Daily reminder that Jews have the highest IQ of any racial group
Those sample sizes are very small. But I'd accept it, careful breeding and a good work ethic leads to improved genetic stock.
>sample size for kikes: 33
>sample size for whites: 2877
try again schlomo
>mean IQ is relevant when outliers are present in a small sample size
Nice try schlomo
I thought IQ was meaningless?
IQ is a vague measure, also that only includes ashkenazi
>Be me, pic related
>Far more intelligent than any goyimses
>Talented artist
God is really a bloody cunt, you know that?
Of course jewish IQ is big the dumb ones got gassed, those with high IQ got away
This. Constant cullings of the weak and dull throughout history has bred anxious geniuses. It is basically what Hitler wanted for the Germans except state-sponsored.
*Sigh* I only posted the image because it wa sthe most convenient one. You can google around if you'd like - higher mean IQs for Ashkenazi Jews are one of the most replicated and least controversial findings of IQ research. This particular dataset is on the lowside; most results are 112-115, or about a standard deviation higher. The 65th percentile white is dimmer than the average Jew.
Ashkenazi Jews are vastly overrepresented among Nobel prize recipients. I personally think a lot of it is due to wealth, which gives people the ability to pursue scientific research.
That's why they want to control the world...
"Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples."
>muh sample size
Good point. Socio-economic status is the key factor in predicting IQ. Also remember that there is a good chance that the higher IQ is not genetic, but much more a cultural trait. Remember that in Biblical times, all Jewish men were required to be literate. This is at a time when in most cultures only a handful of nobles could read and write.
>That sample size for white people
>That sample size for jews
Daily reminder that only Ashkenazi Jews have above-average intelligence -- Sephardi Jews and Mizrahi Jews have IQ's below 100, on average. BUT, intelligence comparisons such as OP's always over-represent Ashkenazim, and under-represent (or more likely exclude) all other Jews. This naturally and purposefully inflates Jewish IQ statistics. Again, when "scientists" publish results relating to high Jewish intelligence, they literally only sample the more intelligent Jews - The Askenazim; It would be like sampling only ethnic Germans, who have an average IQ which is greater than that of Ashkenazi Jews, and then reporting that result as being the "white" mean IQ score, completely discounting all other white ethnicities.
Ashkenazi - 11 million
Sephardi - 2 m
Mizrahi - 3 m
Kinda makes sense, right?
>koreans smarter than Japanese
Also keep in mind that the Nobel awards are notoriously political in nature (yes, even for the harder sciences, such as medicine, for example) -- Each year sees very heavy lobbying in various newspapers and professional journals about which people should receive the awards. Guess who lobbies the hardest for their fellow tribesmen? Guess who owns or otherwise controls the content of those various newspapers and journals? Naturally Jews are, in general, intelligent and capable, but they are highly overrepresented among Nobel Prize recipients mostly due to their extreme ethnic nepotism and racial awareness.
Do Jews inflate the white score?
Why does it group whites together, but asians separately
>now you realize the real plan of the jews was to kill all the dumb ones so only the intelligent ones remain and create a super jew race
At last I truly see
>t. Schlomo Goldenberg
If your numbers are correct, then that would mean the purposeful exclusion of 31% of the supposed target population, based on their ethnicity/race... for a study meant to measure a trait's correlation with ethnicity/race...
This is something I'm also curious about. In most countries, Jews are considered white on the census, so are they included sometimes in white numbers?
Or it would mean that they are including them are thus Ashkenazi IQ are even higher than the reported average. Did you read the entire study that OP posted only a graph of? I am sure they give specifics and you shouldn't just assume with evidence a few clicks away.
>ethnic Germans, who have an average IQ which is greater than that of Ashkenazi Jews
Link to the data?
I am only calling attention to a tactic which I have seen used before in many such results. Let the reader beware. Also, this study's result roughly replicates the IQ results which I have seen before in purposefully corrupt studies, etc.
No, just my personal determination based on experience and a cursory glance at the intellectual achievements of ethnic Germans. Would an actual scientific study of ethnic Germans' IQ's be permitted in today's climate? Likely not.
I'm sorry user.
No, sorry. Although I will say that I have never heard a Jew attempt to argue that Sephardim and Misrahim are as intelligent as Ashkenazim, etc.
that's because they are inbred.
I meant to the data shown in the photo.
Why are the East Asian scores so low?
See: Israel
See: Israel's relative lack of niggers
See: Israel's 80% jewish population vs America's 60% white population
post height or GTFO!
no one is that short.
not even ben shapiro...
Check the sample sizes.
Ron Unz is a beast.
Great sample sizes OP
>that sample size
He is also Jewish.
So what you're telling me is that the only reliable info one can draw from OP's chart is that black people are fucking retarded compares to whites? Cool. :)
I was not aware, but of course that's wonderful.
>Jews are the Master Race.
Sup Forums btfo and too stupid to know it.
Why would they sample so few Japanese, Jews and Koreans?
> implying jews wouldn't jew the iq test to justify their own choosen people myth.
> implying their interlect goes beyond sheckling.
>sample size: 33
top kike
5'4" lmao kill yourself you short kike
Race is a social construct based on folk ideologies that construct groups based on social disparities and superficial physical characteristics.
Jews may be smart, but they avoid occupations with a lot of math and science.
In finance, they aren't running the numbers like quants. Jews like simple things like journalism, retail and lending.
These IQ scores are probably bullshit.
>implying you wouldn't look good all dolled up and being pounded in the arse
but thats such a goyim thing to do. i have a great respect for life as long as i don't have to argue with liberals. i also have a nice big penis and women like to put in their mouths, so theres that to live for
daily reminder that scheming high-iq hook nosed are genetically selected for scheming and plundering the innocent
not to mention "IQ" has no correlation to morality
But God still love you
Nice source on that image you total fucking retard, OP.
they excel at stuff you can manipulate
i.e. the law.
Their advantages are in verbal intelligence. Letting their religious clergy form families gave its collective donation.
They just value education more, they arent actually more able.
Its a very high mean IQ, white people still have the peak IQ.
Even some asians have a higher mean IQ than whites, but white people have the highest peak IQ.. and more idiots in the streets who never tried.
I know, see big penis trumps all of life's worries. i basically live for the look on women's face when they see it since they are expecting me to have a short-man penis.
And the most disease from inbreeding
Not a race.
Most of those NATIONALITIES are not races.
nice pic senpai
the monkey touching himself is the best part
Japan has always drawn the best erotica. I just want this to be redone as hentai anime
>blacks 88.8
Link me to the study, there is obviously some selection bias here.
>Sub-sample size
How many of those are the people who conducted the survey.