How does everyone in Hollywood get away with this shit?

How does everyone in Hollywood get away with this shit?

They're better than you, peasant.

Chinatown is the best movie ever made. All modern movies are influenced by it.

It's called money you idiot.

>be hot jailbait
>have consensual sex with a director
>parents try to get you to blackmail director
>director doesn't give a fuck
>press charges
>director just goes to europe
>you are now completely blacklisted, no one will ever work with you ever again
>decades pass
>it was all a lie can I have a career now?

>She's my daughter. She's my sister.
Was Chinatown a Polanski autobiography? o_0

When you fuck the kid well and gently, it can be forgiven.

Maybe it was consensual-ish after all.

Because unlike your underachieving ass, they actually contribute something to society. But keep telling yourself you're important because you clock into a 9-5 everyday plebian.

if his victim wants him to walk free then i doubt he did anything. she was probably fucking lying about the whole thing.

i doubt if you were raped by a dude you would allow him to walk unless you are lying about the whole thing and you guilt for lying.

It doesn't matter what she wants.

He skipped out on sentencing. His crimes go beyond fucking a drugged 13-year-old girl in the ass.

The woman is pretty legit. People want her to be weak, scarred, and defeated so she can fit their narrative in order for them to push their agenda. Bitch says fuck that.

you feel guilt for lying*

>>have consensual sex with a director
When is getting drugged with a quaalude then being fucked in the ass consensual?

but even in europe he probably can't be seen because people will think he's a creepy pedo

Pretty much every day in the 80s.

The child rapist does not get to dictate his terms. The victim does not always get to decide if the perpetrator is prosecuted.

I would not be surprised if she was subject to decades of pressure and abuse at the hands of his Hollywood creeps.

Nah, she just got paid.

Both in a civil case and in book revenues.

Poland, Switzerland, and France have given him a free pass. England gave him a partial pass by allowing him to testify via closed-circuit television from France, since he would have been extradited had he set foot in England.

Most of Hollywood has given him a free pass, with Harrison Ford presenting his Oscar to him in Europe.

To be fair Harrison very clearly did not want to do it but was probably forced into it by the Academy.


it was never rape-rape, just the statutory kind, pseudo-rape

Honestly, at this point, nothing would probably happen if he did return to the states

Might be risky, and maybe he doesn't want to anyway, but I somehow doubt they're gonna be waiting to arrest him at the gate.

the fuck are you talking about?

He'd get arrested for sure.

The US tried to arrest him in Switzerland or some shit. They very clearly want to throw his ass in jail if only for the fact that he flouted the American justice system.

Are you retarded?

Someone that high profile would be arrested immediately.

No, it was outright rape.

First he groomed her, meeting her and a friend with his camera, and flattering them. Then he took her home, giving her alcohol and half a Quaalude (the "thigh spreader"). Then he forced himself on her while she was saying, "no, no". Then he wondered aloud if she was on the pill, so he flipped her over and sodomized her while she was saying "no".

Hollywood is being inconsistent with "no means no" if it means that one of their own might be punished.

Anyway, being 13, she could not consent, and being 13, he was more than a creep.

>and being 13, he was more than a creep.

but he wasn't 13 user


Are there really people who believe this, or are the people who post it just baytin

> 2017
> a black progressive director with a kill whitey movie
> quite literally found innocent of rape
> internet lynched by Buzzfeed, Jezebel and the MSM
> career ded, will never work again

Compare to Polanski

> confessed to drugging and raping a 13 year old
> fled the country and flouted the US justice system for 40+ years

Of course Polanski is actually talented, so that might make a difference. If his victim is OK with it then I see no reason not to let sleeping dogs lie 40 years after the fact, but it's going to be a different story in the modern political climate


sounds like standard 80s courting rituals as well

Nah dude, his behavior wasn't acceptable by any standards. He fed a 13 year old drugs and then analy raped her while she was saying no.

>I see no reason not to let sleeping dogs lie 40 years after the fact

>while she was saying no.
claims shes recanted.

She's actually been saying this for a while. I read her memoir (which wasn't bad) and she talks about how the actual incident wasn't nearly as traumatic as everything afterward, especially being forced to testify.

She's moved on and has a family now, I think. It's been a few decades and it all sounds like it should just be resolved already. Polanski had served some time in rich people jail and the judge wanted the trial to keep going just for the publicity so Polanski fled. He's only got a few years left anyway.

polanski made cp tapes and hung out with manson and watson, he shouldn't be forgiven

>hanging out with the man who killed your wife and unborn child

Welp, that makes it alright to drug and rape 13 year old girls then because they didn't say no.

This isn't a hansen thread. You're not going to find anyone who agrees with arbitrarily defined abilities to consent.

Grass was on the field and its not like he tricked her.

Rape is fine as long as your mom was a holocaust victim. The goy had it coming with her blond hair. She was almost the age of consent in many countries. Anti Semitic persecution of poor mr Polanski has to stop

Yea he drugged her you fucking pedo

Wasn't her first quaalude, breh.

Ordered to undergo 90 days of psychiatric evaluation at a prison with open dormitories without a secure perimeter, he was there for 42 days.

There are people that believe that Polanski has suffered enough because he served 42 days of medical evaluation at an open prison, and that it was unfair of the judge to actually punish him for his crimes.

He fled before final sentencing, and so the charges are still pending.

Unless you have audio/video recordings of the event, you have no idea what happened.

He was convicted.


Let him come back and put a bullet in his head.

So whether a recording exists or not is irrelevant.

He or someone else obviously gave this woman a lot of money. A LOT.

And to be honest, this slut probably masturbates to the thought of getting anal raped after what he did.

It's a win win situation.

>dude want a ton of money to recant your testimony about an incident that's decades past the statute of limitations?

this is just stupid.

Why do they even keep having these articles? She first said she forgave him decades ago, but the media keeps wanting to remind people for some reason.

>for some reason.

What, like, profit? Because retards literally froth over the idea of 13 year olds having sex?

He just screwed her butthole a bit. It's been almost 40 years.

She settled a civil suit for half a million dollars.

>rape underage girl
>why do people keep on bringing this up? why do they persecute me so?

It's not news anymore. News is new. It's in the name

Specifically why do they keep bringing up the 'she forgave him!!" part

because it tricks people into thinking there are two sides of the issue and, thus, gets them to whatever website?

It is new.

Why do Americans think that having consensual sex with a teenager should be a crime? Who does it harm?

There's no actual logic or reasoning to it. The laws were set down for convenience, but because it was law people took it as an absolute and ironclad moral reality.

13 is underage in the majority of Europe.

Try again, Polanski.

They settle outside of court. Offer them a load of money to keep quiet.

It's not just Hollywood. Also happens with politicians (and their families) in most third world countries.

since recorded history

>there are still people who call Polański pedophile

cash me ousside

This, I'm fucking sick of stormfags saying Jews control the majority of Hollywood, common deflection tactic and projection from the Christians who control Hollywood.


>the Christians who control Hollywood.

wow they must be doin a shit job, because every show and movie from the last 40 years bashes Christians and no one else.

You don't party with hollywood people at 13 y/o unless you're already a basic thot. She has no right to complain but ofc society will cry helpless victimized womyn.

Kind of tempted to go to Switzerland and spraypaint "PAEDO" on his driveway desu. Or whatever the German is for paedo.


>consensual sex with a teenager
It's a law thing.


>you will never be paid to race bait in Sup Forums
