
british SS edition

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fucking finally


hi lads i'm from the government I hear some of you have some promising ideas about preventing terror attacks, and we could really use a hand right now

most white males have small penises when flaccid but gets really big when erect.
black males are typically thought to have large cocks but they don't really have THAT much larger cocks on average, they do have bigger dicks but not by much. It's the fact that when flaccid black male penises are nearly the same size as when they are erect. They can be 6 inches flaccid but will only grow an extra inch when erect.
t. massively degenerate homosexual that fucks a lot of black males

why the fuck did I read this entire post?

guys we need to keep the ozzy from killing himself

donut start this shit again you're an boring cunt

kill all terrorists (right-wingers) before they make the innocent muslims bomb another subway.

redpill me on the bitch pen phenomenon


To start off with, you can buy and read CBT For Dummies and there are shitloads of online resources too (moodgym is excellent). But the basics of CBT is first establishing what these maladaptive thought patterns that reoccur in response to stress are. For example: gf isn't talking to me for the whole day > gf is probably talking to another man > it must be because inadequate > I'm broken > I hate myself. They typically follow a theme and are destructive in nature, albeit familiar and comfortable.

Then you must habitually replace these with more realistic and rational patterns of thought. My example scenario could be quickly resolved by thinking something along the lines of "Ah, she must be very busy" or "Her phone is probably dead" - that kind of thing instead of spiralling into a pattern of though that just creates endless anxiety and stress.

>preventing terror attacks
bit racist

deporting all muslims would be a start

legalise anime

mixing whizz and charlie wasnt a good idea

just got a headache

what a shit fucking weekend, fuck

Any /100%EuropeanMasterRace/ man in?

sold sweaty socks to a bender with a foot fetish once

red pill me on Launceston. the girl im smitten with is from there

Nah i'm asian my man.

free money for the poor

cbt/ballbusting makes me make cummies

part and parcel

inb4 le funny epic unoriginal reddit maymay of cock n ball torture

skeg makes my belly hurt

Sorry lad you tested 6% iberian and 7% greek. Shall not be allowing you in the ethnostate.

I feel sorry for the guy who made a thread after mine and was too late :(
how do I delete this thread lads? He just wanted to make a thread for the aussie, good lad

you say you cured you're problems but you're still a right sour cunt eh.

Feeling a bit depressed lads not gonna lie. Two of the GF broke up with me over two weeks. ND I can't see the third GF (nurse married to a yank) until next Friday. Even for an international mack, two break ups in two weeks feels bad.nd still feel bad.

Not that user but thanks, this is a useful post. I've been doing a bit of mindfulness meditation and it seems like a similar kind of tactic, to consciously observe your thoughts.

is Prosecco nice

Thing is I just feel anxious, very rarely can I replace thoughts because its either someone is just being a cunt to me or I'm just scared of walking out the house because I'll be outside


me in the white car, normies in the van

how do you meditate

i try the focusing on nostrils thing, but my mind still spams me with shit

I hate motorways, too scary


The Iberian comes from British people though. Most Brits have Basque DNA, Britain is something like 50 percent celtic and the celts from this island come from iberia. the Greek one is from Thracia and thracians had red hair. Greeks also brought us democracy

we have the safest roads in the world lad stop being such a puss

when are iwantclips going to take bitcoin

prefer not to say

thats a mental illness not a fetish

uhhhhh why dont we uhhhhhhhhhh just be nice to eachother?

Take in more refugees from North African countries that are currently ISIL strongholds

nice paranoia, I'm not that guy. sorry for being a fick
essential chavette core

ruddy hell, it's soft cell

luftrausers is too hard

otherwise i'll feel bad

*commits suicide*

found a picture of the china spammer

>"Ah, she must be very busy" or "Her phone is probably dead"
She's most likely getting railed by another man while doing cocaine. Being a healthy individual is being okay with the worst case scenario and being able to acquire more girls, not lying to yourself.

when I look at this image all I want is for her to stomp on my balls and then let me cum on her arse
its only natural

gotta clean my room but have literally no motivtion whatsoevr.

Ahaha. No.



you'll get over it

bit gay

Only for british boys!

get some speed, you'll clean for days

>he's here


organise a concert with radiohead, u2, bruce springsteen, bjork, peter gabriel, kate bush and andy partridge from xtc all performing an original song together and this should save the world and create global peace via the power of music

i see no other option

fuck wypipo

send em all back haha

build more new towns

It always makes me feel good to see the degeneracy that people are into. I shouldn't be too hard on myself tbqh. Everything is relative.


Howling at the utter projection in this post.
Has there ever been a more ironic set of posts?

easier to get into it when you start
easier to start when you close your Sup Forums tab(s)

he's already gone mate
nowt we can do
it happens

Shan't be replying to Photoshop fags

Deport all Poles, they're the real terrorist, EU told me that.

I'am less of a bender than your king

There is two things, i feel exhausted and secondly there is not really a way that I can clean it which will stop it from getting dirty again.

feels a bit pointless.

would you rather be gay
or a balding arab nonce who needs to go to thailand to 'pick up' underage hookers

shit taste, looks like a fucking horse with a human mask on. also a bit down-syndrome. let me guess, she's turkish or persian?


>he's here

went to watch It and some chavs were there
dont think they enjoyed it

>there is not really a way that I can clean it which will stop it from getting dirty again
huh? how?

Alan is both lmao he was in here last week defending aids and hiv

wouldnt have to deal with women at all that way seems ideal
as it is i'm completely fucked
resemblance to an egg is uncanny, always shocks me

>anglo texan

The missus went out with her friend Adam the other night and brought me a bottle of lube when she came back in the morning. It's really taken my wank sessions to the next level.



Not with that big nose of hers she's not, most defo semitic

>thats a mental illness not a fetish

the so called white race

Meditation is a fairly similar in principle because you can clear up the mental chatter which leads to anxiety. It's not that hard to see why mindfulness is often mentioned with CBT (which is most certainly a meme) but the main difference is that CBT works to retrain your thought process, like a sort of self-reprogramming. Plus it actually makes a tangible difference almost immediately and is far less vague than mindfulness.

Fuck Donald drumpf and fuck wypipo

We'll yeah, I replied because I relate. And my procedure in this case is assume the worst (i.e. she's sucking another cock) and acquire more GFs (already have a couple of romantic dates lined up). It's not uncommon for them to text me afterwards, only then am I like 'ah yes she was really busy' and I end up with more GFs. Doing it the other way around has more downsides than upsides.

lel this is a spitting image of
>having a Sup Forums folder
>owning reaction images
>naming your images

>not fedora neckbeard tier

large noses aren't unique to a particular ethnic group

Happening in Fulham






that's a filthy yid slovakrorke
thought you off all people would be good at spotting them

>he hasn't taken a 10 days vipassana retreat in order to learn proper meditation


everywhere i go

i see the same ho