So when is his TV show coming back?
So when is his TV show coming back?
Right after The Boondocks
As soon as the white supremacist patriarchy that is stopping people from caring about him has been toppled
Literally who?
I'll be his scriptwriter.
when he learns how to deliver a joke
I like Larry, but it was a crappy show. He's a good writer but I don't think he's the right guy to host a talk show
The panel format worked , just a little rough and also too short for everyone to get a point in.
>heheh just an old spy here
The panels were usually the worst part, he doesn't really lead the conversation or keep them on topic. His monologues weren't bad, from what I saw.
His White House correspondents dinner roast has some great lines but it could have been GOAT if his jokes where delivered well. He's got good ideas but his execution is very hit or miss
He's been a pretty successful comedy writer for a long time, it just doesn't seem to work quite as well when he's the one reading the lines.
Bernie Mac show was GOAT
Didn't he call Obama a nigger?
Like, "my" nigger, but he still called Obama a nigger.
After he recovers from the ass pain Milo gave him tonight
It was more "nigga"
But yes
This is what Sup Forumscucks actually believe.
That faggot got fucked in the ass by two black guys tonight. (Not the first time this has happened btw)
>Get called low iq
I think he said, "You nigger."
The 20 minute tirade about Obama's Kenyan origins was a little much 2bh. I mean sure, we all know it's true, but to say it when he's sitting right there?
is that morpheus?
Hopefully never, it was one of the worst comedic news shows. Scratch that it was THE worst comedy news.
All those comedy news shows swing left, which I have gotten used to.
I fucking LOVE the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Colbert Report, and in my opinion, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is the best of them and the only good one still on tv today.
And if you're gonna do a race-baiting "blame whitey" show, a bit more subtlety is needed or else it is unwatchably bad. Trever Noah has this subtlety. Larry Wilmore does not.
HOWEVER, I did like Larry Wilmore's bits on the REAL Daily Show (with John Stewart).
His show is crap. I can put up with the leftist bent of funny news and hear about some things I otherwise wouldn't know about, laugh at the good jokes (Colbert, Oliver, and Stewart were usually funny regardless of political orientation). But 30 minutes of race baiting is too much...
>Hahahaha Milo got btfo xD
Willmore graduated from College and I don't know who the black CIA guy was, but he obviously has to be smart to be in the CIA.
Typical Sup Forums response is calling black people low IQ when you start to lose an argument. He got BTFO.
>Graduated college
>Only response to being told he was dumb was to scream "fuck you"
Really winning the argument.
>le russians ate my homework
Milo just openly insulted them because he didn't like what they were saying. "Fuck you" is a perfectly reasonable response since Milo didn't want to discuss things intelligently.
nobody is buying that m8. not from this show or the last show.
You are dumb
>bu-bu-but the russians
>start to lose an argument
kek he wasn't even in an argument. Maher pussed out before he could start anything, then after the show he called them idiots for ranting about a Russian conspiracy that they have no proof of.
>wi-wi-wi-wikileaks is fa-fa-fake gu-gu-guys
>Be a "comedian"
>Form an entire career out of taking jabs at people
>Get a taste of banter
>Reduce yourself down to just plain insults in response
This is why he's not on fucking TV anymore.
Huh? If a degenerate faggot dismissed you and said you were stupid you'd say a lot worse than that surely.
>Hacker leaks Hillary Clinton and DNC emails with a Russian IP
>Trump's National Security Advisor was caught on record talking to Russian Government and had to resign because he was caught
>Other records show Trump's administration
was caught talking with Russian officials.
>Trump sucking Putin's dick any chance he gets to do so in an interview.
"Hurr durr where are the proofs libcucks."
Not if I wanted to win the argument.
There are a few ways to handle ad hom, abd one of the ways you fucking don't, is by doubling down. Just brings you down to their level.
>Trump's National Security Advisor was caught on record talking to Russian Government and had to resign because he was caught
Why does this matter again? Why does it matter that he was talking to them?
That's the thing, jabs and insults are supposed to be fun and playful. Leslie-Lover and New James Bond were legitimately pissed, which is the point of failure for a comedian.
Because it's the 1980s, and the Cold War is still on. Red Dawn literally just came out in theaters yesterday.
You didnt read any updates on that story did you? The "talking with russians" consisted of Flyyn saying "we can talk about that later". YOu didnt look into the fbi investigation on it at all did you? You dont realize they found "no evidence of any wrong doing" unlike with Hilarys emails where they said she broke the law but "had no intent to" so she wasnt charged.
You really are mentally retarded arnt you?
why is talking to the russians a bad thing
>Hacker was Russian, must be the Kremlin
>More talking
>Trump wanting amicable relations with a fellow superpower
I concede, Trump must be impeached
What's the show? Racebaiter and friends?
>after i told him trump will kill his parents
what the fuck am i reading
can we just a civil war and get it over with?
Jesus christ liberals are cancer.
sjws don't know how to do anything other than double down, except perhaps how to lie or project their own bad character onto others
Kek, this is like that simpsons episode where homer scares bart before going to sleep.
>Have to be smart to work for the cia
>Russia military shoots down planes and they invade countries trying to annex them.
>USA, EU, NATO place sanctions on Russia telling them to stop fucking around (since earth cannot sustain a nuclear war.)
>Drumpf decides to run for President
>Drumpf's administration is confirmed to have been in talks with Russia before and during the election
>Putin (a former KGB spy) has his hackers manipulate the election (100% confirmed a Russian hacker(s) was responsible for the leaks)
>Drumpf becomes President
>Drumpf's team gets caught for talking to Russia
>It's literally illegal for a US citizen who is running for office to communicate with a foreign government discussing laws before officially entering office.
>General Flynn gets caught discussing sanctions and "We'll talk about the other things later." prior to even getting into office.
"W-what's the problem here libcucks? Trump did nothing wrong."
Not arguments
[citation needed]: the post
>Buttmad that Russians with no proven links to the government let the American people know Hillary is a terrible person
>Anal-pained that Trump & crew showed up to work early
Why are you so upset?
The future of America is wonderful
>lets keep it a hundred
cant fucking believe he said this shit on maher
>dude saudi influence is fine but fuck russia XDDDD
Russia is a third world a big cold abundant shithole filled with poor drunken slavs.
You're honestly trying to say that just one rouge hacker that wasn't financial support and with no motive decided to hack Hillary Clinton and the DNC emails just for the lulz?
>You're honestly trying to say that just one rouge hacker that wasn't financial support and with no motive decided to hack Hillary Clinton and the DNC emails just for the lulz?
Yeah, that literally sounds like something a person who browses this site would try and pull.
You're not helping your argument.
the us has totally never done anything like russia ever
Then why doesn't Russia try to find this hacker and arrest this guy then hand him over to the USA?
Are Drumpfkins really this fucking delusional?
>You're honestly trying to say that just one rouge hacker that wasn't financial support and with no motive decided to hack Hillary Clinton and the DNC emails just for the lulz?
cuz that never happens
He was behind seven proxies.
Unironically the hacker(s) had VPN's and Proxies set up, but the FBI and CIA still narrowed the hacker(s) down and they had a Russian IP address.
>tell a kid his parents are going to die
>he gets scared
who was in the wrong here
And they're not naming names?
>just for the lulz?
You have little faith in mankind, my good Larry.
Worry not, for this humble site shall show you the light
When will the intolerant right stop its anti semitism and homophobia and anti immigrant ways?
>Trever Noah has this subtlety.
Does he? He said racist liberals told him to go back to Africa and blamed them for his low ratings. That seems pretty overt.