
Just had sex with my bf's dog edition.

Other urls found in this thread:


*examines your anus for homosexual activity*

ive been cucked again

dont care

you can't get no pumpumpunashum
when you see girl's that's why you harass em
if you see me you wave the white flag um
you don't wanna get run down with the maaaaagnum.

>defending mental illness

*says it to your face*

we're going to start bombing underperforming academic institutions

*Leaves the Israeli's wife's bedroom for the second time*

Ah yes.




bit racist

need drugs to stay sane

I like the don't reply to it person tbqh. He acts as my own personal (you) mechanism for me to identify posts addressed to me. Keep up the good work lad

Why not just bomb the underperforming haha :)

part and parcel mate



yeah I think it's pretty obvious they either exaggerate or flatly make shit up about their lives to compensate for something
wish I could psychoanalyse some of their posts desu


might buy some novelty underwear

dont have a gf but think it might be fun all the same


imagine being a bald manlet.

my only awareness of KSI and Weller are from the videos that appear when I check the trending page on youtube. no idea who either of them actually are

tiny brain: spending time reading metaphysics

small brain: spending time reading philosohpy

average brain: spending time shitposting andw atching tv and playing games

larger brain: doing maths problems

nobody of worth has ever died of a terror attack (unless it was an assassination)

If you come to Bangkok it'd be a pleasure. I've unironically trained many a young lad

extra big brain with lights coming out: doing philosophy problems

glowing brain: asmr

>he never played the original UFO enemy unknown

microscopic brain: 'dit-spacing

why the sudden lack of sue posting lately lad

end of the day in school KSI would've been a decent lad, Joe Weller would've been a cunt, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

I'm better looking than Weller btw.

Sure KSI is a cunt now, but deep down that innocent guy is still there. Weller is a cunt through and through, look at his instagram and Elliot Crawford's instagram for fuck sake, they're all cunts.

Mass racemixing is the next step in human evolution.

If the fascist police and FBI stopped counting people in hoodies as black then "black crime rates" wouldn't exist.

thoughts on spoderman?

irie tune


Currently in the centre of Bangkok and getting twice as many matches. Might change my location to here tbqh. Mind you I only live 20km outside the city. These fucking whores set their search radius to like 10km or something.


Biology is the true thinking man's hobby/profession.

t. fused himself into a half-man half-squid hybrid

biology and chemistry are pretty nice.

i also like economics (because its like a really shitty version of science)

are thai birds easy to pull?

Just like my Japanese animes.

dont think muslims do any kind of thinking.

any sloan man in?

can we keep talking about KSI vs Weller please

dont reply to it

Biology is just applied chemistry
Chemistry is just applied physics
Physics is just applied mathematics
Mathematics is just applied logic
Logic is just applied Philosophy

Philosophy #1

Compared to other countries yes.

he's a good lad 2bh. obviously loves a good bait and troll but makes entertaining posts

i agree with you. they're both cunts and ideally they'll both just give each other brain damage, tho i think ksi is less of a cunt than joe weller and ksi did used to be alright, joe weller's always just been a dumb twat.


Philosophy is applied biology since it requires the usage of the brain :)

philosphy is just language riddles

just dont

smol brain posts

joe weller was trained by anthony joshua, KSI is finished

(dont even care about this shit honestly, just trying to fit in, ha)

philosophy is like religion. huge waste of time. only idiots subscribe to it and they think they're intelligent for doing so. utter morons.

>hasn't read wittgenstein ('s wikipedia article ('s introductory section))

janitor searches hours old page 10 threads for my posts then gives me a 3 day ban



Bad bait = No (You)s

fuck off

he did the same to me during my yuzu posting phase

absolute cunt

well obviously you'd disagree. you're a member of the most brainwashed populace in human history.

Got 20k in the bank lads

imagine getting paid to think

for sure Weller would've been a mouthy twat. I do hope KSI gets a lucky punch on him and floors him.

got 7 grand (after 7 months of working

Chuck some in an index fund pal

belief in god is a totalitarian belief. it is the wish to be a slave.

it is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you sleep. who can and must subject you to a total surveillance around the clock every second of your life. not even your life. it applies before you were born and for eternity after your death. a celestial north korea. but at least you can fucking die and leave north korea.

does the bible or the koran offer you such freedom in death? No. the tyranny, the misery, the utter ownership of your entire being, the smashing of your individuality - all just begin when you die. its a wicked and evil preachment.

who wants this to be true? who but a slave desires such a ghastly fate?

bit jealous, i'm almost in my overdraft :(

ive got about 300 quid

I literally have no idea what that is ahha

What to do in London today? Im visiting with my gf and were having hard time coming up with anything. Weve been to the most of the popular attractions and partying isnt really what were looking for

Small brain: Reads Books
Medium Brain: Reads Wikipedia summaries
Large Brain: Pseudo-intellectual rambling on a nebulose subject for which you have no information but a lot of trivial and impertinent pop-culture analogies.

300 (((shekels)))

mine dropped 2 percent this week

need a motherly bit titted gf
it's not a totalitarian belief, it's an orderly belief. you believe in a universe which has a divine order and purpose, not one which is aimless and chaotic. Theism is masculine, atheism is feminine

Religion is an insult to humanity. it says you & I cannot, individually or collectively, decide upon a right action or thing without divine permission to do so. that we would not know right from wrong if we did not have heaven's permission to do so.

how else would we get our morality? our human solidarity? our innate knowledge of right and wrong? our acute awareness of fairness and unfairness? Nope. All worthless according to religion. Only the great unassailable dictator known as God can offer morality as divine gifts he so graciously donated to us.

fuck off roastie, I already have a daughter and she chose to live with me instead of her Mum cause her Mum's an alcoholic lol
mentally ill mentalists > fat """""people"""""
alri tubby
Fuck me it's just a shitpost, no need to over-analyse his post like you're straight from reddit. The utter state of /brit/ that they now get that upset over a mindless shitpost.
You won't have children because you aren't allowed them when you're on the sexual offenders registry

>belief in god is a totalitarian belief. it is the wish to be a slave.

>it is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you sleep. who can and must subject you to a total surveillance around the clock every second of your life. not even your life. it applies before you were born and for eternity after your death. a celestial north korea. but at least you can fucking die and leave north korea.

>does the bible or the koran offer you such freedom in death? No. the tyranny, the misery, the utter ownership of your entire being, the smashing of your individuality - all just begin when you die. its a wicked and evil preachment.

>who wants this to be true? who but a slave desires such a ghastly fate?

drink red bull 2-3 times a week

dont care if you dont like it

I bleed it out, digging deeper, just to throw it away

>wanting to live in a celestial north korea

sort your lives out christfags

Not convinced 190kg maltteaser-multipack masterrace isn't just an elaborate troll.

Anyone else agree with me?

>masculine or feminine

Ah yes, quite pertinent indeed.

well he believes in god so he's clearly an idiot.


feeling down, dont want to talk about it x

hows the first week on /brit/ going mate?

good posts.

Today? The days almost over.
But generally the Prince Charles Cinema is great fun, and in Chinatown too, so a nice day out when I was dating in London I used to find was getting food in Chinatown, eating it on the grass of St Anne's Church and talking to my date, then heading over to the Prince Charles Cinema to watch whatever bizarre weird shit they were showing that day

its actuall 1450 shekels

pseudo-science invented by a cokehead that believed we all wanted to fuck our mums

he's alright

most namefags have gimmicks and bait people constantly, but deep down they are safe

>it's not a totalitarian belief, it's an orderly belief. you believe in a universe which has a divine order and purpose, not one which is aimless and chaotic. Theism is masculine, atheism is feminine

just watched man kick ball for 90 minutes, was quite interesting tbqh, can definitely see the appeal

if you say so, 190kg

wish i wasn't addicted to Sup Forums