>be American
>get deep fried
Be American
lol, at least the Mormons die first, and if they survive, choke on ash.
>tfw Mississippi
Haha, I'm safe!
Also, Cali is very barely safe.
>killing our food production
We are all fucked
kentucky is alright
that's where the chicken comes from
i think this would affect the whole world for the worst, not just us.
And what do we feed the chickens? Corn from the midwest
>Yellowstone eruption would literally kill 50% of Mormons
>No Texas
>No California
>No entire eastern seaboard
>No South
Easily 80%+ of the United States lives outside those zones.
You can now feed them lentil from Washington and Oregon
>not an ally of based Mormons
We would have nothing to eat though.
Only Floridians will survive.
Florida Man will repopulate the country.
Git ready.
>western Washington
>literally barely missing where I live
Wew lad
>you will never be a north american stalker
All you brain dead morons don't realize the actual effects. It wouldn't just kill people you morons.
Also just because you're not in the circle doesn't mean you won't get ash as well it's dependant on wind conditions of when it occurs.
>fly over country
wew, almost thought you were talking about something important
depending on which way the wind is blowing it actually could turn out to be a good thing
As he chokes his waterways to death on toxic algae blooms.
Oh yes, teach my your ways of thriving off nature.
They need to update that fucking pic.
If yellowstone goes off the san andreas fault line will completely fuck up California, talking richter scale 10 earthquakes that last for days on end.
Also there is another one in the PNW which would turn I5 into a grand canyon all along Washington and Oregon.
Funny how that is always overlooked.
I would rather die in the ash/lava in Wyoming then deal with that west coast shit.
You do make a point, seeing as how the massive quakes will completely fuck up the entire west coast of North America.
That's just less mouths to feed, I'll be ok
>he doesn't know where food comes from
Joke's on you, for the next century the blast continent would be the MOST fertile soil on EARTH. We're talking quadruple yield.
The San Andreas can't create more than about a mid 7.
Well, hopefully we could see some profit from that blast, God know we could use the money seeing as how deep in debt we are.
>tfw you are just outside the blast zone
I think you underestimate the ramifications of Yellowstone exploding.
Almost nowhere in the country will be safe; the entire continent will have its skies blocked with ash for an undetermined time.
This will also set off other earthquakes, volcanoes, and the damage would be incalculable.
poor utah
t.polish mormon
Can Roaches survive volcanic blasts or only nuclear blasts?
California would sink below the ocean in the earth quakes that would follow yellow stone blowing.
Delete this.
>Implying Ohio won't be potato land
It's every American's wet dream to be deep fried and eaten
San Andreas is a strike/slip fault. It goes sideways you dense motherfucker.
implying there still wouldn't be massive earthquakes all over the west coast when yellowstone blows
you dense motherfucker pull your dick out of your ass dennis
I've never understood this California will sink/float away meme. Do people think the continents are just floating on the oceans?
>not taking out California
god damn it.
>tfw in secondary ash zone
>tfw my bug out place is closer to the primary zone than my home
I don't think this map captures the whole extend of the damage. I thought the explosion was suppose to spread dangerous amounts of ash across everything from Mexico to Newfoundland.