Why do you people hate us so much?

Why do you people hate us so much?

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white niggers who refuse to assimilate

but I love Poland

Nobody hates you

because you guys are turning shitheads. either take the refugee's, take the sanctions, or leave the EU. stop wanting everything and giving up nothing. it makes you look like gypsies.

shut the fuck up Justin

>giving up nothing

We gave our economy and independence to the EU. They can invest here, they can buy anything they want here, they can use our cheap labor force. Isn't it enough?

Why would you assimilate in a country you're not going to live for ever? Even Norwegians leave Norway immediately after they retire.

>le Poles don't assimilate maymay
they're European citizens with a right to live anywhere in the EU they want. I doubt if a German moved to Portugal anybody would be telling him he needs to "integrate".

yeah that's your contractual obligation under the EU, you get shit from the rest of EU in infrastructure payments. stop making it seems like you are doing the EU a favor by joining them. it's a mutually beneficial agreement.

either take the fucking refugee's, eat the sanctions, or leave the EU. you can't have everything. just make a decision and stop bitching about reparations and unfairness, it's making you look like a child.


>it's making you look like a child.
actually considering nothing is happening to them that would be the EU.

Fuck off zoolander

>le whites are all the same! integrate into a completely different culture? lol who cares, muh european!

Kill yourself you embarrassing fucking piece of lard

give it some time

You're wrong.

But you're obnoxius entitled piece of shit with your head stucked so deep in own ass you can't comprehend how noone cares about you. you won't stop babbling about how ether fucked up or stronk poland is, you are boring and unable to handle any banter, you are exteremly easy to bait.

bureaucracy moves slowly mate. give it some time, i'd rather have them give more time for Poland to think then to jump the gun before they can give diplomacy time to do it's thing.

Tell me about bolan

>it's a mutually beneficial agreement.

So how is accepting refugees beneficial to us?

>either take the fucking refugee's, eat the sanctions, or leave the EU. you can't have everything. just make a decision and stop bitching about reparations and unfairness, it's making you look like a child.

Nope. We want the EU to be like it was in 2004, when we joined it, so without these fucking refugees. No one told us that time, that we would be forced to accept refugees 13 years later. And we can't just "leave" it now, we're tied to the EU, they bought our industry, we don't have anything Polish anymore.

what do you want to know, comrade?

Because Poland is weak and poor buffer zone that contributes nothing to the world. Poles are primitive peasant society that was defeated and conquered countless times.

i want to visit poland and spend some money there but im afraid i will get beat up


But he has the point. Do Norwegian retirees integrate to the Greek culture when they move to Greece in their 60s? Do they even learn Greek except for very few basic words? Of course, no. They just "pay" and demand, that they will have Norwegian-speaking service. So how can you blame Poles for not integrating in Norway?

poles have brown eyes i dont take them serous anymore

are you a ciapaty?

If you're not white, you shouldn't visit this country indeed.


you will not get beat up
it's memes
but you would get depressed by omnipresent greyness and misery

duh, you gotta be more specific mate.

It's rainy today in here.

You're literally 100 times more likely to be "beaten up" visiting the closest major city to you than you are to be in Poland.

I swear, people get such a warped view of countries like these from sites like these. It's just normal Europe but slightly shittier and whiter.

It's the european union, not the eurabian union.
Poland cannot be forced to do any of those things, and is immoral to the polish people.

my skin is brown but my father is white and mom is mexican. I definitely dont come off as a muslim

>posting 20 years old pic
>gets warsaw devastation doubles

you got what you deserved, now buzz off

desu there's no point in taking in refugees if they'll just take the next train to Berlin/Stockholm

welp brown skn is enough

You have great chances to get laid, and minor chances to get beaten

>It's just normal Europe

It's don't. What most people imagine as Europe is Western Europe. Poland is much more Eastern than Western. It's like Catholic Russia.

>le whites are all the same! integrate into a completely different culture? lol who cares, muh european!
That's completely true though.

damn son. it's a 'mutually beneficial agreement' meaning the entire EU concept, not specifically the refugee's.

>>Nope. We want the EU to be like it was in 2004, when we joined it, so without these fucking refugees. No one told us that time, that we would be forced to accept refugees 13 years later. And we can't just "leave" it now, we're tied to the EU, they bought our industry, we don't have anything Polish anymore.

read the fucking fine print you gypsies. when you joined the EU you accepted that its provisions, regulations and arbitration system.

if you don't like it now, then fucking leave. you can't have it all. stop being like gypsies.

Poland looks like you imagine Russia to be, just replace orthodox churches with catholic ones

This. It's literally a completely pointless exercise. What the fuck are Poland, Hungary, etc supposed to do, keep these people in camps so they don't leave?

How's the mood among the population?
Do polish women not abort their kids as much as other europeans/ex-USSR countries? Is this guy just a kike?

but I've been there and it's really not
or are you purposely acting like a memer so nobody comes? It's hard to tell with Polish posters sometimes

you're right.

I'm not even against some cultural enrichement, but if we let them in, our choice is
a) chaining them to the ground and get labelled racist shithole again, probably some more fines too
b) pay fines b/c our share of refugees got to Berlin in fortnight

>read the fucking fine print you gypsies. when you joined the EU you accepted that its provisions, regulations and arbitration system.

We did, because we believed that other countries would obey the law too. But they didn't, for example, Germany violated the law on hosting refugees, when it allowed refugees from Italy and Greece to move to Germany, even though the law explitictly says, that a person who claims a refugee status MUST REMAIN in the first EU country it entered the EU through.

But if other countries don't follow the rules, why would we do?

Lodz is architecturally probably the most Russian looking city in Bolan. Regards, expert.

Polish posters live up to the stereotypes every day

I thought it's Warsaw

>but I've been there

I guess you haven't been to Russia then. Maybe you demonize it too much.

Saviour of the wh*te race?

>but I've been there and it's really not
Yes, I'm sure your little stay gave you deep insights into the Polish 日常.
Stupid fucking obnoxious clap.

>Do polish women not abort their kids as much as other europeans/ex-USSR countries?

They do, just in Czechia or Lithuania, because it's illegal in Poland.

everyone is angry, drunk and busy as usual
officially it's almost nonexistient. Data on illegal abortions is scarse, so dunno. I personally know one girl who was forced by partents to illegally abort a kiddo, b/c it was with wrong guy. But shes fucked up.
In Polin everyone is kike, just most poeple don know about it, or deny it. The difference is that kikes support each other, while we keep kicking each other in balls

זה נכון

fuck off Abo

Typical European architecture, it looks nothing like Russia.

then take it up in the EU's justice system, there is a process for grievances. stop changing the subject.

the EU has issued a lawful directive that says the migration crisis needs to be spread out among its member states to lessen the burden on other member states. either obey it, eat the sanctions or leave. it really is that simple.

You're bitter and salty all the time.
But I don't hate anyoone.
Except maybe the IS and US.

>t. Buryat
Go see Moscow/St Petersburg

That's fucked up!

It is immoral for any european country to accept the refugees.
This is an economic union first, and that is what poland signed on to.
When bureaucracy becomes unethical, it becomes obsolete as well.

t. it's the Russia is not Europe poster again

>Canadian EU-cuck

>the EU has issued a lawful directive that says the migration crisis needs to be spread out among its member states to lessen the burden on other member states. either obey it, eat the sanctions or leave. it really is that simple.


Bullshit, Germany VIOLATED the EU law before any directive was issued.

And no, we can't just "leave" the EU, because we're tied to it. We let Germans buy out our industry for freedom of movement, so if we left the EU because of the refugees, we would lose the privilege we sold our economy for. There have been so many changes that can't be simply reverted since we joined the EU.

They signed to obey the EU law, and the EU court has ruled that Poland has to take the refugees.
I don't really understand why we are having this discussion

Our security is more important than obeying EU laws

There is nothing too special about you. We on the other hand are too special so everyone are obsessed with us. I guess it should be somewhere in the middle.


funny how when Germany has a problem it can just pull the EU's strings to make solving it an EU-wide responsibility. I bet a lot of other countries wish they had this power.

Well, what can I say, if you don't respect the rule of law, then you should leave the Union

This is actually typical Russian art noveau/neobaroque architecture, it doesn't look like western European architecture.

Russian 19th century architecture had a specific flavour you won't see in any other country. That's why architecture in Finland, Poland, Baltic countries etc. differs from architecture in Czechia, Hungary or Germany.

I am ok with this

well, according to the fine print it is within their right to enact regulations with regard to migration. but it really isn't that important whether or not the EU is a truly economic only union or a mixture.

I mean is it that hard to just leave the EU if you don't like the way it's going? the brits did it, so can poland. just stop complaining about how you don't want refugee's and you don't want the sanctions and you want to stay in the EU. somethings gotta give.

Real jews are too busy jewing goyim thus you're a proxyfag

no one at my work give a shit that I don't work during Shabbat, they are busy now hating on moslems now

>if you don't respect the rule of law,

One more time:


>Germany has quietly stopped enforcing European Union rules under which Syrians fleeing the civil war face deportation, it has emerged, as thousands of migrants continued to pour through the Balkans towards Western Europe on Monday.

>But Germany, which has long complained that the Dublin system is failing, has now ordered its officers to process applications from Syrians even if they have made their way through other EU countries.

YOU violated the law first, so if you don't kick these all refugees out of Europe, we don't have to obey the EU law either

Incredibly butthurt people obsessed with past injustices who Pole out and write a novel every time someone says half a sentence about their country

No, nie wszyscy was nienawidzą. Lubię was na przykład

except they won't and you're not going to do shit about it. Sorry but your little plan to export Islamofascism to the entire planet has failed, better luck next time

Huh? Sup Forums is full of Israelis.
We are jewing you online.
Polen Jew? You guys exist? you are only like 3,000 people right?

>Moscow/St Petersburg

99% of area of these cities is filled with gray concrete cubes and a dozen of fancy buildings designed by European architects doesn't change that.

Russia is not, was never and will never be Europe. Russians are 100% Asian people.

Ok you could just say that you're a retard.

Gut Shabbos

No, you are retard
Иди нaхyй

>YOU violated the law first, so if you don't kick these all refugees out of Europe, we don't have to obey the EU law either
That's not how rule of law works. If Poland feels that Germany breached the Dublin regulations, it is welcome to sue Germany in EU court. However, that doesn't mean that Poland doesn't have to follow EU law anymore

Where did your family come from?

Ty jesteś pijany lub niespełna rozumu.

Ale i tak Cię kocham.

>I don't really understand why we are having this discussion

Because Germany violated the Dublin Regulation, so it laid a foundation for violating the EU law by any country.

And don't tell me about any EU directives that were issued AFTER you violated the law, because the main rule of Rechtstaat you're advocating so fiercely is "lex retro non agit".


again, take that issue up with Germany or the EU, there is a court system for that. but that has nothing to do with the refugee relocation program and Poland's responsibility to fulfill it's EU obligations.

nobody said leaving would be easy and i'm sure it won't be easy but you have the right to leave. If the brits can leave, so can you. you think you got a raw deal by joining the EU? too fucking bad man, that's the nature of international relations.

look, i sympathize with you guys. you put yourself in a shit position because you guys clearly didn't think that this problem would happen. but that's nobodies fault but your countries for being shortsighted. learn from your mistakes and move on.

Пиcькy тe в poт, cын шлюхи

Say whatever you want but Russians are as European as Chinese.

read this

>Because Germany violated the Dublin Regulation
Do you have a sentence of the EU court?

Gut Shabbos back to you
Father's side - Iraq
Mother's side - Turkey & Greece. They are sephardic (Iberian) and speak Spanish.

Both sides are living in Israel for a few generation already.

why do germans on Sup Forums hate europe so much


>trying to teach a Pole how rule of law works

Kek, you must be bored. Good luck.

Protip: for a Pole law is tool of personal convenience and/or revenge, nothing more.

I know a guy who tried to explain me that courts forcing him to pay his employees for extra hours they work for him is proof of how bad our legal system is. And he sincerely believed that.

>but that has nothing to do with the refugee relocation program

It does, because Germany came up with it when it accepted so many refugees that it became a real problem, so the relocation program could gain support among Germans.

Do you have a sentence of the EU court that POLAND violated anything? So far we have only a sentence that the Emergency Relocation Mechanism is not against the EU law.

I'm off to Havdalah now
I'm a bit drunk but oh well
have a good evening

>but you have the right to leave.

Sure, but we don't have to. They can kick us out, though.

oooh wait, they can't, because the EU doesn't provide a regulation that allows to remove a country from the EU

>learn from your mistakes and move on.

We do. We are not going to obey the EU law just like Germany didn't. And if Germany did it because it was sure that no one would sue them (because of their political and economical power), Poland will show them, that it wasn't a smart move.

When we feel that being in the EU is not beneficial to us anymore (because of sanctions or something like that) we will obviously leave it. But now, we don't need to do it, as long as we're given money. Germany wasn't fair to us, so we don't have to be fair to them.

serio jesteś Żydem? Takim obrzezanym i w ogóle?

muszę spadać, narka