Who are the meanest nationalities on Sup Forums and have made you cry the most?
Germans are very mean, as are Bulgarians ;_;
French are very nice, as are Norwegians.
Who are the meanest nationalities on Sup Forums and have made you cry the most?
Germans are very mean, as are Bulgarians ;_;
French are very nice, as are Norwegians.
I like the Norwegians and Portuguese. The most.
What are you,gay
Fuck those fags.
Australians are pretty based...
Americans on Sup Forums are fucking autistic and call everything they don't like cuck
The brits are the worst on the board, by far.
Nah Canadians are the worst
What a cuck
>made you cry
user should abstain from Sup Forums like he abstains from sexual intercourse
Watch your bins m8
Ive always been nice to brits and like 50% of your people are mean towards germans here.
Even though you pointed the finger at us together with your sworn enemy france after ww1, unfairly i might add.
I still love you guys. Great people,great tea, great country.
This, basically. We're not that bad IRL. I don't know what it is, it's like our countrymen are all 19 with a bottle of Mountain Dew and an internet connection they shouldn't have. Also virulent willful ignorance or reality denial that doesn't fit their narrative.
The only time Eurofags get that autistic is about little no-name village disputes that go back to the middle ages.
Australians. Luckily I've never been called a seppo by one, otherwise I would have an heroed by now.
>what is a figure of speech
Eздить yлыбoк в yзeлoк. Кpyз к взлётy вдвoём ы влeзy фтaлaзoл к пoцeлoвaл y влeзлo. Кaлyгoй.
>Germans are very mean
lmao you must be a fucking pussy man
80% of germans on Sup Forums are pathetic cuckolds who shill for EU all day
Israel obviously. Those kikes come to this board to laugh at our petty attempts to stop them.
germans and bulgarians are the best posters. french are faggots but i like them
Southern Brits are cunts or posh little dweebs. Manchesterfags are always a blast to hang out with, though, as are Aussies. Kiwis are as bland and autistic as we are. I don't get the meme about Canadians being polite, coming from Texas. There must be a rudeness belt around the Northern U.S. that Canadians contrast.
british people are literally disgusting nonhuman underpeople
kek wills it
Germans aren't mean at all. Some are based and some are these loathesome cowards who find infallibly logical reasons to surrender.
Sup Forums is actually pretty nice, most of us just want other countries to succeed and believe in themselves. The shitting on other countries is just for amusement, how else are we supposed to enjoy such a crappy world?
>Germans are very mean
Not gonna lie, share this opinion. Way too many germany are try hard in this "gas the kikes, race war now" theme invested. Seems like that atleast our autism remained from pre war times.
Maybe they are these: telegraph.co.uk
But the other Germans I've found who have a more balanced stance are pretty cool.
Those fuckin' south Americans who called me el perita in this one thread...
Peruvians, Chileans, Argentines, etc..
That was just mean of you guys. I don't even own a boat. I've never even been to your lands.
I honestly can't think of anyone who's blanket "mean" unless it's a local rivalry. Our people get super bent out of shape if challenged and will go on vitriolic tirade for three straight hours. I think we're the "meanest", personally, but it's probably just like the same three or four autists that do nothing but browse and have been for the past three years.
It's all bantz m8, in general I think we're mostly nationalistically inclined, and cheer each other on in times when we assert our national interests over the (((globalists/sjws/perverts)))
Because they ARE cucks, like you are!
May your wife contract turbo AIDS and you both die of it when you slurp all that nigra cum off her pussy, you bull-prepping cuck you!
Albertans are fucking retarded. The rest of us are fine.
you don't know that unless you expect OP to include the adverbial adjunct 'literally' whenever a statement isn't meant as figurative
i dont want to gas them but i still dislike them for their lies and them teaching the whole world to just cry and play the nazi card if they disagree with german politics
We eat our meat rare, you cunt!
Don't listen to these Juden, Brüder.
Quads of truth. Witnessed.
Maybe you cunts should try hardening the fuck up a bit.
Australians just tell it like it is. It's not our fault you signed up to the EUSSR and now your countries are full of Muslims.
Have some fucking self respect you lazy Whiney faggots.
Australia is the nicest country on Sup Forums. No exceptions.
Aussies are my favorite.
Romanians and turks are the fucking worst
Ah, sir Chadwell Heath. We meat again
Too fuckin right m8
Israelis are pretty based, here. There's something like 10% that need to die in ovens but the rest are mostly nationalist and red-pilled as fuck. They don't actually want our help and consider us Refugee-causing Jihad-enablers that put their political power at risk over cheap oil.
The ones from the old Eastern Bloc/Soviet Union are all Yasim mach'aus Nazis this, Enach'shimaam British that, but the ones from western Europe or the U.S. are cool with all whites, it seems.
>i dont want to gas them but i still dislike them for their lies and them teaching the whole world to just cry
I don´t hate them, I like actually Israel they got a nice country going on and seem to manage the Kebabs rather well with adequate force.
>play the nazi card if they disagree with german politics
Yeah well touché, I like to follow Isralie newspaper and they´re really really quick to judge germans or germany. There is a certain anti germanism in the air but hey I kinda get it
Nice try Jew
Nice shoop mongoloid.
I think not, Leb. I'm a fedora and my ancestors were Woadniggers.
that's exactly what a jew would say
that's exactly what a jew would say
Ozzies are the bestest and funniest.
>U.S. are cool with all whites, it seems.
U.S. jews fucking hate germans. Like man, never ever have I experienced such utter disgust for a country and its people like form american jews. Just read JPost comments on facebook, really makes me sad to be honest
A swede called me a virgin once and for some reason it cut deep. I think it's cause I wasn't expecting it and he was so angry and viscious when he said it.
Apart from that never really been offended. Americans are the ones the usually talk shit though, then maybe leafs, then poles.
we're nice because we're educated
uneducated beauf french cannot post here, but they do exist in large numbers
Finns are my favorites
Dutch it's a 50/50
Canadians are either rude or kind
The Slovenes are my 2nd favorites
Aussies are synonymous with banter.
That's that left-leaning 10%. Ours bounce between here and Israel.
>Serve conscription
>complain about no jobs and Jewey prices
>come back
>complain about working too hard
>go back
never ending cycle
No one, I am immune to bantz
Georgians are the best posters I've ever seen, but they only exist on Sup Forums.
>t. toronto cuck
op is a troll.
Yeah, this is true. You guys are one of the few countries that ever post just to say something positive.
education means shit when your neighbour is a death cultist
silver's good, I love you too
I had a Czech go on a 30 minute tirade in the middle of my office about niggers, Muslims, """refugees""" and liberals, all before the Syria war and the refugee flood into Germany, back when it was just boats of dindus from Libya.
I had no idea you guys were so ice cold and comfortable with your power level. All fedoras are usually watery egalitarians, here.
remember this Portuguese poster when you get banned bro.
You should worry more about those Swedes, they'll be over run soon and will go to Finland next to give you cultural enrichment
Are their any nationalities that unironically love the US or Brits?
Not counting fags in the US that praise British culture while wanting to make America more British to line up with their British shows.
I'm going to fly to BC and personally curb stomp your crooked chink teeth out of your pot-tar riddled mouth
I've noticed that the only people that get super defensive and butthurt about Europe are balkanniggers and Swedes.
They rest don't really defend it anymore.
I was actually surprised by how nice germans are on pol, all that liberal propaganda must have worked.
Have to agree on bulgarians, and will add some brits and diaspora kikes
a friend of mine told me once that when he wen't on a long road trip (car/bicycle) he went through an odd village in bulgaria or a neighbouring country. The village was so old in style it still had american flags from when Clinton visited them or something. They still love him.
>no one is mentioning Lesotho
Fucking newfags in here let me tell ya
serbians are pretty nice, I've browsed Sup Forums late late at night and australians are terrible overall
that's Priština, not Bulgaria
Lesotho? similar to risotto?
I do, although I love America the way you love a retarded basset hound, stupid as fuck and constantly howling for nothing, but bless his heart he's adorable
yeah but with niggers and inedible
heh funny, but no, he was close to the black sea so yeah.
Romania and Turkey try to be mean, but it just comes off as poor people being bitter.
I'm finding myself not even clicking out of curiosity anymore.
that's not unique to them, pretty much any homogenous society is wary of out-groups and openly politically incorrect because noone is there to understand the lingo and be offended; you may observe this throughout the Slavlands although there is a growing number of vocal domestic cucks taking issue with this, usually employed by leftist and foreign-owned media houses
>Germans are very mean
Fucking Inbred Monkey
come here and I show you how mean I am
We're kawaii, not mean ya cunts~
calm down your strudels
Leftist and Cuck much?
Slovenia, keep more ordnung and go Arbeiten.
You're right. Israelis are another kind of Jew breed compared to the leftist kikes in the US and elsewhere.
dont fall for the tricks of the jidf mohommad
you dropped your ordnung when you made room for sexual emergencies so that card has been revoked
Es ist zu spat fur Arbeit.