Everyone is so bland. I'm not even talking about actors in an artistic context. Harrison Ford may not have the most range but the man had a presence. A memorable face. Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, Sigourney Weaver, I could go on and on. The previous generation's top actors brought something to the table that today's just can't. What went wrong? Whats so different?
Where have all the ACTORS gone?
You ask "where have all the actors gone?" while posting a pic of the literal piece of wood that is HF??! gtfoohwts
Yes there are no actors who act in cheesy Sci-fi or adventure movies anymore.
You mean movie stars.
Just lack of distinct faces. Actors of old could be ugly, but they had to be distinct, whereas modern actors all look like they're pulled from an underwear catalogue. I literally cannot tell all those capeshit and hunger games homos apart, they all look the same to me.
Directors are too safe now and they make the mistake of either letting their actors do what they want at the times when they should be controlled, and controlled when they should be able to improv. Leaves every piece of dialog feeling tasteless and meaningless.
I mean was he an A lister when most of his big budget movies were being released?
Like maybe a couple years down the road someone like Chris prat will be even more universally known because of the movies hes in presently.
jake gyllenhall has this kind of presence.
beside we have big guy for you and driver dude. they dont have range but presence.
I like anne
They stopped hiring people based on their acting ability and started hiring people based on how pretty they are
shut the fuck up you massive fucking loser. you are going to die alone anyway so just end your misery right now
Sure they did user...
All the best and most natural actors were from decades ago, when naturally charming/interesting people fell into acting as a way to get out of whatever situation they were in.
Most actors of today do so out of expectation or nepotism.
jews don't count, they get shoe horned into movies because of their ancestry
They are still here
>where have all the actors gone
>posts Harrison Ford
>Bruce Willis as another example
Just stop watching Hollywood schlock, theres plenty of good actors, they just dont star in your shitty capeflicks or hollywood blockbusters.
Also they started caring more about looks to appeal to the young girl market (hollywood just care about profit), so we have utter shit actors like Chris Pratt starring in the biggest productions.
Classic actor right here
>'member Rambo?
>'member Terminator 2?
The "good old days" doesn't exist.
It's going to get worse over time for some Sup Forums conspiracy sounding reason. Teenagers all look the same these days, pale, brown hair, wide round blue/grey eyes, little noses, cutesy faces, etc., tell me you haven't seen a hundred other kids who look just like the guy who plays Carl in TWD.
All the actors have to be very careful now to stay successful
This. You can think of Tom Hardy and Ryan Gosling whatever you want, but at least they make interesting movie choices which make them more memorable than guys like Chris Evans.
t. kike
Hmmm nootka
>literally only talks about american stars form the past 30 years
you fucking meme go die.
Young stars with charisma, charm, star power: Ryan Gosling, Mia Wasikowska, Emma Stone, Tom Hardy, Elle Fanning
Paul Dano looks 70 and 20 years old at the same time.