Nursing home or retirement community?
sopranos thread
Nursing home or retirement community?
sopranos thread
who /benni/ here
It was a nursing home. They all knew it was a nursing home.
season 1: retirement community
season 6: nursing home
you know Quasimodo predicted all this
kill yourself
>he's a bobby guy
bye rddit
/ / meme is fucking pathetic, you are fucking pathetic user
Where's the gabbagool?
This guy gets you lost in the woods and tells you to stop being cunty.
Your response????????
I'm fuckin' fodder for cartoonists now?!
Guy was an interior decorator
>heh heh
His house looked like shit
Paulies relationship with his ma was the most adorable thing ever
no more gabagool for you, doctah said its bad for you
*grabs ketchup portion*
>that episode where he murders one of his ma's friends at the RETIREMENT COMMUNITY
She was a malignant cunt
I used to think there was nothing to the fact that Tony reversed his position on this perennial question. It seemed a very on-the-nose attempt to show that Tony had not just labored under the stagnation of his life, but had actually regressed both in mind and spirit. Now I think he actually understood all along that the base and most primitive understanding of where he was placing his mother was in fact a nursing home. He just never wanted to admit it to himself and his expression of this truth is one of self-loathing and empty rage. Kind of similar to how in the series finale he doesn't remember what he said about family at the end of season 1. He did not consciously give up on the lie he was telling himself all along, he just forgot it.
her tits looked so fucking puffy in that scene
and her ass was fucking PH phat god damn, who can blame Coco
I noticed that as well.
Oh did I say muff I ment rough
is this considered an advertisement for cheerios? Did they have to pay them royalties?
south of the border
where the tuna fish play
Why would you want to know how to make scrambled eggs from a guy with a can of raid on his counter.
woah. thank goodness you told me it was a sopranos thread OP because i would never have guessed
> faggots who can't reset unless they have generals
Good response user. Not memeing, made me think.
rewatching for the first time since like 2008
just started season two, god, i forgot how fucking annoying janice and the tonys mom were
The ending gave me an existential crisis.
Nothing pissed me off more than the way Janice treated Svetlana, especially her two-facedness with Livia's house/funeral arrangements/records etc.
I know people like her and christ, they're vultures
seasons 2-4 are early 2000s comfy as fuc
Great post user and in light of this thread so far, it's an honor to be joined by men, and not faggot ass corn-holin' cocksuckers like OP. He should fuckin' die!
companies were falling over each other to get their products shown in the sopranos.
Tony was a rat.
>> faggots who can't reset unless they have generals
what did he mean by this?
Which Sopranos Goomah/sweetheart/wife was the best?
I liked Irina the best, I thought she was cute
What did he mean by this
kek tony was a fucking retard sometimes
Svetlana was based as fuck. I'd let her peg me desu
Would have grown up to be a rat, too.
Irina was qt as fuck, I think she was the only one who I was indifferent to. Hated the rest of Tony's goomars, especially Gloria I'm glad she killed herself.
Adriana was best
Not just the hottest but also loyal and non-psychotic.
>rat fuck to the FBI
let's not forget how short-sighted and utterly retarded she was at every turn
so who was tony actually referring to when he said captain teebs?
sopranos consistently has egregious product placement throughout the entire show. I forgive them though because it really is the most well written show of all time. and they at least kept the product placement believeable. americans eating cheerios ans drinking coke happened in every american home in the 90s
sopranos is simultaneously the best drama and best comedy of all time. I've never laughed so hard watching a show as I did at some of the humor in sopranos. Ralphie cracking open that soda and giggling whole sil beat the prostitute had me hysterical
svetlana was the chillest of the hoors
She never betrayed Chris to the FBI and had his best interests at heart. Keep in mind that Chris' lifestyle was killing him, and it indeed killed him
in one of the extra scenes chase said they didn't do product placement deals, they just showed stuff that they wanted to get for free, cause the companies would send it to their offices
>not "hoo-wers"
>I'd let her peg me desu
Fuck off fanook
Truly the greatest show of all time
Daily reminder that the game is actually pretty good and uses the characters really well.
Made me lol
sup ralphie
Can any other show even compete?
>its a character is being mean to another character scene
this was the last time they spoke on screen
>David Chase with grandpa glasses
post yfw we're with the vipers
>finds out she's not his real birth-mother and her sister had Paulie with a soldier
>despite this, she raised him and supported him through absolutely everything
>Paulie throws a shit-fit and disowns her when he finds out
Paulie was horrible to his ma
>Paulie was horrible to his ma
watch it ma
Shes the best aint she T
Are those gray hair wings natural?
I've never seen this happen irl. Maybe it's the Italian thing to go grey like that?
Yes , it's a Italian thing.can confirm
yes its an italian thing, the gabagool does this if you eat it for decades
Would this happen if I eat Italian pussy?
stay the fuck away from our women
how is the mafia situation actually in the USA?
is that still a significant issue? Or do they still exist but do stuff more behind the curtain, keeping violence to a minimum etc
they're not significant at all anymore
They say if you suck pussy you'll suck anything.
The best thing they could do is make you believe this.
Paulie eventually accepts her when he realises he has no-one else
Corrado, still mad about that woman telling everyone?
>turns into a fish
what did they mean by this?
sleeping with the fishes
It's an honor, in this thread, to be joined by MEN, not faggot-ass corn-holin' cocksuckers that married my cousin. He should fuckin' die.
It told you to keep your mouth shut you blabber mouth cunt.
We're anonymous
This guy was so showing to be so tough, but then died like a smug. It's all about the people that support you.
he was just breakin balls
>that crunch his skull made after being rolled over
How about that humidity?
cap de antibes
I hear that they're still running, but the overt crime they used to do is next to impossible with advancements in law enforcement. So everything is done quietly, and a lot of it is semi-legitimate stuff