do you respect him more for having Milo on his show?
Do you respect him more for having Milo on his show?
Out of everyone on he kept his head the coolest.
desu, yeah
I respect him exactly the same because conversation has always been a principle of his.
I respect the left far less for getting upset over it. The fact that it is a mainstream leftist opinion that someone should be deplatformed over some honestly incredibly mundane views is deeply concerning.
not really.
I don't agree with most of his politics, and his muh dumb republicans shit, feels like we are back in the Bush era.
But I've always respected his stance on free speech since back in the day when proto-SJWs were freaking out over a Sarah Silverman joke.
I was shocked he agreed with Milo on trannies.
>a smug cunt allowed another smug cunt on his show
>it's somehow an act of courage
probably wanted to let Milo get hoist with his own petard, but of course you got libtards crying cuz Maher didn't call him out on every point.
If you're a leftie then do you need to be spoonfed why you would disagree with Milo?
>shitbag invites shitbag onto his show and softballs him
What's to respect again?
>conversation has always been a principle of his
Literally every time he's confronted with something uncomfortable he says "yeah that's bullshit, let's move on".
There was no serious debate, it was more like Bill saying
>you're Bruno, you're gay, HURR controversy DURR
And Milo
>it's a debate and idiots get agitated
>BTFO by Rogan
>BTFO by Maher
Milo gets his shit pushed in every time he debates a non-retard. Imagine how badly Shapiro would fuck him up
go to bed Ben
The semi mainstreaming of "freeze peach" as a mocking insult for people who support free speech is a bit blood boiling. I'm starting to want to see the country split.
Neue Trumpenreich vs The Republic of Cuckistan
It makes up for his post election tantrum.
who else was on the show
People mock idiots who whine about free speech because the overwhelming majority of them have no idea what free speech means
It doesn't mean they're entitled to a platform, a listening audience and freedom from consequences
The sad thing about Milo is that for about 95% of the time he was babbling the other 5% of the time he made some excellent and what seemed to be well-thought out points.
Makes one wonder just what he could be if he wasn't so obsessed with pissing people off and pushing their buttons, probably a pretty respected commentator but no, he's just got to cause problems.
For all his professing that he cares so much about free speech he doesn't seem to grasp the simple concept that while free speech is actually very very important that doesn't mean it's perfectly fine to just say shit that causes others to freak the fuck out and lose any respect at the same time they were just developing it for him.
He's nothing but an antagonist more than anything else and sooner or later someone is going to end him because of the very reasons he's "popular" or at least what some consider to be newsworthy for being that antagonistic.
Fuck, I'm surprised Trump didn't hire him as Press Secretary, honestly.
No. Milo doesn't even believe most of the shit he says, he's an opportunist and all he wants to do is "troll" people for attention. Talking to someone like that is pointless and giving them a platform isn't a responsible thing to do.
wtf I ship Milo and Bill now
>The sad thing about Milo is that for about 95% of the time he was babbling the other 5% of the time he made some excellent and what seemed to be well-thought out points.
he does that a lot. go watch his college talks. most of the time he's walking on stage saying random shit. then he stops for 3 minutes and goes on serious mode about a certain issue. I think he does it because he'd get the attention to get people to listen to what he says but after a certain point, yeah i'd wish he'd stick to the serious stuff.
he only has conversations with people he agrees with....
>he fell for the Milo meme
They were basically flirting at one point.
go fuck yourself
>while free speech is actually very very important that doesn't mean it's perfectly fine to just say shit that causes others to freak the fuck out
The speech police existed long before Milo came around.
>I'm surprised Trump didn't hire him as Press Secretary, honestly.
That would be fantastic. It still may happen in the next 8 years, who knows.
>offending people is the same as trying to paint someone as a morally evil person
They're just words. He should get over it
Not as such. Personally I'm fucking sick of this preoccupation with British "commentators"; John Oliver's another one and that preening faggot Piers Morgan's the worst.
So in other words... he was offended.
>Milo's feelings were hurt
You're not too bright.
>That would be fantastic. It still may happen in the next 8 years
At the rate he'll be getting through them it'd be wrong to write yourself off as a candidate, user. If anything you'd make a *better* job of it.
You're bullying me, Joe.
>4 against one
>couldn't come up with any semblance of an argument against one person
>"no fuck you"
>"let me tell you about gay culture because I know a guy who shows up"
I didn't really know who milo was before the fuss yesterday on Sup Forums
what he did was great
>S-S-Stop calling us racist, guys!
Are you suddenly, out of nowhere late for your flight?
I thought Milo was jewish, wtf.
I cant respect a man who trust the people who lied about WMD'd over the rightfully elected president
Getting called a racist literally ruins your career, just look at Hulk Hogan.
his mom is jewish, his dad is catholic I think
You're trying too hard.
I am?
except its easy to write people off by character assasination. nobody fires people from their jobs because they were called idiots. people fire people from jobs if they hear from others that their employee is a white nationalist or whatever. it's not the same, retards.
Nah, people are sick of that game. Only pathetic millennials are still worried about scolding people.
if you're in this thread you've already formed a pretty realistic notion of what your respect's worth
He doesn't, he's just edgy.
Not true, people try to label everyone else who opposes them as racists, nazis, facists, SJW's, ...
All to try and shut them down and ruin their careers. Just look at the recent pewdiepie drama.
Can someone just give me a quick rundown on what happened during the show? Was it a good debate or was there constant interruption and nothing really changed by the end?
It was good until the stupid Nigger interrupted rudely
but i like the rain, checkmate
Was it larry willmore or another one? I had a feeling he would do something because he has nothing left and would he desperate for attention.
pewdiepie was stupid
they tried pinning him as anti-smetic years ago and he gave them something
the stupid part is he knew they would latch onto anything he said
They've gone so insane about it most people are sick of them. But I want to see Marxists hung in the town square so I'm a little biased, maybe.
it was an intro to milo basically. but maher kept using jewish tricks during the 1 on 1 and when they got to the panel, the niggers went full jim jefferies and told milo to fuck off. the audience of course, loved that shit like the trained seals that they are, and milo didn't say anything after that. i'd say milo went too soft but i suppose he wanted to dispel the lies about him being nazi and all that. i bet a couple of people in the audience were redpilled, maybe not redpilled about milo but at least redpilled at they way the left behaves to dissent.
>I want to see Marxists hung in the town square
oh shit I sure wouldn't want to be a marxist right now
The audience is incredibly fucking annoying.
Yes, goy! You should never speak up in defense of yourself when labeled a racist! Good goyim keep their heads down and fall in line. XD
The muppet voice guy who got fired from the Daily show. Then the other black spy man tried to convince everyone that wikileaks must be a Russian spy organization because searching email folders is difficult or something.
Doesn't matter if pewdiepie knew. The point is the media took it out of context anyway and labeled him as a fascist.
People intentionally conflate criticism that highlights hypocrisy and dishonesty directed at platforms ostensibly committed to free expression who silence certain speech with criticism that alleges that the platform's actions are illegal to make the former seem absurd. Keep that in mind.
I expect Milo to be a recurring guest. Bill is clearly intrigued by him even though he thinks some his positions are retarded and even said he reminded him of a young gay Christopher Hitchens
It's pretty fucking insane the Russians are the big bad once again but no one blinked an eye on the fact multiple high-ranked officials in Obama administration were moslems from CAIR and tied with Moslem Brotherhood who fucking OPENLY said on many occassions their wet dream is to have an islamic government in the White House one day, ruling the world. And suddenly it's perfectly fine to yell racial slurs at Russians.
They had great chemistry.
Ah yes, fortunately Trump got elected just in time before Obummer could install islamic communism.
>no fuck you
>It don't be what you said, It be what I said do your homework
>go fuck your self
>are you amerucn, fuck off
>shut the fuck up
One is espousing views that people find offensive, the other is outright lying about someone. You can be for one and not the other.
Of course.
>have conservative guest on
>surround him with 3 liberals all berating them
so brave
>Trump is against free speech
>ends interview
smug fucker
I think they may have jumped the shark with Pewds, but if you're espousing exterminationist genocide then that might still have an impact. And I still don't know if you said that blacks have lower iq due to biological factors if you'd still have a job, although you might be able to say that you want a seperate Amerikaner free state for white people.
I'd say I respect him less for having an obvious troll on his show, but I lost all respect for Maher a long time ago.
>Milo gets his shit pushed in every time he debates a non-retard. Imagine how badly Shapiro would fuck him up
t. Lil Benji
Milo is just a edgelord though. The easiest way to counter him is to rationally adress his meme-arguments and not get butthurt.
>being offended is the same thing as being slandered/libeled
Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
I respect him less for giving this attentionwhore the attention he craves. Maher might be serious or not, but Milo just wants exposure. "Winning" or "losing" an argument isn't his prime motivation.
Maher could have invited Jared Taylor instead.
i hated Milo for being an attention seeking mong and i hated Maher for being a smug douchebag
my opinion hasnt changed much, other than the fact that i enjoyed watching Milo getting exposed as the pseud he is
shut up I am thinking
what statistic
let me tell you about your own sexuality
go fuck your self
~Larry Wilmore
When you intentionally miss the point people are going to stop listening to you.
>no one blinked an eye on the fact multiple high-ranked officials in Obama administration were moslems from CAIR and tied with Moslem Brotherhood who fucking OPENLY said on many occassions their wet dream is to have an islamic government in the White House one day, ruling the world. And suddenly it's perfectly fine to yell racial slurs at Russians.
>Lived long enough to see 4chinz turn on Milo
Wow, that's sad. I said one day would turn on Bill Burr and I got proven right.
Are you losers gonna do your usual shtick and go back to being left-leaning parasites now that it's in vogue to be a conservative / correct wing in terms of politics?
Gotta keep being edgy, amirite? Amirite, you dorks?
I 100% agree. Milo is just playing a character to get more attention. In fact people disagreeing with him and proving him wrong, only galvanizes his base further (like Trump) because it lets them be "anti-establishment" and piss off the elites by agreeing with his ridiculous arguments (which he like doesn't even believe in). There is no rational thought left; everything is tribal.
>haha how can I be alt-right if I'm a gay jew XD
This is such a hypocritical argument. He accuses the left of identity politics game, but then dons the identity when it's convenient
>not supporting obnoxious attention whore with terrible arguments means you're a leftist!!
4 americans insult a british homosexual while he laughs at them
I'm literally not offended at being called a racist. Just annoyed at the person for thinking that means something.
What does racist mean at this point? Prejudiced towards racial groups? Only if you're white? Milk drinking? Hating people on the basis of their skin colour? (No one does this.) There isn't even a clear definition.
There's nothing wrong with having antipathy towards groups of people and there's nothing wrong with seeing groups. What if those groups are hurting your group? What if they're unpleasant for you? What's wrong with prejudging people before you get to know them if it's a useful heuristic?
I get that hating an individual person "because they're a niiigger" is short sighted. But, who cares?
As to wanting to operate politically as a racial block, well, why not?
I could see that there ar arguments to be made against all these outlooks, stances and behaviours that are grouped under "racism", but it's never clear which are being referred to, and there's never an argument other than "these are dangerous ideas/lead to hitler". It's like talking with a puritan about things that might foster atheism or sin and thus lead to hell, except instead of "hell", it's "auschwitz". Highly religious view. As far as I'm concerned, "racist" really means "opposed to Jewish power, the Atlanticist postwar geopolitical trajectory, and also white" in even the tiniest ways.
You do know this comic is supposed to be ironic? As in, satirical? You're not supposed to take it seriously, because it's absurd
you're not kidding
this place was INSANELY pro-Milo since the gamergate Sup Forums bullshit until recently
then the trolls popped out the woodwork (who never had any counter argument to offer either) and started calling him an "attention whore" and what have you and suddenly it became popular to hate him here
which coincides with the time the whole conservative thing started to gain traction
either we have some tumblr retards on the loose here or Sup Forums is gonna do what it always does and become the edgy counter-culture until that counter-culture becomes the norm
I fully expect this place to turn into Tumblr 2.0 with 90 genders and Marxist bullshit in less than a year.
Not even kidding.
Milo is on point with free speech arguments but not much else. It's time for Bill to bring in the superior anti-SJW faggot
I love how he embarassed Milo on live tv, only alt-righters are claiming that Milo "won" that debate.
Fuck you I only started learning Hebrew and reading into lurianic Kabbalah once I was sure drumpf won.
Embarrassed? They were almost making out.
>Are you losers gonna do your usual shtick and go back to being left-leaning parasites
You fucking got it, babe.
sure but only after allowing them to state their belief and engage in a few minutes of discussion over it. you've never watched it I guess
nice you hold leftists to a standard that you don't right wingers.
the right wing avoid leftist media like the plague. the same can't be said for leftists.
>generalising an entire website's view on someone from one thread