Millennials watch less traditional television and are losing Hollywood's money

Why are we allowing this to happen?

40 year olds and above are the primary demographic keeping up with current television and current celebrities.

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maybe stop showing ads every 5 minutes when there are ad-less alternatives for cheaper.

But sure blame it on the millenial and not the totally dated cable

I'm so tired of everyone shutting on millenials. We're sorry for being born in the 80s/90s now leave us alone. I can't wait until these boomers die off and gen X is in the nursing home

All kids wanna be pornstars instagram whores and djs. Thats it. Thats all we got. The kardashians and trump are controlling the world. Kids just wanna watch each other eat play fart and fuck. They dont need scripted shit or need to take time with anything because they are just looking to get a few more twitter followers. Uhh boy

dude what lmao

Millennials aren't kids. They're at least 21 now

If I actually watch television I have to mute the TV every fucking 4 minutes because of Ads

Even if I want to get the news of the day, I have to sit through complete stupid shit news and 'coming up next' crap, when I can just check a website for the top stories instantly.

Same if i want the weather.

Television is a fucking horrible way to watch shows or get news. Cinema is only holding on because its an enjoyable experience. I can't imagine a scenario where TV is preferable to online sources.

Conventional TV dying is a good thing, it's been a shitfest for years. Why would any sane person sit through so many commercials when there are superior alternatives? Why would anyone bother with trashy "reality" TV, reruns, slow and incomplete news shows, movies that have been edited for time, I could keep going. The only TV media that deserves to survive are the rare high-quality shows, which will find new homes.

This is also why we should be extremely worried if net neutrality gets shredded to pieces. The media old guard will swoop in and turn the internet into TV 2.0.

Already did that

Most tv is propaganda so who cares if they lose money

Honestly tv is only worth it these days if you're a huge sports fan. Other than that it doesn't offer much to the regular person. The only non-sports channel that's top quality is TCM.

Here we have the television establishment

Shut up tubs, don't you have some commercials to memorize?

>Visit relatives
>Decide to watch normie TV
>999 channels and there's nothing good on
>'Modern Family' is the only thing that's kind of decent
>5 commercial breaks in a single episode
>Go to change channel because the ads are boring
>Ads are playing on every other channel within a 100 station range
>mfw normie TV actually synchronizes its advertisements to FORCE you to watch their shit
>Switch to the Chinese Central Television 24-hour broadcast
>(my relative actually picks this and their documentary channel CCTV-9 up)
>No ads
>My only choices are Modern Family with ads, or Chinese propaganda and no ads
>mfw I'm now a Marxist-Leninist and learning Chinese

So have you guys heard of this Mao Zedong guy? Pretty cool desu.

>losing Hollywood's money


most TV shows on major networks suck now is all

>Millennials [...] are losing Hollywood's money

How can you lose someone elses money? Isn't it Hollywood that is losing their own money by trying to market to the wrong demographics?

>didn't want to compensate television stations providing a service by watching their advertisements
You were already a communist

They should remove ads to make their product more appealing to me, the consumer.

>How can you lose someone elses money?
Old cunts like to blame their problems on other people (mainly on the young people)

lol this

>nature shows
>2% 'other'

anything else and i'm out of there

Born 1965-1985 = Gen X
Born 1986-2000 = Millennial shit retards

This is the new rule, I have decreed it. Makes more sense than the 1980-2000 or 1980-1995 meme definition that people use for Millennials.

Those of us 30-35, we're not millennials.

Wrong. Anyone born after 95 is gen z

most movies suck
commercials suck
tv shows are better
convenience of streaming/dl movies and TV shows online whenever you feel like it
everyone caring more about youtubers and singers than movie celebs

Agreed. I was raised with VHS, shitty internet connections, Saturday morning cartoons, and video stores. I'm definitely not a Millennial.

>'86 - '00
Doesn't a 14 year increment for generations seem kind of small? Shouldn't the length be the amount of time for one generation to start birthing the next? So 19 - 20 years.

It makes more sense from a cultural perspective too.

You're a faggot regardless.

people born in the 80s are millennials

Youre a millenial

spoken like a true millennial

>Hollywood is losing money

I'm very much ok with that

>I"m not a millennial! Please don't include me in that group!
>Let me change the definition of millennial so I'm not a part of it!

It doesn't work like that friend, you're a millennial. We all are, embrace it.

If you're not a millennial you are too old/too young be on this site. Go to facebook and ifunny respectively


Why is one of his eyes more open than the other? Did he have a stroke?

Take your own life


normies learned to pirate. albeit the wrong way (putlocker streams)

Considering traditional TV is the major responsible for all the fake news lately, including attacking the President with fabricated lies it's a good thing that is dying, internet is much more reliable.

>B-but watch us insulting Trump, p-please stupid millennials

youll never get the self liking upvote cancer always had internet generation to agree with this.

the insults already been coopted.

Congrats on writing the dumbest comment I've read all day

.There's only been a handful of truly great TV programmes that would actually make me sit down and watch them based on the network's schedule and not my own. I don't go see Hollywood's films because they're not producing quality anymore and foreign industries have overtaken

>Why are we allowing this to happen?

We're not allowing it to happen, Hollywood is with their hubris. I'm not loyal to Hollywood.

Stay mad

here's a you

Millenials go up to early 30s you moron.

exactly retard. at least 21. as in, at the youngest.

Cause the average Millennial has a short attention but it's still kinda weird.

They'll watch an hour of vine length normie memes on facebook or whatever but they can't devote their entire attention span to a half an hour show.

It has to be the conditioning of getting all their media in under ten minute formats from youtube rants from blowhard Liberals or vine memes.

Tick tock Hollywood, your time has almost elapsed. Your stagnant ideas and rampant propaganda has crushed you and the death of western entertainment is upon. Eastern cinema rises and will take your money and your viewers and grind you into dust. Too late, you'll change your ways, but no one will be left watching to see.

people over 40 never grew up with the internet or portable cell phones and vcrs were brand new.

thats the only real reason.


Your not on reddit now gay bois, a generation is 25 years, the kids are currently Gen Z you can't change this no matter how hard you try and sniff each others farts in agreement

I'm 21 and I had all of those as a kid

>born 84
>stuck between Gen X hippies and dumbshit millenials
>realize this generational gap meme has been around for millennia

You're all faggots, imho desu senpai desu.

>being ashamed of being a millennial
fucking cucks not my fault you scrub fell for the 'work hard you'll be successful! meme' and end up making some jew or baby boomer rich while youre stuck with less

Confirmed for not knowing anything about net neutrality

All the fucking gen XYZ is faggier that metal genres.

Please cut it out.

Wow you sure proved them wrong

Movies need to compete with internet, TV, stage, videogames and basically all other mediums.

The public's mentality is if you can engage into watching a movie for free at home, why even go to cinema?

I love this post

I didn't write this; but


Like most Americans, I fucking despise major communications service providers. Unlike most Americans, I have actually been maliciously placed into prison in retaliation for lawfully criticizing a major telecommunications provider too effectively. Let's place my current feelings towards the various companies in this space somewhere in the realm of a blood feud. So with all the net neutrality debates going on, people ask me why I refuse to support all the campaigning going on for it.

The answer is twofold. Firstly, the campaigns are utterly infantile and have reduced gigantic and complex issues of law and market freedoms into entirely masturbatory webcomics. Secondly, and far more importantly, the current legislative atmosphere to enforce net neutrality is entirely good for the telecommunications oligopoly.

Now, the current campaign centers around companies like Comcast having no competition and providing not enough bandwidth. People think of their negative experiences with Comcast and think that net neutrality will do something to fix this. Net neutrality in its current form will do nothing to fix this, and will actually increase the likelihood that you will never be able to do business with anyone other than Comcast ever again. Designating ISPs as common carriers legally introduces new regulatory burdens and gives the FCC veto power over pricing schemes. Nothing could be more discouraging to new investment and innovation in the sector, and doing so will ensure that Comcast never sees competition. The problem with the current system is not a lack of government. It's the government's involvement in the first place. So many local municipalities entered into agreements with various companies giving them complete control over the last mile of Internet service delivery that competition is already hampered. Comcast knows that if they lose the net neutrality debate as it stands, the temporary rise in cost will be offset by the fact that you will now remain their customer forever.

Innovation is still happening at a furious pace in bandwidth delivery. I know a company, Windy Apple Technologies, that built the lowest latency radios in the history of man. It's all in FPGA and to the limit of physics you cannot have a faster radio. They did this to shave a tiny fraction of a millisecond off of packet latencies. These radios are so good that one day they will send data through space. You cannot see a product like that and think the industry that spawned it is equivalent to power or water. The Internet is brand new and still being defined. Just because it is commonly used doesn't mean we can start pretending like it's just another utility. QoS is complex stuff. It is the hardest part of networking. Figuring out how to best divide up limited resources has always been one of the hard parts of computer science and engineering. What's disgusting is that the people arguing otherwise know better, and are just feigning ignorance for their own benefit.

Now the reason net neutrality is being presented to (rightfully furious) consumers as a solution to telecommunications company abuse is not because those consumers are being safeguarded. In fact, those consumers are not only going to get fucked once via less competition, but fucked twice due to new taxation. Netflix does not care if you are a captive customer of Comcast or not. They do not care how much you pay for your broadband. They care if they have to pay extra to deliver their content. They are not here to free you from the grip of Comcast. They are willing to subject you to Comcast eternally just so that they don't have to pay an extra nickel. The fact that they are willing to destroy the market freedoms that pushed the Internet forward until today over a bunch of TV shows makes me sick to my stomach. At this point, these debates are over which gigantic company is going to pay for a tiny bandwidth bill, and I have very little sympathy for it all.

Don't ever let anybody tell you that regulators are there to help you. They are a bunch of fucking liars.

>thinking net "neutrality" mattered with the zero rating horseshit that was already going on.

>old mainstream media sides against candidate
oh shit i wonder what sides best for the internet.

>be millenial
>be living in the apex time of human civilization and still updating, in the age of science and full enlightment
>have entertainment virtually for free
>cheap food
>help others with donations
>comfy 100% of the time
>bachelor degree at 21
>free speech
>will live to get anti-aging pills and see space colonization
One thing grandpas: kiss my *** and bow down for the internet generation

>He believes what trump says
Hook moot should instate an IQ test for posting

>One thing grandpas: kiss my *** and bow down for the internet generation

>bachelor degree at 21

>bachelor degree

Trusting the MSM is even dumber than trusting Trump. And who is it constantly trying to demonize Trump and having hysterical fits that people not following their ideology will bring the apocalypse? Why, it's the media. If Trump pisses off the lie factory that is the MSM that much than he can't be 100% wrong about everything.

t. commie

>having hysterical fits that people not following their ideology will bring the apocalypse?

That's only OK when Trump does it.

You can't name one (1) instance of fake news.

Thanks to Obamacare, one can remain a child essentially until 26. The infantilization of adults is creeping its way up from the teens to the mid 30s crowd. Just look at the amount of losers who wear clothes too young for their age.

>will live to get anti-aging pills
lol @ anyone who really thinks this

>be born in 1983
>play outside
>play tackle football in the snow during the winter
>baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis and etc during the summer
>have a large circle of friends because you developed social skills
>be generally fit
>significantly developed less mental illness because you actually got vitamin D in your youth

>be born in 1998
>stay inside
>spend 90% of your teens on facebook, Instagram, xbox and etc
>be a fat sack of shit
>have zero social skills and most likely a loner but it's ok because you 400 friends on facebook
>have to take anti depressants/amphetamines at 12 because of Dr. Shekelstein said so
>have a lower life expectancy than your parents generation

Sorry but there is a huge difference between being born in 1980s and being born in the (at least the late) 1990s

The delayed maturity philosophy took hold in the early-2000s. It had nothing to do with Obama.

Keep watching Fox, buddy!

It's true that it's mainly the middle aged supporting infantile bullshit / celebrity culture (which is about 80% of TV). This is because once you reach a certain age there's less and less to do in the evening which isn't watching TV. It's aggravated if you're in a relationship or have kids. When video rentals were still a thing I swear that couples rented about 5x more often than single people because there's not much to do "as a couple" which isn't expensive.



One of the dumbest things I've ever read. Top 5.

99% of what's on television is absolute trash, like all the goddamn reality shows. The few things that are good aren't worth normally watching because you spend more time seeing commercials than the actual program. And I don't give a dead moose's last shit about celebrity garbage, why would I care about what any of those people do in their personal lives?
Either produce something people actually want or go broke, times have changed and people simply don't want trash-tier TV anymore.

>Tfw 24 and have at least two years before I finish the bachelor degree I started a year after graduating
I honestly could not care less about school at this point, I just despise being there

Quit and get a job.

I have a (shit) job. I hope to graduate and then join the police, but I'm getting near the point of saying "fuck this useless degree" and just applying now. It wouldn't be all that relevant to getting accepted, I just don't want to have wasted several years and tens of thousands of dollars to not get anything.

>born in the 80s
I still say that this is flawed. millennial shouldn't be cast with the kids of the 80s.

"kids born after the 90s didnt play sports"
ahahaha i fucking wish

Probably better to stick it out then if being a cop is your goal.

>the average Millennial
see this is what I don't get. if an average millennial does this, then that means thats all they've known. they have been conditioned to have adhd by the internet.

but if a millennial is someone who is born in the early 80s as well, they would have known a life before all of that crap.

so why are millenials paired with people that knew a life before the turn of the century?

being a person who "came of age during the millennium" is a stupid way to single out a generation. Baby boomers started when they were born in the 40. gen X started when those boomers had kids. so why are millennial generation spanning 2 generations at this point. if a person is a millenial born in early 80's they'd have a kid by now that is about 16-20 years old. thats the millenial generation. kids born at the millenium.

were Gen Y. not millenials. millenials are the late teens early 20 year olds.

screw what they said.

At least Trump is honest about it on Twitter

>Push feminism on a massive scale

The jews get what they deserve

Its because men are watching sports, playing video games or on the internet.

Modern television shows = 90% women orientated

But that is the point, there is no longer a concrete dependable housewife generation like before sat on their fat asses watching tv all day.

awww wahhhh kikes mad that we arent blindly guzzling down their trash daytime tv propaganda anymore?

maybe they should go back to pre 2010 when they actually pretended to try and make good movies and tv shows.

>posting strawmen memes
lol I remember being an edgy 15 year old

the only worthy thing in tv are live sports prove me wrong

It sounds like you might have just been poor

Generation categories are made exclusively for eachother to shout at the ones either side of them.

>15 years
>Shart in mart detected

millennials represent people becoming adults at the beginning of the new millennium i.e. people born in the 80s who will be defining the trends thereafter.

>Those of us 30-35, we're not millennials.

You do know that, by going by your dates, the oldest Millennial is 31.

So, in fact, you are Millennials.

They should and are.

>millennials represent people becoming adults at the beginning of the new millennium

Wrong, as usual.

>Download show in 1080p for complete free with no ads
>Watch on television with ad breaks every 5 minutes
Huh, really makes you think.