itt Sup Forums actors who DEFINITELY, UNDENIABLE go on Sup Forums.
Itt Sup Forums actors who DEFINITELY, UNDENIABLE go on Sup Forums
why did he have to become so fucking lame
trevor is that you?
eat a big of shit cuntface, go blow your fucking dad.
it is you
nice dubs trev
lol what if abe lincoln smoked weed and rapped xD
classic trevOr
I don't believe he's 5'8, was he on a box?
for you
your comedy was shit and only appeased to high school stoners
learn2dictionary, illiterate baboon
Return of the WKUK when?
nice try cunt, i can see you have not finished school yet. Appease means to satisfy. The comedy is so shit it only satisfies underderage faggots high drugs.
Next time before you try and be a hip smart ass, go read the definition before you point your fat tranny fingers
What makes you say that i haven't heard anything from those guys since WKUK
>not appealed
lol Go back to your mexican school, little girl.
>illiterate baboon actually thinks he's correct
>appease someone means satisfy someone
kek Stop embarrassing yourself.
3 faggots who didn't even pass english class. hahahahahahahahaha you faggots can't even prove me wrong. just because it triggers you that I used that word, it is 100% grammatically correct. Go speak German or whatever backwater country you mudslime niggers are from.
Their commentary tracks are kino.
what do they have to commentate on? Their shitty skits? "oh yeah that was just a great joke I did there, in fact I think Trevor had the flu that day"
>illiteracy exposed
>buttblasted 3x
>continue embarrassing self
... am i retarded? doesnt that say hes 4'8? but he isnt that short, shouldnt that be a 6'0 above him not 5?
Grammatically I'm right, stupid faggot nigger
technically this is fine but it's still ugly wording.
Recent news on that front actually. I'm seeing this for the first time myself.
>what's in the box!?
holy shit that has to be shopped
it's correct. in movies they either have people next to him sit (or him sit when they're standing) or do other stuff like have other actors in combat pose crouching down a bit while he's standing straight or he's floating above others.
O fuk
What I'm not lame I'm the guy in the picture and I'm offended
>uneducated donkey calls other people nigger
if they really are planning something new that's cool