>ahahaha I can't believe they voted Brexit guys
>LMAO ahaha they're sooooo racist
>I JUST can't wait until Hillary gets elected
>I know! finally a female president
>Tuck Frump lelele
>he guess what guys? new migrants coming this Sunday
someone enlighten me
How do liberals even talk to eachother?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just one gianthing echo chamber for their ideas so I would imagine it would be pretty easy for them to talk to each other. Every conversation is just an opportunity for self validation.
It's kinda like /pol. In real life though.
>Sup Forums
>echo chamber
I don't think you know what that word means
They don't, their mouths are occupied with genitalia from other people.
>that green text
exactly what i think too, not sure though
>It's kinda like /pol
I know exactly what it means. This whole board is one giant circle jerk of the same opinions
most people don't discuss or care about politics.
get a load of this newfag
>Sup Forums
We're constantly arguing with each other, it's the opposite of an echochamber. More like a shit-flinging chamber, especially when strayas and leaves arrive
Pic related
>le summerfag maymay
Wanna know how I know you're new?
No one actually argues with anyone. Aussies show up and shit post, and people decide to argue with a shitposter.
That's not opposing opinions, that's just bait
this, what a retard
He's right. As someone with liberal views, I constantly get called a Hillary shill. I'd never even vote for that old hag. But the moment you criticize anything remotely right wing, you're instantly labeled as a nu male who raises his wife's son.
Funny cause fags like you make up about 1 in every 10 posters, insisting it's an echo chamber.
I guess if it was 1 in 2, you'd finally be satisfied.
Also with pic,
>haha were so goofy and unique and intellectual
Literal fucking hugbox
You obviously missed the Aus/pol/ threads last night.
Whole thing was a shitshow from start to finish.
There are people on this board who legitimately voted for labor and greens.
So you're saying I'm correct then and that I'm just not satisfied with the amount by which I'm correct?
how do conservatives even talk to each other
>omg guys based brexit amirite?
>lmao people who voted stay are so cuck
>i cant wait for le trump
>finally a president who doesnt care about the lamestream media and corporashuns
>low energy lelelelel
>guess what guys? our state is fighting to keep refugees out!
i was gonna do this to try and prove you wrong but it kinda just turned into paraphrasing of normal Sup Forums topics
No (OP) the conversation actually goes something like this.
Lib1 :"glaglkglkglugluschlerpglu"
Lib 2 :"smerglugluschlerpaglurpschlip"
because they're all to busy sucking each others dicks.
Feels good and safe that I'm not mentally ill
I think anyone who establishes personal relationships based on political beliefs or only talks about politics with their friends they are a boring fuck who is not only not worth being friends with, they are simply not worth discussing anything of merit with.
They don't have to live with the shit that neo-liberalism inflicts upon us.
Not many liberals have to live in neighborhoods that have become 90% black throughout their lifetime, or been pushed out of their hometown by soaring house prices, or had to deal with a lack of rising wages for decades due to massive labour pools.
In extreme circumstances you can get dragged off to prison just for saying something unpopular.
These fucks just don't have to deal with it, they think the reaction to all the shit is the bad side, not all the shit they've caused in the first place.
>If the consensus isn't 50/50, it's a hugbox.... Remember, multiculturalism guise
You're autistic. 10% of a population is a huge number in the relam of public opinion. Don't throw a hissy fit cause the other 40% don't want to line up and suck your dick, and the other 50% just don't care.
>Sup Forums is 10% liberal
lol what kind of delusions do you suffer from?
Even if this was a hugbox, your opinions stay unfiltered. If you go against the popular sentiment, you don't get downboated into oblivion like in reddit, or outright deleted and banned like in facebook. Or arrested (Germany)
Here you get replies that snowball into additional attention. Your opinion gets very loud, especially if it's unpopular.
Go drive your wife's son to basketball practice nu-male.
from experience it's essentially a limited conversation with a massive mutual mind-block around "incorrect" subjects
if you talk about something in the media, everyone else will have the same opinions but changed slightly. these opinions almost always represent the views of the MSM or who-ever is acting as an authority in the group at the time. this gets worse if you're in a workplace or school.
if you talk about a major wide-reaching issue like morals, philosophical topics, political views, etc most people will completely block any thought on the topic and proceed to a more "acceptable" topic such as sports or a new TV show.
really it's basically exactly like a 90s sitcom but in real life, and if you start to think and bring up the "wrong" topics you'll get blacklisted and kicked out of the group.
in my case i was a leftie until about 23, and i realized right wingers are better than left wingers when i was at a birthday party when i got into an argument about ww2 with a mutual friend.
i outright broke into insults and got extremely angry but he remained completely calm, and later on i talked to him and found out he wasn't that bad a guy. over time i realized he had a point and started debating with him, and i turned right wing.
it's nice being on this side. i don't get as angry anymore and i can look through things rationally. the only hard part is looking at what i used to be and seeing that pretty much everyone i know is in that pit right now.
all you have to do to snap them out of it is leave a little question they'll revisit later or force them to look into the truth. they'll come around eventually.
>how do liberals talk to each other
They dont thanks to indivudualism, its all a big race to be the biggest snowflake. Its probably depressing as fuck, but they find comfort in all the SJW activity. Just my theory.
Just go to Huiffington Post and read some of the user replies to the news articles. Will remind you of Sup Forums in that they seem willfully blind to other viewpoints.
They don't talk, They fuck
There are roughly 15 unique posters from the post I'm quoting. 3 display outright opposition to anti-Liberal sentiment.
Mind you, I never stated that 10% of Sup Forums is Liberal. But in order for something to be a hugbox, a certain uniformity of opinion must be enforced with either mods, or extreme social pressure.
As it stands, me, and maybe 2 others are actually debating back that Sup Forums isn't a hugbox. The definition is NOT met.
I have liberal friends.
I pretend to be a liberal around them.
It hurts.
Jokes usually revolve around John Oliver tier shit (they watch that crappy sunday show he does). E.G 'how punchable is nigel farages face XDDD' and 'why are ukip such racist uneducated working class white ahaha'.
They vote for greens and love corbyn. They've not taken Leave well and are pretty arse-smashed about it - I can barely contain my amusement.
They want the EU to become like America with each country being a state.
They don't like social justice faggots and they use reddit.
They're as close to 'redpilled' as I can find since they don't buy the whole privilege ordeal. They still believe in the institutionalised racism meme though, and will often make jokes about white people having it easier and police hating black people.
I need new friends but these are the most 'based' I can find.
>mfw liberals keep destabilizing well developed, cultured and united first world countries by importing third worlders in the hundreds of thousands to feel good about themselves even though there's 80 million more of them born every year
this, jesus christ sometimes my friends and i had borderline orgies without saying hello to eachother
it's insane how much people fuck. they see it as some sort of status symbol.
Through Facebook likes and sniffing each others farts
> """people""" on this board who voted for labor and greens
Yeah, chinks and streetshitters.
I think straya is the last anglo country that's pretending to be white nowadays, someone should edit the bantzman to be a Pajeet tbqh.
t. actually been in australia
Our common hatred for Muslims keeps us united.
They hide behind a thick layer of irony and sarcasm.
Also, they spend a lot of time making fun of conservatives, culture and history. They think that the mere thought that someone would find anything about a white nation's culture or history to be proudworthy is laughable.
No you're missing the point. I realize 10% is a large number
No I definitely get that. Which just proves my point. The fact that an unpopular opinion gets a ton of replies just proves this place is just as much of a hugbox as Tumblr or reddit is. People don't like opinions that don't validate their own personal leanings
>and will often make jokes about white people having it easier and police hating black people.
wtf, example?
>Fucking Anything
if you're around normies it's as simple as grabbing a crotch and sticking it in 2 minutes later
i lost my virginity at 14 by grabbing a random girl and pulling her into a janitor's closet ffs
ive never met anyone that talks about "privilege" irl (yet)
How to the fuck do you miss the Nordic vs Anglo fights that happen any time vikings are brought up?
Except in real life, if you were to go up to some leftists with unpopular opinions you'd get harassed, doxxed, etc whereas on Sup Forums you can post cuck porn as much as you want and you will never get what's coming for you.
What the fuck has that got to do with leftists fucking? Can you at least write some coherent turbovirgin delusions, because it looks like you're about to backpedal out of your cuckshed.
You have it wrong they don't talk about their liberal views, it's ingrained into their fucking subconscious.
Moar liek
>Oh wow did you see that guy on Americas Got Talentâ„¢
>I know right? He was so funny!
>Blah fucking Blah Stacy has Gonorrhea
>BLAH BLAH something something makeup.
>BLAH I fucked 8 guys this morning
>That's pretty fucked up.
>OMG why are you so fucking weird you're morals are just so messed up!
>not the ultimate normies
someone didn't learn reading comprehension in school
>be atheist
>be pro-lgbt
oh yeah, I remember all the times mods banned me for my beliefs and other anons were able to silence me, ALL ZERO TIMES
stop being a faggot
Not really, there are somethings I don't agree with.
yeah its pretty cringy shit desu.
Most of my friends basically don't give a shit and just like making nigger/sand nigger/jew jokes, and when i'm forced to hang out with normies it makes me feel like they are the autistic ones.
someone is obviously still in school
got some HOT TIPS to PICK UP GURLS IN YOUR AREA for me, little man?
>Sup Forums is an echo chamber
I'm a shill for hill
Really? Is that why one user makes a statement and another 10 call him a faggot, while another 10 call those people a bunch of faggots? Sup Forums is not an echo chamber and anyone who says so is either a newfag or just flat out stupid.
You can't spout an opinion on here without being called out for it. The only threads that are exceptions are general threads because that is LITERALLY their purpose.
I was going to give you a proper answer but I realized something.. .
>You are a living joke
lol this
>pick up gurls
if you're a brainwashed normie from the ages of 13 to 23, just suggest you want to fuck someone, gauge their reaction, then go for it. it's literally easy as that.
if you're not a brainwashed normie enjoy only fucking one person in your life (either yourself or your prude gf, pick one and one only) because being able to think rationally isn't okay in this day and age
At least I'm not the one being walled off, Juan.
> he unironically thinks he's a stud
I understand that these past couple months we were being sieged by srs plebbitors with permavirgin false-flag threads, but do you seriously think anyone normal is going to be impressed with that shite you're writing?
I can tell from the way you speak that my first gf gave me more action than you'll ever get in your life.
I know guys like you. Surround themselves with unbelievable fuckboys who will be forever impressed with that landwhale you managed to pull in a club. When I was underage I thought getting laid was impressive too.
Nevertheless, If I heard you trying to educate someone about pick-up, I don't think I could resist from knocking you the fuck out with a slap.
Enjoy your eternal suicide watch of "doling out advice" whilst being the quintessential sadcase LMAO
...what the fuck are you on?
you think i'm saying i'm a stud?
if i was a stud i'd be doing something nuts like dragging around 9 women while in a relationship with a 9 inch dick and a $900,000 salary or some shit.
if you're a normie it's pretty much impossible to not get laid. that's what i was saying.
you're a fucking idiot m8. do you write essays when people call you a cunt as well?
There we go. Busted.
> i'd be dragging 9 women around
Nigga, if you tried dragging just 3 women around you'd realize there's nothing great about it, never mind fucking 9.
Well done straya, here I was thinking that you've actually been near a woman. Top kek, really mate.
just because you dont have jewish interests censoring opinions and brown people/niggers downvoting anything to preserve white society doesn't mean this is n echo chamber...
This is what reality looks like when someone can refute your shitty inferior arguments without the help of inferior people rigging it for you
If Sup Forums started censoring fag like you, you would have an argument... but we just laugh at yu for being a fag nigger and you cry echo chamber oppression
go back to your safe space faggot
m8 do you think you're making me angry or being funny
you're just looking like an idiot
Take it easy on those pedals they weren't made for going backwards.
take it easy on that gearstick it's not meant to go up your arse
You sound pretty angry, m'virgin.
It's ok, just talk to girls, trust me it works ;)
I live in a super liberal state, and in my experience, they talk about normal stuff but frequently make lame Trump jokes.
>smoke weed evvvery day
>one love nigga
>fuck trump, racist fuck
>OBAMA!!!!!! HAHA!
basically thats it
>I just feel like...uh...like racism is still...like...a big issue...like it's 2016 people need to stop disagreeing with me
>bigotry has just like...continued...and like it should stop...because like...we are all people...like we're all the same
I can't remember the exact example but it was only yesterday when three of us were in the car and I remember one making a quip about American police shooting people because they're black.
I can't even remember how the joke came up since we weren't talking about anything like that.
That isn't the only time of course, there have been numerous other times where they've joked about shit like this. They disapprove of diversity quotas though. I get really confused with their views since they all seem so conflicting.
Consider yourself lucky.
I had to sit next to a girl in one of my classes who banged on about white/male privilege and how she was trans since she identified as gender netural. Her 'girlfriend' I'm pretty 99% sure was a 'lesbian' tranny.
She also fake fainted and came close to crying, etc a few times to try to get my attention earlier in the year. I knew she was trying to get me to become closer 'friends' with her and then lure me into dating her. I already looked ahead and steered well clear of that fucking boat. Thankfully her ex 'girlfriend' started dating her again. Imagine a love triangle but one of the sides really never wanted to be there. It's pretty much the best circumstance I could ask for.
One of the girls I saw around wore a badge of Che Guevara and another a T-shirt of Karl Marx.
The main study area I used was behind the sociology block. I shit you not, Trudeau was quoted on the wall, something like 'nobody should be afraid to call themselves a feminist' and Emma Watson. Marx was quoted all around the college humanities (I was rarely ever around them but I artistically read posters). There was actually a Karl Marx trip at the end of the year for AS students. I did get to talk to one of the kids doing sociology, and also managed to download some documents from the college about sociology - they study Marxist Feminism, Liberal Feminism, Black Feminism, Gender Inequality, Racial Inequality, and Economical Inequality.
I wish feminists would stop complaining about gender inequality. What rights do men have in civilized western countries that women do not?
From my family
Theyre racist
Theyre regreting it now
Trump said it so its a bad idea
Hillary is great why dont people like her
Ran out of words.
Continuing from sociology shit. They also unironically use the words 'patriarchy' and discuss the gender wage gap. (To be fair they have arguments for and against). The presentations made me feel physically sick. Then they do an exam on it at the end of the year.
Sociology is such a bad course man. Fucking disgusting.
Q3 - "Suggest three ways in which the education system and/or the media may socialise children into gender roles (Item 1A)."
Q8 - "Identify three ways in which Marxists say that the family benefits capitalism."
I just looked up A-level sociology and grabbed the first past paper I could lay my hands on.
See what I mean?
But get this, the girl from one of my classes who believed in all this privilege crap and her 'girlfriend' never even took sociology, she was just into this crap in her free fucking time.
I knew quite a lot of gay people, but the majority weren't in the LGBT club thing. You could instantly tell who was due to their absurd hair/colour of hair and all their fucking badges.
To be honest the LGBT lot, and the gay friends I had, weren't too bad. Even the commie girl wasn't bad. I'm a two-faced shit though who grits his teeth and blends right into his surroundings, so I assume that's why they were nice to me.
I'm starting university in October, and please god don't let it be like this. I'm not going to make it if I have to be put through this again.
There's no oppression. All I'm saying is you will never voice these opinions anywhere in public. You will stick to your echochamber safe space.
I've tried to suggest that maybe the holocaust was utilised by zionists to promote israels interest and I was labelled a nazi and a fascist so I've learned not to bother. I'm just going to keep quiet and keep reading and researching until all these idiot lefties (hopefully) self implode or die of super aids
Genuine echo chambers deal with dissent with mods, like SRS (or most of reddit).
At least on Sup Forums you get a hearing even if you get dogpiled.
But really, what would you expect? Would you expect a different outcome if you went on an Antifa board and said "white power lel"?
I had to do a Sociology component for Education course. I seriously wanted to slash my wrists the whole time. At first I sincerely thought that they were being ironic because of how retarded they are.
How is this shit even taken seriously?
Police do hate black people.
The real question is whether it's justified.
you should never pretend to be something you arnt
> At first I sincerely thought that they were being ironic because of how retarded they are.How is this shit even taken seriously?
This is pretty much my only qualm about my worldview, I like to be pretty self critical and I can't reconcile with the fact that so many people could have a completely logically indefensible worldview that is the polar opposite of mine. I just can't believe that people could take in this shit and spout it back out verbatim without really thinking about it. It really makes me think I am crazy at times, being surrounded by people who all seem to be engaging in some kind of shared delusion. What If I am actually the crazy one and all these people are actually speaking sense but I can't see it?
You're pretty much on the ball
They tend to argue most of the time but whoever talks the loudest seems to win
It's fucking cancer to hear
I work in the electrical union in IL, I gotta hear how great hillary is and how evil the republicans are. They always talk about how Trumps going to take er jerbs and destroy the middle class while half of them were saying feel the bern. I get weekly anti-Rauner (IL republican Governor) propaganda pamphlets in the mail, discussing what i could do to destroy the red menace. It so painful listening to these people.
Funniest thing about my liberal friends is that how bad they are picking with women. They seem to prance around liberalism to please women but never really get to the point of fucking a woman.
I'm not trying to say I get laid often either but I've know the ruthless nature women have and more likely I'm not wasting my time if she isn't interested in me.
>Just go to Huiffington Post and read some of the user replies to the news articles. Will remind you of Sup Forums in that they seem willfully blind to other viewpoints.
we get it, you were sent in here as a Hillary attack dog and your world view is just crumbling.
Again, unpopular opinions on here get attention, on Huffpo they will be banned in large part or counter arguments just evaporate without proof. I do this on the Guardian website, cucks pop up and argue then wander off at the first request for logic once they've beat their chests and got a few upvotes for saying fucking garbage that appeals to bias and emotion...
on /pol ppl ask for sauce, nigga. Your source is stupid bias elsewhere. That stupid bias exists here too, but at least it has a very good chance of getting utterly face stomped. What the fuck are you even trying to say? You're literally trying to say nothing. Fuck you, seriously...
I guess you'd never heard of 'lefty pol,' or how there's fucking communists posting on here every so often with their own threads?
If this was a circle jerk then none of those fucks would be even allowed to post without getting banned
Yet, here they are still posting
Ill let you in on how my friends act.
>fuck drumpf guys
>yeah and guns are bad too lets go to that gunshow and just go buy guns and kill people
>this hotel has a bible? Lets steal it fuck christianity hail satan
>I wish I could vote for bernie instead of hillary
Awww! We hate you too, amerifat.
I speak openly to friends and professors.
You're an idiot if you think there isn't a silent majority that is willing to listen to anyone who can support their thoughts with facts, reason and a sociable demeanor.
Pretty much, and when they aren't talking about politics they're talking about stupid ass TV shows on Netflix. These people are boring as fuck.
That's cause I get called a racist for even suggesting that maybe letting 550% more muslims is not a good idea. And my grandparents are muslim.
Kike here. I don't know who's worse, my SJW friends who pollute my FB feed or Sup Forums. Either way, they're the exact same thing. Disagree with them you're called racist/sexist/kike/marxist etc. I actually lost around 4 or so friends lately for posting pro-Trump-related articles and engaging in healthy debate with them (all they did was namecall and ostracize me later on). I literally agree with everything Sup Forums believes too, which really puts me in a shit spot. Trust me guys, I think I might actually have it worse, but at the same time, it feels good being literal degenerate shit to everyone. Politics and the people who come with it are a fucking joke.
>"Come on it's 2047. Eat your nuts. What are you? Sexist?"
I can already see it.
We welcome jewish refugees. Brexit has proven that most Jews are based. It's the power-hungry elites like Soros that are a detriment for everyone, including Jews.
British Jews are redpilled as fuck. Kinda wish it were the same over here. For the most part it's just the SJW drones who actually think that supporting Palestine is right.