Was he a hero, Sup Forums?

Was he a hero, Sup Forums?

Was he a real human being?

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My hands are a little dirty


deciding what to watch right now
is this good?

Just watched it - it's a bit art-house, the post production effects are a little weak, but it's an experience, and very explosive.


For you

One of the most over-hyped I've ever seen. After being hyped by hipster art-fags (and my hipster gf at the time), which seemed pretty strange for a "courier" type film. I saw it.

I can literally remember that I saw it and that's about it. I remember that is was completely forgettable. And I couldn't tell you a damn thing about any of the details.

>Can't remember the tense dialog with a focus on what's not being said
>Can't remember the protagonist/love interest feeling hopelessly separated to the song 'under your spell'
>Can't remember the tense opening scene, just /waiting/ for the heist to end
>Can't remember a guy getting his fucking head stomped in

I don't know user, maybe you're just bad at movies.

Was getting stabbed to death part of your plan?

Weird that even though it's arthousey, it was distributed by a mainstream company in the states

that's a lovely song


>to death

Nigga what? He doesn't die in the end.

yes he does

No, he doesn't.

yes, he fought for all of us

yes he does go watch the film you stupid faggot he bleeds out... it only shows him driving as some symbolic faggot shit

Not him but that romance felt completely unnatural to me from start to finish.

>m-muh symbolism

Fuck off you little cunt. Driving off into the night has never been used to imply that a character dies.

So am I

he was a real character

how do I become the Driver ? I want to be l i t e r a l l y him

Get fit. Live in Los Angeles. Wear a jacket over a plain t-shirt. Get a good looking 2-door car. Drive around at night while listening to synthwave.

That's literally it senpai.

There's nothing "art-house" about it. It's basically a pulp thriller.

You have an IQ less than a negro if you think that the driver lives.

Go get raped by your dad.

You forgot the part about robbing stores.

Do you have proof that he does live? Because I certainly don't.

>do you have proof that he does live
there is no proof, the movie shows him die faggot

No it doesn't you complete fucking moron. It shoes him driving off into the night. That's it, it doesn't show him dying because he doesn't fucking die.

It's an open ending you imbeciles. None of the outcomes are confirmed.

It's up to you

It's not open ended. You faggots can't even understand a shitty eurocuck's 80s action movie rip off

You're both fucking retarded. It's not open ended, and he doesn't die.

He survives the fight and drives off and away to a different city because he knows as long as he's in Los Angeles, there's a chance the girl he loves (and her son) will be harmed.

He literally fucking said that he'd be leaving in the movie.

Get this into your thick skulls, he doesn't fucking die.

Well actually the fact that theres a sequel to the novel, 'driven', suggests very heavily to me that he's still alive.

go suck your daddy's dick and fuck off faggot. HE FUCKING DIES. ITS NOT OPEN ENDED.

Your IQ is so fucking low that you can't understand that he was bleeding out when he was driving into the night. he was fucking dead. It shows that he never left the parking lot. Holy fuck, Americans are so fucking stupid. You don't even deserve fucking fresh air. You should be gassed for your stupidity.

>the novel
fuck off somewhere else and talk about a book nobody reads. This is for film discussion. In the movie he fucking dies. End of story.

You seem upset

>Driven is the sequel to Drive, now also an award-winning film. As we exit the initial novel, Driver has killed Bernie Rose, “the only one he ever mourned,” ending his campaign against those who double-crossed him. Driven tells how that young man, done with killing, later will become the one who goes down “at 3 a.m. on a clear, cool morning in a Tijuana bar.” Seven years have passed. Driver has left the old life, become Paul West, and founded a successful business back in Phoenix. Walking down the street one day, he and his fiancee are attacked by two men and, while Driver dispatches both, his fiancee is killed. Sinking back into anonymity, aided by his friend Felix, an ex-gangbanger and Desert Storm vet, Driver retreats, but finds that his past stalks him and will not stop. He has to turn and face it.
Nah I'm pretty sure he's dead.

Rewatch the fucking movie you idiot, he's clearly driving on the road, and is just fine.


He lives dude.

He's fucking dead. They did that so they could play the bad soundtrack for you faggot. His eyes didn't even blink.

Drive is Reddit, Nightcrawler is 4ch k1no

First he doesn't leave the car park, next it's so they can play the song? Make up your mind with your lies, retard.

He's not blinking so that he can get his eyes watery to make it look like he's going to cry because of how sad he is for having to leave behind the girl he loves.

He is clearly alive enough to control the car.

i think even reddit would make fun of this fedoric movie. lmao and you faggots on Sup Forums actually think you're better than them. i mean the average redditors taste in movies is basically imdb top 250, but good god i'd rather discuss what they think is good movies than the shit you faggots here call "kino" hahahahaha

Sup Forums = 15 year old tastes

lol you didn't even know he left the parking lot

Also get some moisture in your eyes and stop blinking every 2 seconds.

I feel bad for people who go in super hyped after hearing about it a lot around here.

I watched it on a plane a few years ago on a whim and loved it. No hype or anything, just went in blind.

I knew he left the parking lot in the fantasy dream like vision of him driving into the night before the credits.

BEFORE this it shows him bleeding out and dead. He's dead. Go cry about it faggot. He never fucking loved the cunt, he just felt bad he cucked the spic husband.

Every time I watch a movie now, any time something happens that could even remotely paint the rest of the movie as a dream as the main character dies I get fucking pissed because some fucking retard like you will run with it.

You have it the other way around, low IQ autistic negroid non-white faggots like you don't understand the hint that HES FUCKING DEAD

Listen, Satan. Not everything has some deeper meaning or alternative perspective. He got stabbed and drove away. The director said he'd love to use him again in a future movie as a side character.

Nice. Fucking. Trips!

What you don't understand is he's sitting there contemplating if it's even worth moving forward. Should he bleed out now and take the easy way out? Should he continue living looking back over his shoulder for the rest of his life? One option had hope and potential so he chose it.

Rewatch the fucking ending dickhead.

If the scene with the fight ended with him just laying his head back and his eyes closed, THEN it went back to him driving at night then it would have been believable that he died and that your retarded dream theory could be true.

But he opens his eyes up again and he starts the fucking car. He is alive. This ties in with what said.

Stop being so fucking autistic already and just admit that you were wrong.

Because of this i believed only god forgives would be good and it wasnt so i wont even bother with neon demon

He opens his eyes because that's the beginning of the NONE REALITY SCENE. You stupid faggots Honestly when this movie came out, NOBODY believed he lived. EVERYBODY understood he was fucking dead. This is the first conversation I've ever had with anybody that thinks he fucking lived. That's how fucking wrong you are.

Just give up already.

Watched this movie after my sister went on about how much she loved it.*

I liked the character. He's relatable in how awkward he is and I liked the chemistry between him and the love interest.
I liked the slow pacing, the music, and the overall feel of the movie.
I didn't much care for the plot. I felt like the heist angle was unnecessary as was the action. No one remembers those scenes, they only remember the interactions between the characters and ultimately the final sequence made me realize this tried really hard to be Taxi Driver: Post-modern 80's Aesthetic Edition.

Love that fucking song though.

*Ryan Gosling. She likes this movie because Ryan Gosling.

he's dead

>he doesn't remember the lift scene or the hammer scene