactively destroy your enjoyment of everything that came before it.
Still a solid flick on a rewatch if you turn it off when she escapes.
Started off good, then too slow in getting anywhere, and the supposed final delivery which was a poor MShyamalan style plot twist fell flat.
Atleast it hade a sweaty scantily clad MEW, but that was not enough to make it a good movie.
I remember it being fucking loud as hell in the theater during certain parts. Like when Goodman's character stabs his knife through the ventilation. Made me jump.
i got hard fantasizing about raping the girl in that room. the whole alien thign was stupid.
Fuck off
i liked the ending
Should have ended when she stands on top of the truck and sees the ufo