Is it blue pilled?

Is it blue pilled?

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Yes it has liberal values

Literal shit tier movie.

> Drugs turn predators into killers

Oh and

> The predators are being drugged by bad guys

What does this all mean?

Stereotypes email exist to reinforce the normal behaviour of that group quickly. We generalise instead of individualise because groups generally act in certain ways.

Used car salesman are shifty .

Nigs be nigs.

Women are always left leaning slust, except my 3d waifu.

Trans things are faggots.

Leaf be shit posters

And.... Indian can't poo in the loo

But really this thread is kill and so are you.

Well, Sup Forums, who would you rather fuck, Judy Hopps or Elsa?


Preds dindu nuiffin the'd be goud bois

It was insidiously blue-pilled. Hidden under layers of cute animals are pervasive fallacies to make people think predators (visible minorities, 10% of the population) are just like prey (whites 90% of the population) and there are no differences at all in their behavior and that there's just jerk prey and jerk predators because they're jerks, not because that there are biological factors at play. The movie enforces this in overwhelming ways with the main plot of the poison plants at 100% fault. Furthermore, the real bad guys are the prey, showing that the 90% majority whites want to keep the minorities down. The main characters flirt constantly, and it is portrayed as perfectly normal and just "good chemistry between characters", while subconsciously showing that race-mixing is fine in every way.

I have to say it was pretty much a masterpiece, and I actually respect it for how brilliantly it pulls off the hidden messages.

Despite how I don't agree with the movie, I still like it because it was funny and I would a Hopps.

Near the start of the film there's a baby fox who wears an elephant head mask. The adult fox describes to the rabbit how "haha he wants to be an elephant when he grows up". Obviously this is ludicrous, the baby is a fox and simply cannot change into an elephant. However the rabbit replies, " yeah you can be whatever you want to be", "just believe in yourself" etc.

The whole scene, I think, relates to transgenderism and gender identity and the nonsense of everyone deserving to be whatever they feel like while denying the scientifical reality of the situation.

Angry birds movie was better

Also, the "baby fox" is a fennec fox, and not even the same kind of fox as the "father", showing that cuck dad is raising another fox's child, and that is perfectly good and normal, even praiseworthy.

Zootopia came out over three months ago, why are you faggots still posting daily threads about it outside Sup Forums?

Maybe but was a good movie.


>mfw all you idiots missed the REAL message of Zootopia

Lion Mayor = President Trump
Sheep = Bureaucrat jews

Lion thinks the sheep works for him
Sheep has its own agenda and gets the lion in jail
Sheep wants to create an enemy to gain and keep power/control
Targets a type/race
Uses a blue flower to awaken the "savagery" (radicalize) (opium, read about afghanistan)

The kikes will make Trump think he's in control, they will scheme to feed the jihadis and create more of them (like they have with cooperation from previous US administration), they will make Trump take the fall, instill fear in the public to make themselves look like the best option to turn to

I liked the movie. I would have prefered to see the original movie, in which Nick was the protagonist and predators were 2nd class citizens, but the final one was great the way it was.

It's pretty blue pilled, yeah

No. Zootopia is actually quite red pilled.

Red pilled rabbit waifus.

The message I got from it is that people can be biologically different but that they can overcome it if you give them enough support, which is true in a lot of cases and goes against the PC consensus that everyone is fundamentally the same.

It's kid's movie about bias, self-confidence and hypocrisy.
It's neither blue or redpilled.

This. It used politics in the story so people immediately want to find a message within it. I didn't see political view bias one way or the other.



Post more rabbit

I didn't bother with finding connections to the real world and simply saw the movie as is.

And I hate deeming quality animated movies as "kid movies".

Holy fuck dude

germanics are hilarious

If that's the message some people truly got from that scene they're fucking retarded, especially given how the following scenes play out.

>baby fox
but he's not a baby, he's an adult scam artist pretending to be a baby
and he doesn't want to be an elephant, he's a scam artist pretending to want to be an elephant

they didn't get rid of those flowers that make predators act natural
sequel soon?


Blue pilled doesnt cut it, degenerate propaganda is appropriate.

judy hopps.
legalize love.

I just realized
I'm a lost cause
weep not for me I lead a fulfilling degenerate life
see you at the gallows

Dumb Sup Forumslacks will tellyou some bullshit on how it's some liberal shit movie that encourages furries or whatever stupid shit. I think it contains a few libertarian critiques of society and the PC narrative and government.

The whole movie is about a naive bunny finding out the stark truth of the society she lives in, in which criminals "happen" to be severely determined by biology, much to the citizens dismay.

For more:

Does anyone know how to calculate taxes of a point break analysis?
I'm in a big pickle with this one, so help is much appreciated.