Man pulls AR-15 on SJWS

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>pulling a gun on some weak woman for kicking your sign

what a faggot

>vandalize someones property
>get scared when they get caught


That's an MP5

>Teaching liberals there are no consequences for vandalism


Actually thats an automatic AR-15/Ak-47 100 mag capacity

>p-please feel sorry for this lowlife vandal

Don't vandalize other people's property and this sort of thing happens less often.

Every gun is an ar-15 to a liberal

It will make them think twice before they vandalize someone's property again.

>Surprised when owner defends his property

>vandalize property that does not belong to you
>owner of said property defends his property
>h-he pointed a gun on me for trying to take his property!! muh life is in danger!

Fucking liberals

Why can't libs go one sentence without cursing?

It's okay because they're destroying hate speech!
Those signs could totally incite violence!

in texas im pretty sure if i went and vandalized somebodys property they would shoot me and get away with it

these cucks got lucky

I love how californians spin this:
>forget about property rights and trespass laws
>forget about property damage and admitting to all of this
>forget about vandalism
>forget about stating your friend was going to piss on the property
>forget that the entire altercation was started by shitheads
>they dindu nuffin wrong; ebil automatic weapon I fear for my safety

Perhaps refrain from being a massive fucking faggot and provoking people? I wish there was an altercation.

Found the boot licker.

Too bad, I wish he shot them all.

>automatic rifle

And this was pure spin against the man in question. Who knows what actually happened?

Can't say that guy is the brightest for pulling a gun on retards for kicking a sign.

>in fear of my life

>doesnt leave and keeps recording, giggling

Should of just shot them for being indignant on top of vandalizing your property and refusing to leave. Who knows wtf they were on, thier intentions or if they were armed

Everytime I pass by fuckheads like these I make sure to stare them dead in the eye. These kids need an ass whooping

>he pulled out an AUTOMATIC RIFLE on us

Weak women don't get drunk and act like niggers.

>Muricah fuck yeah
In most countries those vandals would have beaten the man too, here they only stained their pants.

>100 clip capacity


>they quote the man as saying "I've been waiting to use this
>didnt record it

>omg he had no consequences
>they confiscated his guns
>they probably wont let him buy guns anymore either

You need to watch the video again, because you managed to misunderstand a 2 min video.


Fuck this shit straight to hell

Based as fuck.

Kill yourself nigger.

i think he'll get them back, when a crime happens that involves weapons they take the gun until the case is closed.

Its all the same when they're 35 chambers in the clip you cocksucker

It's suppose to be the same in every state, since murdering trespassers is fair game.

Not in Commiefornia though.

>guy comes out with an AR-15 pointed directly at you
>starts shouting and swearing at you
>says he's been waiting to use his weapon
>take out your fucking phone and record it while chuckling
Suddenly all these shootings make so much more sense. Holy shit.

This is your average mentally ill trump supporter

If you're willing to fire bullets onto women because they're vandalizing your $1 cardboard trump sign then you clearly have mental issues, and apparently a good part of Sup Forums is mentally unstable given the support he's getting here.

I wish the trumpnigger pulled the trigger and then he gets raped in jail as an example, this isn't self defense by any means, self defense requires your life to be in danger

Pic related your average trumpfag

No, you just want to spin this into a crazy gun guy story and forget that a group of unknown assholes are fucking with your stuff right outside your home, boy

Go take that nigger mentality elsewhere

they can take it for up to 21 days i think

theyll probably do a ballistics tests and shit with it so if its ever used in a crime they can match

Don't act like a criminal and you won't be treated like a criminal.

That's exactly what happened

>Like, OMG, he totes pulled an AUTOMATIC RIFLE on us, teehee~

>self defense requires your life to be in danger

No it doesn't. Not under common law anyway. Maybe in the savage Indian wasteland you come from. But this is a civilized country. Or it was until you mongrels showed up.

100 caliber magazine clip. 100 magazine clip in half a second.

Oh please explain it to him them, Hans Akbar.

drumpf supporters are fucking crazy....

What a well thought out response Mexico. Surely you must have no bias.

Liberals are backwards as fuck when it comes to Muslims though

>someone steps on your front lawn, thereby vandalizing your grass with his footprints
>shoot him
>muh self defense

Lmao at the delusions of trumpniggers

>my friends
>my husband
lol, ditch that cunt

Since this is pointless and I have to spoonfeed you personally:
The person who was threatend and the person who filmed the event are not the same as you claimed. Stop making bullshit up.

regarding your pic
I hate when people do this, they just conflate two completely different viewpoints (in this case, neo-reactionaries with classical liberals, which are in fact the most opposite ideologies I can think of) and act like because their opinions overlap on one issue (Islam/Islamophobia) then the entire counterpoint to said issue (islam/islamophobia) is hypocritical and invalid.

Question for the Americans: why didn't he shoot? I thought it was fully legal to kill fuckwits if they're trespassing.

Who said anything about shooting anyone, you stinky wetback? In America, you are permitted to meet force with proportional force. In most states, that includes force against one's property. In this case, the man merely aimed his rifle, he did not fire it. The force he used, a glorified threat, really, was proportional to the force used against his property. Proper self-defense. Which is why he wasn't charged and was let go by the cops.

Don't you have a peasant to behead?

alphalpha as fuck

It's funny how the first thing you thought about was the flag of my country rather than the arguments being made.

Surely you must have no bias?

So? They're as retarded as your average trumpfag.

>someone crosses your southern boarder
>shoot him
>muh self defense

lmao you delusional wetback

Yeah, and later the bitch says something like
>he pulled my friends and husband lifes in danger, like omg! we were like dindu nuffins and he is gonna walk away free of charges, Can you believe it?
You can't be that retarded nor even on purpose

he got the gun back

its like you want people to not be able to defend themselves or their property. criminally minded lefties like you want people to stop being proactive.

>you break my stupid sign I got for free
>I end your life

Proof that trumpfags are either autists or sociopaths.

I hope he learned his fucking lesson!

Wear a goddamn mask next time.

>he thinks it's fully legal in every state to just waste people who annoy you

I'm sorry about weedman and his ideas on beaners user
may god have mercy on your soul, those filthy spics wont

Yeah that's a totally sane reaction to someone stomping a cardboard sign

enjoy getting beheaded since you have no gun righta

At least they're against the people that tend to destroy countries they immigrate to

Hope he had a bullet button

>spic and asian presenters


This is so ridiculous. He didn't put anyone's life in danger like they're claiming.

Some guy broke into my friends home to rob them, his dad shot the guy through the chest and he ran away. After waking up from a coma he told police it was a trap house, police raided the house SWAT style and took all the firearms. Been over a year and they still don't have them back.

>At least they're against the people that tend to destroy countries they immigrate to

You mean white people

Patience, user. Things will be right in the world soon enough. Liberals can't plan in the long-term and their arguments fall apart with minimal opposition. How long will they actually survive in the real world?

The first rule of shooting is not to aim at something unless you intend to shooting.

Since he was aiming at them I assume he was ready to shoot them unless they stopped mistreating his shitty trump sign.

Note this doesn't really qualify as his life being threatened, or a proportional force.

He would have gotten his ass raped in jail if he did that, that is my point.

Dude, this was posted yesterday. Most people already know the story. Stop lying on the internet and go loiter outside and kick peoples parked cars or whatever the fuck you think is ok to do

>What she thought was an abandoned business
Yeah sure
She should have tried something funny and gotten shot

In this case it would be "criminal damage to property" or "vandalism".

I think he should be allowed to use force to prevent people from destroying his property, personally. But only to those ends.

These pricks don't know how fucking good they have it here. Like how the fucking gays act like they're so OPPRESSED in the states, but in almost anywhere else in the world they'd be beaten to death for being fags.

I'm all for self defense using guns but this doesn't qualify as it.

Do you think living in a country where a wacko can shoot you for stepping on his front lawn would be good for its citizens?

why did the cops confiscate his gun?

You don't really have a good understanding of the law do you?
Trespassing is in itself grounds to defend yourself. The owner had no way of knowing what the intentions of the invaders were and was well within his right to defend his home and family. He was lucky the invaders were just drunk plebs this time, but laws for the defense of your home exist for the unfortunate cases where you are actually under threat. The right to defend your home and family is sacrosanct to US law.
I'm sorry you live in a country with a government that doesn't believe in the agency of the individual and would rather see their law abiding citizens get killed before doing anything.

His reaction certainly wasn't proportional, but do you ever think that maybe this is like the 15th time this nigger has had his signs kicked over, his property trespassed on?

People are getting tired of liberals thinking they can just do whatever they want, without consequence. Eventually the pendulum is going to swing back the other direction.

This is law of the jungle type shit. Once again, we are not a savage jungle nation. We don't charge people for thought crimes. Whether or not he was prepared to shoot the rifle is completely irrelevant. What matters is only what he did. And all he did was aim it. That is not violent, and it was proportional to the force being used to destroy his property. If anything, it was less force than was being used against him.

>man tries to grab gun to kill Trump
>man stops vandals from destroying his property

This is why we continue firing until the target goes down.

Taquito has a point.

i'm all for gun rights but that's fucking retarded.

the only reason to point your gun at someone is if you're going to kill them.

True, I don't want some nigger alive to spin lies to the cops

I can't tell if it's a false flag, but you can't vandalize someone's shit.

Name a country we've ruined rather than improved

To cuck him and demonstrate that his right to bear arms is a joke.

Pic is probably the best anti trump propaganda I've seen, well done

It does raise questions as to why liberals are so hell bent on importing MORE trump supporters into the country, however

yes it was just a sign but you cant just let people fuck with your shit

they will notice you are a pushover and probably come back to fuck with your shit more and eventually they will target you

>killing someone while he is stepping on your front lawn is permissible under the law
Top kek

>vandalizing some crummy 5 dollar sign is enough reason to shoot someone.

you edgy mcveggies sound like you would love to live in an 1984-esque police state, but then go on another thread to complain about muh government infringing on muh second amendment!

i know trump supporters are usually dumb, but cmon guys, at least try to use your brains.

No, I want to live in a country where use of force is authorized to stop or prevent criminal damage to property, if the property is valuable.

Think about it, if you step out of your house one morning and see a crack-head bashing your car in with a sledge-hammer, what is the best course of action?

Call the police and wait for him to destroy your shit and run away? Or confront him with legally authorized force?

Legal yes. But notice how, in recent years, nationally organized attention has been focised on demonizing legitimate self defense, even if the person is a police officer?
If you shoot someone on your own property, you are generally automatically arrested and your gun seized -- not because police doubt your story, but as a brainless, no-exceptions rule, mandated by Al Sharpton types. The police generally establish that you were right, free you, and return your gun, in 24 hours. They aren't allowed to not arrest you no matter how damn obvious it is.
Same logic shows up in marital arguments. Police arriving at a domestic dispute in some states are required to arrest somebody. They are not allowed to think. Somebody's going to jail, no matter what the situation turns out to be.

He didn't shoot anybody you fucking dipshit.

>b-but he was thinking about it

Irrelevant! 100% immaterial. The law only cares about what he DID. And what he did was meet the force being used against him with proportional force. Again, the cops LET HIM GO. Why do you think that is?

Go back to Mexico.

What are you talking about? The threat was in front of him. He doesnt know wtf is going on and what else they are going to do but he knows exactly who is fucking with his property using violence so he aimed his gun at them.

Its not like he aimed it at his neighbor or a random person

Go back to /k/ with your bullshit made up rules on gun etiquette

>cartel members step on your lawn
>enter your house
>tie up everyone in your family
>shoots your wife and children dead in front of you
>make you say "
Esto es lo que te sucede cuando se cruza los Zetas" into a camera
>cut your head off with a chainsaw


If you're going to confront 3 drunks on your lawn who are destroying your property, are you just going to come outside and tell them to stop and hope they aren't violent, or are you going to bring some insurance?

They are slowly trying to take them away from people. Any raisin is good.