do girls go to the cinema alone?
Do girls go to the cinema alone?
Why when they can get in for free by loading off some beta orbiter
I wish I was a cute foreman grill and got shit for free
When I went on a date with this girl to the movies she bought her own ticket
I've never seen one and I've been going alone late at night for years.
Women have life on easy mode even ugly ones can find someone to take them to the movies and buy them dinner.
whenever i see a girl doing something alone i get extremely attracted to them
eating alone, working out alone, shopping alone, whatever
it shows she doesn't care what other people think
Even if i saw a woman alone who looked like Tomoko i still wouldn't approach
But that's everyones dream, find an introvert & break her in before Chad turns her into damaged goods
i don't know about that
i have gone hiking before (with friends) and i've seen plenty of hot bitches hiking alone while wearing sexy exercising clothes. i would think hiking alone is sketchier than going to a cinema dressed normally alone.
yes, i've seen one and she was a qt too
>When I went on a date with this girl to the movies she bought her own ticket
Holy shit really. what a beta cuck you are to let an alpha male buy her own ticker.
no wonder virgins like you get no girls
What does it matter? Talking or having human contact during movies is distracting
sure they do. i'm a woman and i see movies alone sometimes. either because i just want to enjoy the film by myself, or if none of my friends are available.
my only regret is if something unintentionally funnyor stupid happens and i have no one to exchange silent glances with lmao
>whenever i see a girl doing something alone i get extremely attracted to them
>eating alone, working out alone, shopping alone, whatever
too bad women would never feel this way about men
yea its a sad sad world we live in
Yes one of my coworkers does.
True. Even the ugliest woman pretty much will have 100 chads trying to get with her at all times.
This stigma about going to the movies alone has to be an American thing, right? I've never heard of it until now
Same here.
>mfw no friends or family to do things with
>refuse to stay at home like a hikikomori
being alone in public better than being alone in my room :'^)
Sorry mate, he meant the big screen dark room.
>I've never seen one
>been going alone late at night for years
There's why, girls only go alone during the day since they always have a fear in the back of their head of getting raped/murdered so they feel a lot safer going alone to a movie in daylight.
Just call it a Movie House like everybody else.
This one I know does.
Sure, I see some from time to time. Why is it such a big deal to go alone to the cinema? For me, being with friends is quite distracting and most of them are normies that rave about capeshit, so I can't discuss much with 'em. Going alone is great if you're not a little bitch.
Only when they want to be raped.
No. This literally never happens.
How can you feel this way? I feel far worse when being alone and surrounded by people socialising than being alone in my apartment. It just enhances my loneliness.
By not giving a heck. When you want to see a new movie it doesn't always have to be a social gathering
It's not even american, it's this board
>I'm a grill btw dont hit on me silly boys~
fuck off
Women are incapable of love
Don't even bother
Yeah, but in general. Why would you want to be alone near other people rather than at home?
I have literally never seen a woman alone at a theater. Come to think of it, I've never seen one alone at a restaurant, public event, etc
Simply because I don't want to miss out on things in life. I like going to museums, movies or eat nice things. If I stay at home I only get to look at pictures or eat by my own cooking skills/take away. It isn't as if you do everything alone all the time, I go out with friends sometimes but that only happens once every 2 months or so.
I never pay attention to the people around me in the Kinorama so I wouldn't know, but I've met a couple of girls (online) that used to go alone if it was necessary
Girls don't do anything alone. Everything they do is because they want to spend time with the person they're doing it with, not because they're interested in the activity.
perhaps it's just to do with personality. for some people being surrounded by people while you're alone enhances your loneliness, for others it's different. i like people watching. to check out what other people are doing, what they're wearing, to see them coming and going. whether you're at a cinema or some other public place. it can be interesting. like i said, that's just me.
you fucking imbecile - did you miss the whole point of this thread ? i was giving OP an answer to their question by giving a personal example. nothing more to it. YOU fuck off.
No, all girls no matter how hideous have someone they're in a relationship in, so of course they go to the movies as a couple. Girls can never be alone, they always have someone.
This tb.h
you can stop roleplaying now fucking neckbeard. Go jack off to tranny porn
Post your tits
Fucking this
I don't know but I'm tired of sitting in the allergic to shellfish section.
now that's just not true. it's more fun most of the time to do activities with company but if you're really into something you're gonna go do it alone because you are interested in it.
>if you're really into something you're gonna go do it alone because you are interested in it.
That's the point user, girls aren't really interested in anything.
yah same basically
m8 i was giving a personal example, i'm female. i think it's just the types of people you have in your life. i know a lot of other women that don't mind doing things alone - but i understand that is not the experience of a lot of people.
no you're not
>tfw no qt girl dangling her stinky feet over the back of my seat
reeee has this happened to anyone else before?
>, i'm female.
Who /deepseatedhatredofwomen/ here?
>i'm female
there's a containment board just for you
More utter indifference desu.
okay well it doesn't matter whether you believe me or not - just give me your opinion on what the motivation would be in this scenario for someone to pretend to be a woman ? for a laff ? havent been on this board in a while so i don't know how y'all get ur kicks these days haha
I saw a cute asian girl go to the movies alone once. Her seat was next to mine. ;_;
I would have talked to her, but I'm an autistic social retard.
The movie was Ouija: Origin. God fucking awful. I knew it was going to be shit I don't even know why I bothered
Do men chat you up when you go alone?
I've seen plenty of women alone at theatres. Just this week I went to a screening of Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion and there were at least two women who were there by themselves.
You're pathetic.
no, no one chats me up anywhere i go. thank u for assuming that i'm even a little bit attractive tho lmao
more and more so whenever you take their politics into account
stop LARPing
its so laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
post feet or gtfo
I went to see Captain America 2 by myself and a cute girl was sitting next to me. She was also there by herself. I didn't say anything to her because I'm an ugly piece of shit who's just been waiting to die
why wait? You ain't getting any prettier. Don't forget to stream
Go to the fucking gym, you dumb fuck.