Are Millennials the worst generation thus far?
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Too bad there's nothing they can do about it, I'm very happy we have an uncucked constitution
Unless these people find their way to the courts, God forbid.
>this is the generation that will be running the show in a decade or so
America I knew ye well.
If you look at the breakdown of that survey you will see that it is only the non-white millennials that are OK with censoring speech.
Generation snowflake will get nothing done. 1/2 the time they'll be complaining about something.
They'll never have a constitutional basis for banning it
They are only preparing to become the minority.
Reminder that the boomers were hippies before they turned into yuppies
I believe the silent number should be much higher than that.
t. 23 year old independent who hates liberals
God help us all when they get in power.
Kek until they're 51%
To be fair, people tend to realize how valuable free speech and such is as they age.
The funny thing is, the government is going to troll them and make it both ways. Making it so that blacks simply saying "cracker" is enough to get them jailed.
Just like what they did with the draft thing.
You know if Hillary wins then they will make changes to it, right?
>Reminder that the boomers were hippies before they turned into yuppies
This is true but here lies the problem: the boomers didn't grow up in the information age. Yes they were hippies but ultimately they grew up and took advantage of the system that the greatest generation laid out before them.
What system do the millennials have to take advantage of? The boomers already fucked it up beyond repair, and I say that because, let's be honest, the common millennial will not clean up the mess that they made. They will most certainly not transition to the same degree as the boomers. You're already seeing this in declining marriage rates, the housing market falling, more of them opting to rent and live lives of concentrated hyperindividualism.
It's going to take some massive shock to snap the millennials out of their coconut water and selfie obsessive trance. I just don't quite know what that shock will be. Well, I have an idea, but I don't foresee them being able to handle it.
And it is overwhelming women, yet again, who want to strip away freedoms and rights.
Bitches should never have been given the right to vote.
They do realize that killing free speech is indirectly "xenophobic" right?
The very thing they're supposedly against?
Oh yes they are...
We got jewed deeper.
Most countries, the USA being an exception, have hate speech laws of one kind or another.
If we want them to at least accede to allowing free speech, I think we need to put them on the defensive.
I say we start a movement to limit their free speech with regards to socialism. Socialism is literally the deadliest ideology ever, and is hate speech against people who earn money. People who advocate for socialism should be banned from college campuses, as well as speech favoring socialism. Do you realize how many people died as a result of socialism? We need to ban socialist speech now to prevent socialist-led massacres later. Do you realize that socialism is systematic oppression? Pic related: a socialist atrocity.
That is true, but this is really just an excuse for the government here to use it as a double edge sword, where NO ONE wins.
The supreme court is one more affirmative action buffoon (or jew) away from rendering "hate speech" as not protected under the first amendment, hence why it is essential for Trump to win in November.
This is a horrifying statistics. Move to Europe you fucking commies!
Sure, and you know what people do when they can't express themselves verbally? They pass things like Brexit, from the privacy of the ballot box, for reasons only they know.
Again, if it passes, it's going to effect both the "whites" and the "minorities". No one's winning with this.
They'll encode their "oppressor class"/"oppressed class" distinction into it. Notice that the study in the OP doesn't say that they think offensive speech in general should be banned.
These millennials are fools, they are literally turning the country into another China, thinking it's going to benefit them in anyway, when most of them are likely going to be jailed from it.
That is because most countries have shit constitutions.
Free Speech in America: Free Speech.
Free Speech in Canada and Europe: The government can regulate speech. It just has to call it super offensive and maybe dangerous.
The non white millennials are the only ones that want this.
1. Whites are not a politically protected group.
2. The Supreme Court has made multiple rulings stating that the 14th amendment doesn't protect whites from discrimination.
Title 13, Code of Federal Regulations
13 § 124.103 Who is socially disadvantaged?
(a) General. Socially disadvantaged individuals are those who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias within American society because of their identities as members of groups and without regard to their individual qualities. The social disadvantage must stem from circumstances beyond their control.
(b) Members of designated groups.
(1) There is a rebuttable presumption that the following individuals are socially disadvantaged: Black Americans; Hispanic Americans; Native Americans (Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, or enrolled members of a Federally or State recognized Indian Tribe); Asian Pacific Americans (persons with origins from Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, China (including Hong Kong), Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam, Korea, The Philippines, U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Republic of Palau), Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Samoa, Macao, Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, or Nauru); Subcontinent Asian Americans (persons with origins from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives Islands or Nepal); and members of other groups designated from time to time by SBA according to procedures set forth at paragraph (d) of this section. Being born in a country does not, by itself, suffice to make the birth country an individual’s country of origin for purposes of being included within a designated group.
>Millennial 18-34
No. He gap isn't that wide, sorry. Try 0-25. We're taking about children born in the nineties. 80s fags aren't part of this shit generation. I refuse to accept being lumped into that pile of fags.
Anyone have statistics comparing millennial males vs millennial females? Doesn't have to be about freedom of speech.
Its pretty hard to top boomers, but god damnit they're trying
t. Millennial
Jesus, you'd think they would've revised that shit already, that's like begging for a white holocaust.
Then again, the Jews probably wrote it anyway.
What do you mean by "running the show" exactly?
That image is so ironic, I don't even know what to say.
All it takes is one Democratic SCOTUS appointee and the Constitution can mean whatever they want it to mean.
'twas nice while it lasted.
Yes. And Gen Z is even worse.
Millennials are the worst RAISED generation thus far.
>What do you mean by "running the show" exactly?
>passing leftist policies
>limiting/eradicating freedom of speech
>importing refugees to create a multicultural 'utopia'
>taking over academia
>doing away with the family unit
>promoting more mindless hedonism than there already exists
Basically we're fucked, more or less.
Your constitution is just a piece of paper. You have no idea just how quickly things can go south
>I refuse to accept being lumped into that pile of fags.
Most Millennials are so fucking retarded they don't even know they're Millennials.
The few who do know insist they're so super special that their birth year should be it's own extra super special generation.
We should give the Millennial name to Gen Z and call those born between 1980 and 2000 the Snowflake generation.
Is there any data suggesting that the other generations were different when they were younger?
It would take more than Hillary to make a change. Even if you had a majority in the supreme court that was dem. Nothing changing the way the 1st works would ever make it past the Senate floor.
How are they running the show though? All millennials can already vote. If you're talking about being in government, you're wrong. Those people are born into being politicians. The average person does not become a politician and hasn't for a very long time.
As a leaf you're a faggot no matter what generation you are.
Heh, it's funny because it's true.
It's hilarious how self-hating a lot of Millennials are.
>b-but, people younger than me are of the same generation! That can't be!
you are very correct about everything. except for one aspect.
millenials will be the last big generation (unless war) but you've failed to see that there is still generation Z that watch us (millenials) very closely. they watch our failures and will become our antithesis, regardless of this technology age.
Some millenials will be the smartest and brightest but if you watch GEN Z they will outsmart us.
RIP 1st and 2nd amendments
Nah son. Gen Z is already far more leftist than your average millennial. They're growing up in the world where having 150 genders is normal and socially acceptable.
True to a degree, although I don't see a leftist reversal happening anytime soon, although
This user has an interesting point. I've been wondering for a while now if Gen Z has enough disdain for the millennials that they will push back against them.
Tell that to my Second Amendment, faggot.
Considering Gen Z is being raised on utter garbage like this and loving it I don't see them turning out very good. I mean at least us millienials weren't raised with literal faggot cartons and they weren't teaching us about "white privilege" in grade school.
And add...
>rounding up all the "whites" and putting them into FEMA camps.
i would argue otherwise. they see the world handed to them is shit, and they will not only blame boomers but also millenials for not giving them ANY guidance. i have faith that they may find the right path
Once you're a racial minority and over 45 this won't be of any use. At best, you can sperg out and shoot up a mall.
>He believes the generation meme
Young people have always been stupid. Did you forget about the hippies? They'll grow up. You guys are always such self-hating crybabies.
The oldest Gen Zetters are in their early 20s now
They're the freaks you see screaming "down with democracy" in London
any most countries fucking suck
your point?
t. millennial
t. Milennial
Half of American girls under 20 don't identify as straight. You're completely delusional.
>If you eat all this chocolate you'll become fat
>N-no, I... No, I don't like that one bit, chocolate won't make me fat.
Not too mention that Gen Z is no longer a white majority generation in the US
I understand that but they are by virtue immuned from a sort of indoctrination. i've noticed that these kids can spot photoshop and see through the propaganda. Desensitization.
why my generation threw away the greatest gift of knowledge still dumbfounds me. I no longer hate boomers in the realization that they had an excuse to be dumb. We on the other had, we have no excuse to be as stupid as we are.
>teenage girls say things for attention
more at 6.
>women are attention whores
literally any girl will say they are bi or pansexual or whatever if it gets them attention
Australia in charge of making no sense
Underrated post. Liberal whites are a dying minority. In a few years, we'll look like South Africa politically.
Here's hoping that, as a society, we end up resembling SA before the cat 5 chimpout hit it.
No one is immune to indoctrination, that's not how the human brain works.
listen friendo, when the collapse comes the children will look for a new god
>why my generation threw away the greatest gift of knowledge still dumbfounds me. I no longer hate boomers in the realization that they had an excuse to be dumb. We on the other had, we have no excuse to be as stupid as we are.
Most people do not have the rational sense to control their impulses. Information overload is real, and that is why they 'threw it away,' they couldn't handle it and broke. It's tragic, really.
Every complaint about millennials (who are 20-35 years old) can be made to any and every youth culture before
>they're egotistical!
so were the baby boomers, in fact when surveyed they have consistently thought themselves to be special and different from everyone else
so were gen x, who were raised by shit like MTV and pepsi commercials like this
and were called a bunch of slackers
young people in general are egotistical, this is not a "millennial" thing
>they're socialists!
so were boomers and gen xers, unless you're telling me you forgot about the hippie movement
>all they do is fuck/do drugs
again, same thing with gen x and baby boomers
again, hippie movement/free love/the sexual revolution
>but they were raised on phones, so they're different
and boomers were raised on rock n roll and gen x were raised on videos and MTV and those were deemed the devil too
it may be 2+ generations down the road, but it will happen
lots of "statistics" are always close to 50%, to allow people to keep their opinions even when they are wrong, because they feel like they arent alone with their opinions so their opinions must be correct
It won't be an ebin collapse. You'll slowly become Brazil with nukes, that's all. An American Union type of superstate with the Latin countries is coming anyway, so it won't even matter.
I've been hearing the "the tide is about to turn for the right-wingers" meme since 2008. It has only gotten worse, much worse.
lets just hope that the new god is KEK
And you're which label? All generation labels are stupid.
Fuck both of you. Your failure to recognize ones attempt at distancing the self from a personality trait hey don't identify with and completely loath
Here's your you
I think millennials are going to swing more to the right than any previous generation as they age.
Once they get out into the real world, full of dindus, islamists, antifa, and la raza, they'll realize how shitty the status quo is.
Mugged by reality, in other words.
The oldest millennials are what, 36 now? If they haven't seen the "real world" by now, they never will.
Am Millennial, can confirm for worst generation
I'm worthless
Im telling you Austria, The Hegelian Dialectic has been with us throughout the ages, there is always a reaction and a reaction to that reaction. are you really arguing that this will end?
The Hegelian Dialectic requires a synthesis, not a collapse. That bodes poorly for conservatives.
Most people on Sup Forums are millennials and too young to remember any of this.
what does any of this have to do with limiting the fundamental right of freedom of speech? did other generations call for stripping away the bill of rights?
It's the education system. They've been taught all their lives that everyone is equal and we need more equality. Liberty has been abandoned.
Sup Forums talks a big game but we all know you're just a bunch of limp wristed millennials as well. You watch Game of Thrones, you're a slave to technology, you're passionate about social issues online with your friends, you're super sensitive and easily triggered, and you think society owes you a job and an education.
If somebody started berating a nigger in public you'd probably feel like crying. You're not special snowflakes and you weren't born in the wrong generation. You're just the other side of the SJW coin.
You think the you're part of some terry-tough nut right wing cult that outrages your friends at school, but all the real Nazis think you look like kids arguing about whether Xbox or playstation is better.
What is "this" exactly? White leftism? Yes, it will end as natural ethnic whites will die out and be bred out of existence and the only whites remaining will be some Asian-created slave race (which I have little doubt will happen since East Asians are completely obsessed with us)
the kids, if smart enough will follow the millenials that are truly successful, lets just make sure thats us
There's an argument that every generation's high schoolers are credulous statists who become politically sensible when they move out.
Oh, wait --
If a democrat wins the presidency we'll be looking at a 7-2 liberal majority. It's not inconceivable they could "reinterpret" the first amendment and ban "hate speech"
They don't have to write a law. Congress does. All the court has to do is uphold its constitutionality.
correct, if there is no synthesis than the dialectic becomes cyclical(thesis -> antithesis -> original thesis -> antithesis). the cycle is broken via the true new synthesis. i dont think humanity is stupid enough go back to that cyclical nature that we once lived
You're forgetting about the colored races. They will "dilute" from the interracial also.