
Hey Sup Forums

What would you say to an 18 year old white guy, who has an okay future ahead of him but genuinely wants to hang himself?

I'm studying welding. I already have welding certificates in TIG, MIG-MAG and SMAW.

I've had a few girlfriends. Have gotten laid.
I fell in love with a decent girl once but she rejected me.

I don't have much hope for the future. I don't know what I want to do to be honest.
I don't even want to do welding but that's all I'm good at.

Pretty much everything to me is boring and I've been miserable for a decade now. I just want out. I was wondering what Sup Forums could tell me about suicide and the concept in general. I want to know what you think I should do I guess.

pic related

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>I'm studying welding
Why is everyone on Sup Forums working in a trade?

It's so we don't get indoctrinated

Okay, here's what you do, you join the islam, you join the isis, you suicide bomb a group of jews, bingo bango bongo, you got, a decent suicide plan that benefits the good people left on this planet.

if you're good at trades you earn big bucks my man

too stupid to do anything else.

STEM is a meme.

stop whinging

life sucks for everyone, its the reality. what makes you so special that you get to duck out while the rest of us suffer through it?

you obviously dont really want to do it or you would not cry for help like this. think of your loved ones

1, I failed high school so hard from Depression I had no choice
2, I hate other people so working alone at my own pace doing my own thing is best for me (I know this is autistic)
I'm actually extremely talented at welding and even got special awards for it. I just, don't enjoy my life at all. I don't think money can change that.

saw this comment coming

>stop whining
I'm not though. I did everything properly and I deserve to say what's on my mind.

>you obviously don't really want to do it
I do. I'm reaching out to Sup Forums because you're my only friends left.
>think of your friends and family
trust me when I say they don't care

Want to go out in style?

>I hate other people so working alone at my own pace doing my own thing is best for me (I know this is autistic)
we can only go at a pace that suits us as individuals, its not autistic

you havent even lived probably 1/4 of your life yet. you wont be in this situation and state of mind forever. look into meditation and mindfulness, also exercise, they do help. if all else fails get some meds

suicide is the cowards way out, you gotta go out fighting

Yo, just get your depression treated or stage a political assassination or something.

Have a little drive, don't just die like a pussy.

You won't kill yourself. But should you by any chance reach the point where it's the only way out, don't do it in vain. You live in Brussels of all places, put your talents to good use and kill some key politican(s) and die with honour so that your name will be respected even in the afterlife. You don't even have to get killed in the conflict, you can off yourself after killing the targets.

Yeah, I do.

Sorry, Belgium* In any case, you're close to Brussels wherever you may live in Belgium

I've taken meds before and they made it worse. And I lack motivation to do any of those things. The only thing left on my mind is just wanting to get out. Most of my life has been miserable so far, I don't see why it won't be in the future.

Seek help

#jumpagainsttrump make the meme magic real.

I'm eighteen, can't drive, can't get a gun.

Taking out a politician is just not how I imagine myself dying.

I've been in psychiatry before. Help ironically doesn't help.

Get yourself a gun, and kill a conglomerate of niggers.

When you're done put the gun on your mouth, facing up. And pull the trigger.

Honestly, I think I'll follown suit soon.

>can't drive, can't get a gun

Yup, just like everyone else in Europe. But you know what you *can* do? Make a molotov cocktail or buy a knife. Suicide is pathetic, it has to be done so that it is somewhat useful.

You don't even have to die. If you know a politician who lives in a flat and the building entrance isn't locked, you can wait for him to come home, and after an hour you pour gasoline so that it enters his apartment beneath the door. Then you light it on fire and run away, man.

Any more details?

Push through it and work hard looking for good things to include in your life that will make you feel less this way. If you sit and wallow in it, it will only get worse. That's really all you can do I think.

i dont know if any certain combination of words could inspire you or snap you out of it. more to do with changing your outlook. i always think, it could be worse. i obviously dont know your full situation but by the sounds of it, it could be much much worse. go watch some depressing documentaries or gore videos and be thankful that you arent in their shoes. stop focusing on the negative shit and life might surprise you

We'll reach bump limit, post it again some time. Interesting talk we can have.

you're absolutely right, that things could be worse
I'm aware that the only person that makes me miserable is myself

but I don't know how to change it


>but I don't know how to change it

how do most people change it? probably by just not thinking about it at all, busying themselves with the bullshit of the world, partying and drugs etc. we're all scared and alone at the end of the day, some just hide it better than others

Fap. A lot. I don't just mean a few times a day, I mean fap until you think your dick is going to drop off and it's covered in blisters.

Let me know if it's possible to an hero from fapping.

>What would you say to an 18 year old white guy, who has an okay future ahead of him but genuinely wants to hang himself?

Post dick

he lives in belgium and you tell him to shoot niggers

you see this americans, that's why we'll never get rid of the EU
europeans want to treat the symptoms instead of the cause

One thing you could do is to join a NatSoc party.

Do it, faggot .

There you go.

ciao sers brudi

You were born just in time for WW3, lad. Save your death for the battlefield.

Hey man hope you feel better. I suffered from clinical depression for a few years and would recommend a tame antidepressant. They really get a bad rap for no reason, maybe try a tame one like Paxil or Fluxotine? Paxil made it so I couldn't get off till after 15-20m+ of sex so you can become a fuck machine too.