Why doesn't Tarantino write good characters anymore?

Why doesn't Tarantino write good characters anymore?


He never did write any good characters. People who make pop culture references every time they open their mouth is not well written characters.

Tarantino hate thread

He's a hack and Sup Forums knows it

I kinda feel bad for Quentin.

Imagine being little Quentin. His mother was a BBC whore, no real dad and the only father figures he ever had was all the different black dudes his mom brought home every week.

Imagine when Quentin was in his bed at night listening how his mother next room was screamed in pleasure while being fucked by a sweaty black dude.

>if it's tarantino character spouts references
>it's kino
>if it's a character made by a literally who
>it's reddit: the character


why is Sup Forums so scared of black people, have they only seen them in movies?

i'm not afraid of black people. I had sex with many black men.


It's a Black male thing

Why is Quentin so based bros?

All Tarantino films also show the exact same fictional cigarette company/ ads in the background.

Deepest lore

Are you a woman or a guy?

sissy faggot

Are you a sissy faggot? Are you a white person or a black person?


It is not about being afraid, more like Quentin's life was actually like that

Hateful Eight proves you wrong.

This. If anything Hateful Eight has his best-written characters. The latter half of the story might have its faults but the characters sure don't.

I have never seen a nigger irl
I would be scared if one of those apes are near me, you can never trust savages

Where the Fuck do you live? Greenland?