They remove swedes

>They remove swedes
>They remove gommies
>They remove russians

Can a cunt get more based?

Other urls found in this thread:

>remove swedes

We're basically East Swedes lad

T. Sven

>>They remove swedes
But Swedish is an official language and a mandatory subject at schools here


Fucking retard


Three of the worst acts possible. Each has made Finland worse and worse.

t. bönde



t. Cai Göran


t. Jukka-Pekka

Finland is just one of many Swedish inventions

Literally didnt remove any of those but was a vassal of both

But Finland didn't even exist during Swedish rule. This place was Österland or some shit.

Cucked by Sweden
Cucked by Russia
Only soviet subhumans granted them full independence
Literally a country without history
Never had empires
Too lazy to even fuck each other


finland as a country maybe
but not as a nation


Österland became Finland around the 17th century.

>tfw no Nordic empire


Cheer up swen, soon you'll be a north somalian kingdom instead.


Russians were fine with Jews ruling them for almost a century, you're the same kind of subhumans with no higher aspirations besides a roof over your head and food.

My excuse is bolshevik (kike revolution)
That's partially your fault too, amerimad
If jews didn't kill tsar Russians would BREED and conquer all of you, fags.

It continues to this day by the way, most of Russian oligarchy is made up of that group that shan't be named.

>they import shitskins
>they believe in communism
>they soon will be poorer than Poland or Estonia

Finns are brace soldiers. Too bad they didn't learn how to fuck to increase their population. How many finns will be alive in 150 years? Iceland-tier "alive"? Lmao

How is that our fault? We sent troops to help the tsar before we got bored and left.

But your empire was already in a downward spiral before the the bolsheviks took over

I'll just move to St Petersburg

The Tsar was deposed because he was an idiot, and the method of government was horrible. The bolsjevik revolution was waged against the provisional government which occured after the Tsar was thrown out.

More like 10 years. Stalin established dominance over the beta incels like Trotsky and Soviet Union was a Russian nationalist state after him.

>already in a downward spiral
Implying the bolsjeviks didn't save Russia, make the economy better than it ever had been, and made the nation greater in size and power than it had ever been in the past.

Nice bullshit you're spewing here swen, maybe, just maybe, I know history of my country better than you, ok?
Tsar was a pussy that he didn't kill all kikes in Russia.
Wouldn't recommend you that, full of finnic minorities and prostitutes. The town was repopulate twice in one century. Also shit weather

So where in Russia do I flee to? Sochi?

What will be left of the Russhits?

Some genes from your women in the Chechens?

Go to eastern Siberia and live with the Churkas and Chechens. Just pretend they are Somalians and you'll feel right at home.

Read if you can read.
Communism destroyed Russia culturally and economically. You swens are hell bent on communism. Or maybe you're just a nigger, who knows?

It won't make a difference. Much like anglos, russians are a bastard race who have been conquered so many times their blood is more rape baby than russian. What's one more generation of rape babies?

Sochi is nice. If you like multi-culti welcome to Moscow. Other places are decaying. Vladivostok is good too if you have money.

The collectivization policies, harsh urbanization and resettlement combined with agricultural policies practically grippled USSR's only real way to stabilize the economy and forced them to play with oil to stay alive until oil prices jumped in the end of 80s and with internal instability made the rotten structure collapse entirely.

Vladivostok looks really comfy.

>anglos are a bastard race who have been conquered so many times their blood is more rape baby than anglo

>t.butthurt province dweller
Saint-Petersburg is good, the weather is one and only flaw if you compare it to other places.

I smell a strong butthurt. Kikes, finns... who else would reply to me to complete the picture? Maybe estonians? ukrainians? Lol

Britons-->Romans---->Saxons-->Vikings--->Vikings several more times---->Normans(Who are just germans mixed with romans mixed with vikings yet again)

Despite Putins efforts, the average Russian woman has 1.4 children while minorities have 1.8 to 4.

No sign of this trend reversing ever.

No, just the eternal anglo-american

First bolsheviks took over, killed the best people in the city, the rest fled the country
And then Germans starved those who survived the purge
St. Petersburg was repopulated by local northern minorities (finnic meme nations)
Learn your own history, bellend

Putin is a subhuman who's not acting in favor of ethnic Russians. Commie government never left the parliament

St. Pete was a Karelian town before Russians decided to build a city there. It probably had more Finnic blood 100 years ago.

What then of say, the French?
Gauls-->Greeks-->Romans-->countless migrating tribes of varying ethnicity-->Franks-->Muslims-->Normans

>St. Pete was a Karelian

>Commie government never left the parliament

What did you expect when you first elected a former KGB agent as your prime minister.

The thing is, Pekka, you can't reclaim anything. You have to breed and fight for it, imposing your superior culture on others. If you had a population of at least 40 million people we could talk. And now you're dying faster than 90% nations in Europe.

>facts are we

Russian education. Tell me more about the Ancient Slavs of Karelia.

Everyone is a rape baby, everyone but abos.

Sure thing, "we" elected him. He was "put" there by "the family". (I.e. Eltsin aka alcoholic)

>Tell me more about the Ancient Slavs of Karelia.
Lol. Sorry but we just genocide fins in this land :^

>And now you're dying faster than 90% nations in Europe.

We're actually one of the few nations in still on positive when it comes to birth rates(Not by much tho). Russia certainly isn't anything to brag about when it comes to that.

Tell me more about my country. Finns have a higher birth rate than most of Europe and especially Slavs.

You wish. You're a mixed breed.

In 90% I included Russia. With the same ratio as of now we sure will outlive you. 5mln finns vs 100mln Russians go figure

>Finns lost rare-earth metals
This war worth it

Russia: 1.75
Finland: 1.71
According to google.

>mixing with finns

we can cope with less because, as Winter War showed us, one Finn equals to ten Russian """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
have fun with your 100€/month salary there, Ivan:^) no amount of will raise your IQ points

Russian Slavs west of Moscow have low birth rates. Northern and other Russians have far more Finnic and Tatar heritage and they can only destroy Slavs by breeding.

>no amount of will raise your IQ points
so rude

Have fun pretending you killed russians in that war, Pekkachu.

meme nation

Oh no, My Finlan thread has been invaded by Russians. Just like real life. Have you no shame?

kys faggot

>Have you no shame?
No. We come, we kill, we take.

Yeah I'm sure you feel like they are ethnic Slavs because you look like them but they aren't. Russians are mongrels.

judging by how abos look like I'd say rape is a good thing after all

>because you look like them
wtf man

Eh, threads about one country ending up about another is just as expectable as sun rising from the East.

>We come, we kill, we take.
You should add 'everything we touch turns to shit' to the end

Yeah, Polan is a great example.

>russians looks like tatars

Well which is he? I don't even dare to guess

>everything we touch turns to shit' to the end
Nah. Communism was a mistake. Sorry about it.

Which is he?

>I don't even dare to guess
stop this

Stop posting Mongolians and Turks to confuse us

>Navalny is of Russian and Ukrainian descent.[21] His father is from Zalissia, a village in Ivankiv Raion, Kiev Oblast, Ukraine

Suck my cock cuckball.

>Sorry about it
No need to apologize. It was you who suffered in the end, not us

>confuse us
maybe he looks like americans for you i dunno

>russians are not ukrainian, ukrainian not russian

Is dhis the binland dhread? :DDD

Reminder that Finland would look like this without r*ssian or sw*dish sabotage

Some Russians are Ukrainian

some ukrainians are russian

It sure is

>Be Stalin
>Be not wanting nothern capital get rekt in a possible war
>Just in case decide to invade binland
>And shift their border a bit further
>But first ask politely about it
>Gets rejected
>Mobilizes men among local nothern population to use as a cannon fodder
>Watch how finns kill other finns
>Border is safe now

78 years later
>We wuz warriors n shieeet
>We sure showed those russkies how's the boss (by giving them land?)

Such is life in Finland.

>The Soviet Union ostensibly sought to claim parts of Finnish territory, demanding—amongst other concessions—that Finland cede substantial border territories in exchange for land elsewhere, claiming security reasons, primarily the protection of Leningrad, which was only 32 km (20 mi) from the Finnish border,[28][29][30] at the end of a narrow finger of coastline about 15 km (9.3 mi) long by 5 km (3.1 mi) wide; most of the Finnish border was more than 50 km (31 mi) from Leningrad.[31][32] Finland refused and the USSR invaded the country.


Other way around. Slavs are not native to the soil of Russia but immigrated there from Ukraine and Belarus.

I'd like to remind that without hwangook's aggression, we would still be advanced superpower. Koreans are our real enemy