Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


The guy that beat her obviously, no one else.

>citizens tax dollars has been going to bullshit like this x 1000000 for years

Thanks Don!

>illegal immigrant is getting abused by her boyfriend
>arrest her and deport her
>no longer getting abused
ICE literally saving domestic abuse victims.

bad hombres

If you looked it up you would know the "abuse victim" has been arrested six times

What else would they do? Most of these people probably slap their women around and if you somehow exempt them from deportation there's gonna be a whole lot of bruised up Consuelas who figured out their meal ticket

Deporting the illegals won't work. They'll just hop over the fence/wall/whatever.

The correct thing to do is to arrest anyone who knowingly employs them, charge them with treason, and potentially expropriate their property.

Young women desire "bad boys". This is how it's been. This is how it will be. Get used to it.

Many, perhaps even a majority of young women, crave mystique. They prefer the allure of danger, of the unexpected. They desire men who'll take them to places unexplored, both physically AND sexually (and perhaps also spiritually.)

Young women do not pine for a man who can not provide these thrills. "Stable," "caring" & "providing" are terms that simply do not stir their loins, to coin a phrase. Such men do not excite a young woman in a primal sense, as they do not possess the attributes needed to make a young woman feel like she's the centre of attention, the central character in a grand, sweeping epic of romance and mystery. Maintaining a budget and washing dishes after dinner are no substitute for a myriad of tattoos and a rap sheet as long as one's forearm.

These men are, in many if not a majority of cases, put "on reserve" for later, when a woman is ready to settle down, become "serious" and begin the process of having children.

This is why battered women deserve it, and this is why ICE needs to toss her out. She's too stupid to be here.

Just wait for THE WALL to be built.


deported 6 times already actually

t. illegal not paying taxes

How does this relate to "Television & Film"?

why do you care? you don't pay taxes.

Maybe he's just taking after the commander in chief

>Who was in the wrong here?

Everyone who voted for this buffoon. He is a fucking embarrassment to America.

>that punchline

trump shilling is Sup Forums related. he was on tv

The abuser and the illegal immigrant.
Seems pretty straightforward.

>Sup Forums WILL defend this

Nah, wall will do fine.

Does he have a biggun'?

>China built a wall over a billion years ago
>still no Mongol horde taking Chinese jobs and shitting up the place

no i wont wtf is your problem dude

>arrested a transgender
That's enough to get deported, desu senpai

or kill them
