Despair code

I know the kikes are pretty high up on the ladder of western civilization destroying culprits. But I can't help but feel there's something more to it. The policies kikes are blindly installing themselves will also lead to their demise.

Could it be aliens? Interdimensional beings? Hell... Maybe demons and Satan are real. Could they really be behind the curtain pulling the strings through human proxies?

And conspiracy bros out there got any theories?

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technology made white people feel like they don't have to try anymore

life is too easy

read up on the calhoun mice experiments, we're literally going through the same shit

>Despair code

Isn't this just an /x/ meme?


So basically we created a power vacuum?

A possibility but I also doubt that. What about all the rich and power hungry people surrounded by tech and fine living?

No one knows. Some /x/ poster claimed it was something to do with earth being controlled by beings who feed off our despair.

that's nuts! I must know more.

Do you know about Snowden? The guy who leaked the USA's documents?


Yes.. Good goy... Just a meme...

I have a theory. I am not certain I truly believe this theory, but I do find it somewhat plausible. Think about this.

Somewhere in the world, a person or group of people are playing a game. Perhaps the game began recently, or perhaps it has been going for thousands of years.

The object of the game is to force the events that will lead to the second coming of Christ into reality. Whatever is prophesied as being a precursor to these events would have to take place, such as a one world government, the mark of the beast being thrust onto the populace, etc etc. So the people playing the game work very diligently and dedicatedly, perhaps more so than any person you have ever met in your lifetime, towards making this happen.

They acquire wealth, they expand their presence and gain control of businesses, politicians, media outlets, etc etc. all while slowly moving pieces into a certain way that will bring about the prophecy leading to the biblical end times and second coming of Christ.

Please notice something, that disturbs me to the core. People do not act irrationally in this world of they can avoid doing so. Watch for any irrational behavior, such as president Obama making a declaration "I will cut all funding to schools that do not allow students to use the bathroom of their choice."

Why would a president do this? It makes no sense really, and is a blatant overreach of his appointed duties. Be on the looking for things that seem irrational and do not make sense. The true purpose is hidden from you.

In my fantasy theory, I often wonder why the people playing this game would want to bring about the end times. Perhaps they think to cheat God somehow?


Well in those documents it's documented that the Iranian intelligence agency believes the USA is being controlled by "tall white aliens".

Apparently they believe that they orchestrated ww2 And are now orchestrating another WW and are creating despair with their policies.

Basically they're just keeping humanity from advancing freely. They're putting all these road blocks and obstacles in front of us.

They're beings so different from us we can't understand them and they feed on our despair.

Personally I don't know what to believe. But most countries who are not controlled by the globalist banks believe the USA is being controlled by higher powers.

As does North Korea

Oh I completely understand. So much illogical civilization destroying stuff that can only lead us back to the dark ages is being forced upon us by the elite so one can only wonder what do they know that we don't?

Power vacuum how? Jews and Dirty Anglo Whites are at the top of society, they know that shit is unsustainable so they're just trying to live their lives while maintaining their high class lifestyles.

I'm talking about the baseline, average people have it way too easy. Welfare state, affirmative action, government loans, etc. really distorts markets and fucks with things.

North Korea is controlled by banks tho, they are billions in debt.

>USA is being controlled by "tall white aliens"
The world being controlled by one clicke of wealthy jews and some whites is even more racional than this.
This is some /x/-tier shit.


shut up

But what about the elite and their future generations? Surely they have a plan for their future offspring. And What about the not so wealthy upper middle class lawyers and doctors?


That they're in debt is a fact But they ain't paying.

>the """elite""" have hundreds or even a few thousand underground cities and bunkers with (cloned) sex slaves, gold, advanced technology, vaccines, etc. so they won't be negatively influenced by the collapse
>they want to kill off most of the population so that it is easier for them to rule a weak, dumbed down population.

They should.

Why are the rich and the jews blamed for everything? Perhaps there's a possibility that they are merely pawns used to hide something else? Just food for thought.

>dumbed down population
They are harder to control tho. More educated population the easier to control that's why Africa the stupidest place on earth is full of anarchy.

That's literally What I originally implied you mad cunt

Think about this, what would elitists who have everything gain from plunging the world into chaos and despair. What would the jews gain from controlling the world when they already have a place to call home. Why do most people spout the same bullshit without really questioning it?
Why don't you take heed toward different approaches of thought?

Incorrect. Niggers were slaves and the only people who freed them were semi-educated whites. Not the apes themselves.

My bad

No they're not. Niggers you just kill if they get uppity. White people are competition.

No, they're not. Niggers you just kill if they get uppity. White people are competition.

There is an actual movement of stupid fuckers that believe they can "force" the rapture. These same stupid fuckers have colluded with ((great allies)) and are basically useful idiots.

This is a real, fucking, verifiable thing. There are actually people who want to bring about the end of the world so they can get to heaven...sooner.

And they have power and money.

What if one or group of sadistic self destructive people with a lot of influence are behind the madness? If the world ignored you and you didn't actually involve yourself in the world, wouldn't apathy be easy? Wouldn't if be simple to toy with humanity as if they were below you just to be spiteful?

Because chaos gives them control.

They're weakening everyone around them, and playing them out against each other, so no one group will ever be strong enough to challenge them.

The same reason communists always destabilize societies before taking them over.

Isn't it a bit naive to assume you can have absolute control in chaos and disorder. I know order can exist in chaos as chaos can exist in order, but wouldn't you be screwing yourself over just to destroy social progress for the sake of power?

>wouldn't you be screwing yourself over just to destroy social progress for the sake of power

Basically, yes.

At later stages, after your power has solidified, it's possible to introduce stability. But only after you've gotten rid of all competition.

Why the fuck are you using a shadow person, that shit is just generic ghost/demon-tier, the alien shit is /x/ garbage.

I'm pretty sure someone with a basic level of common sense would realize that they would only be hurting themselves if they took that approach. Not jumping to conclusions here but i'm rathet certain that someone of prestige or high class would atleast be educated enough not to wreck civilization for the sake of power. Now someone without a care or hatred for humanity, that seems like a more probable possability.

Stability would never be achieved in that case. Humanitu has a natural inclination to be indifferent, it's probably why we've come so far. Not gonna lie, if world peace was attainable, I would gladly go out of my way to end it. It's like an instinct that prevents monotomy.

oy M8! Do you honestly know?

These are communist strategies, it's exactly what they spent last century doing to half the world.

Yuri Bezmenov's videos are a great introduction to this. They're on youtube.

Look up "Subversion and Control" in particular.

So do you believe that the people responsible for communism have demoralized nations around the globe and inserted their ideology into the minds of the manipulable masses?

You must not be white.


I get what you're saying man. Just look at Sup Forums posts.

>OP: 2+2=4
>user: no it doesn't faggot. With common core you take a 1 from a 2, so technically the answer can be three.
>350 replies of people arguing a simple verifiable fact anyone can prove in front of their eyes because of contrarian faggots

Humans always go against the current for some reason. Personally I wouldn't but you're right. The moment we achieve some white unity and peace there Will be a whole New bunch of cucks ready to destroy it.

Japan I agree with everything youre saying. Out curiosity are you white living in Japan or Japanese?

Yes. It's been going on for awhile, but really took off in the west during the (completely artificial) hippie movement in the 60s.

I'm on a vpn.



So even though the soviet union supposedly fell, we have still fallen victim to the communist way? Even though a fair amount of americans still won't listen to those types of ideologies?

This is a concept so simple even a capeshitter movie made for children touched on it.

The more intelligent a person is, the less empathy they have. Intelligence is directly correlated with seeing the world and humanity for what it is - a giant joke. All the order and civilizations that have sprung up during the age of man are unnatural perversions of the true way of the world.

Chaos and depravity are the only way the elites can be truly satisfied. That's why you see things like eyes wide shut or bohemian grove.

Am I gonna have to shut this thread down OP?

So you're white. Figures. The overwhelming majority of mongolids don't have the capacity to grasp such out of the box concepts.

As if you're not doing it with your slide

>how can whites even compete

Threads lol

Source of the documents please

I'm just a beeotch. I tried Reddit but didn't get how to navigate the site.

Exactly. McCarthy was absolutely right, hollywood and academia was infested with communists (still is).

People in general never made the connection because they didn't understand the destabilization phase.

Communism is like aids, it weakens your immune system and makes you susceptible to foreign invaders (Muslims).

Isn't attributing apathy to intelligence a rather one sided declaration? Just because someone is smart doesn't mean they will always or even commonly be inclined to view people like theirselves as an expendable animated sack of meat. And saying the world and humanity is merely a joke would be rather opinionated. As for elites being satisfied with chaos and depravity, are you yourself an elite? Do you have any legitimate evidence to support your spite filled accusation of the elite status?

But didn't communist nations try to prevent outsiders from coming in to maintain their way of life and didn't they also try to prevent people from leaving as well?

but wouldn't they get in hell for that?

Communists play out groups against each other, usually a weaker one against a stronger.

In Russia and China it was the working class, but there are other variants that use ethnic groups. Like what happened in Rhodesia.

But isn't communism about community and equality. If it was about playing groups against each other, how would the soviet union have lasted as long as it did?

That's some next level shit mate. Praise the Lord!

If there are only two major social classes in communist societies, couldn't the working class just eliminate the capitalists class from the very beginning?

All the marxist theories are just pipe dreams to lure in useful idiots. The final form is always a totalitarian police state ran by an oligarchy.

Soviet lasted because it reached the stable phase, shortly after the revolution.

What do you think their motivation is?

Surely it's not only the racial aspect, for someone to be as degenerate as the men promoting degeneracy there must be an external influence.

We, as temporal elements have the privilege of perceiving the reality in "time", therefore we have the opportunity to redeem our sins or to be excused by the natural doubt or historical context.

Lucifer didn't had that privilege and he knew god face to face, he knew how powerful he was, he knew who god actually was and he still betrayed him, that's the main deal with Lucifer, he was totally insane and immerse in his ego that he forgot his place.

He hates the humans because we are inferior and yet we are still given the privilege of perceiving the reality in time, he wants the fall of the human race over all things, he's jealous, he's the saddest begin in the creation.

That's why he doesn't deserves forgiveness, and God is an heterogeneous entity, he acts by the simplest of algorithms, yes yes-no no, he doesn't have prejudices, he doesn't have guilt nor malice, he's simply the most complex yet less intricate thing that exists.

The working class could never do it alone, they need financial support and brainpower from the communist leaders, who in their turn need the working class for numbers. It's a symbiosis.

But isn't that the final form of anyone government? America is a republic claiming to be democracy yet it has decayed into what you described to a certain degree, china is communist for the most part yet has ended up like that. I don't know about the eu, but from what i've heard it's the same way for the most part. And as far as I know, no country uses a pure form of any government but merely takes pieces from othet types. Perhaps the possibility of greed is the reason governments end up failing?

I think the problem lies within the learned helplessness. The working society has the capabilites to function alone but does not realize their potential therefore they rely on someone who claims to be the beholder of guidance or what is needed and that is where the problem begins.

The truth is always too much to handle, especially for people like you, regrettably. But, that's most people so don't take it personally.

What makes you think you know the truth?

Is it really that hard to accept people are stupid and incompetent?

Not the whole truth but more than what most people know. I don't think I'm any better though, infact my dream is to share this knowledge with everyone "one" day. The problem is people see only what they want to.

Can't teach a person who is unwilling to learn or at the very least listen.

America and EU are both being destabilized. They haven't yet reached the complete takeover stage, and the commies seem to be failing.

China has gone full circle and is becoming sorta normal.

The early stages of stabilization are always the worst, this is when they eliminate all their enemies and lock things down hard.

But who is to say that your truth in anymore valid then op's truth? How do you know that you truely know more than the average person?

>beings who feed off our despair

Fervent study and verification. I have quite a lot of evidence, but nothing that would dispel all disbelief.

But it doesn't matter what I think only what is the undeniable truth.

there's nothing mysterious about any of it. religion used to unite western people and gave them a common language and purpose. now that materialism rules the day, elites see themselves as no longer beholden to any higher ethic or noble calling and given their influence on society their debased metaphysic cannot but also debase society at large.

I'm not a Christian man. I was raised Anglican and went to Catholic school but feel out of the faith with age.

There's one thing about the bible that has always kept the idea of Christianity being a reality at the back of my mind and that's revelation.

So much of the stuff written in there seems like the exact thing the globalist Jews plan to have this planet go towards with world "peace" mark of the beast, one system and one religion.

Every day the world creeps closer and closer to that eventual end goal of an Israeli controlled world government that I keep finding myself remembering prophecy written in the bible.

Like this user said it seems the elite want the prophecy to come true so even if Christianity isn't real they sure as fuck believe it is.

So you know for sure that you evidence is legitimate and that there is not a possibility that you have studied something with no merit at all?

You're definitely on the right path. But, it goes much deeper than that, much, much deeper.

Despair you say?

Too much collaborating it all, to such a eerie degree that I couldn't ignore it all without admitting that I don't want the truth, just a convenient lie or denial.

But, that isn't true I want the truth and nothing but the truth. Which look for the truth and you will find it, it will set you free.

Someone else got the message.

yes satan

Basically you can call a coincidence, a coincidence for only so long. There's a lot of other stuff as well. But, are you curious about anything? I may be able to answer it.

Who is to say that there even is a singular truth. Who is to say that the truth is the evanescent lie which we cannot accept?

Well the truth is relevant to those who want it, embrace it. Remarkably it's relative, but again this discussion is getting us nowhere. If you would like do you have any questions? Otherwise my attention is too divided at the moment, and I would rather focus it elsewhere.

I'm curious. Give me a hint.


Personally i'd like to know what this grand truth you speak of is, but if it's too much trouble, i'll understand.

>maybe demons and satan are real

NOW you are on the right path.

How exactly is there proof of demons and Satan?

Well, how can I put this?

The universe is split in two spectrums Chaos and Order, which then gave birth to Evil and Good. Sound and color permeate the very fabric of reality. Each color, a sound and spectrum. These spectrums represent a higher being, a God, is what most would describe it as.

They have many names and believe me they're sentient (But have a limited influence, or power outside of their own domain). They're Gods, Dragons, Angels, Fallen Angels, ironically they're even Planetary Bodies. They are multi-faceted, and unbelievably powerful.

To further elaborate everything has an origin sometimes those origins are different from others. Think of it like this, an all-powerful singularity made of light, or raw will or influence that has many individual rays like the sun.

Each ray is different and represents something differently. This ray stretches towards infinity, really we're living in an extra-dimensional reality with multiple versions of ourselves experiencing multiple realities.

But isn't the concept of good and evil subjective? As for sound and spectrum, are the scientific explanations for them a lie? As for chaos and order, can you even achieve absolute chaos or order?

Isn't origin a paradox in a way? No matter how far you trace an origin, you will eventually reach a dead end with an origin you can neither confirm or deny came from anything.