Alt-rightism is cancer.
Alt-rightism is cancer
Imagine a business paying less than it takes to live and nobody actually applied.
Literally your fucking fault for accepting wages lower than cost of living.
It is not the job of a business to care about whether or not you are too poor to work there.
You're right. We really should eliminate those wages altogether.
"Sup Forums is an echo chamber"
Lol. Everytime Tbqhwyf.
I agree with that image entirely.
We should start a worker's party.
Then produce something of value.
Um Richard Spencer and RamZPaul, both the figureheads of the ALt-RIght are actually fiscally left wing and not "capitalism is the best thing ever". They want to use the government as a tool while Right Wing capitalists want no government.
Shill detected
Why do leftists pretend to care about the wages of the working class when all they've done in the past 20 years is import millions upon millions of low-skilled immigrants that have done nothing but lower them? These "poverty wages" are a direct result of mass unregulated immigration.
$7.25/hr at 40 hours per week is $15,080 per year. Minimum wage is not intended to support a family, it is the MINIMUM. Over half of people earning the minimum wage are under the age of 25.
Federal poverty begins at $11,880 per year for individuals.It is $16,020 for a family of two.
There is no reason a "family of two" should have a sole provider. If this represents two adults, both should be employed. If this represents a single mother and her child, she is eligible for government benefits far in excess of the minimum wage.
People who make good decisions should not be responsible, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars per year, for people who make poor decisions.
>I will ignore all arguments contrary to my position, share if you're like me!
Not an arugment
>there is neither a moral nor an economic justification for reality
If your labor isn't worth a living wage, why are you selling it in Santa Cruz? Move to the fucking Ozaarks.
I love to see white rightists repeat the talking points of kike business owners
Wtf is "alt-right"?
I'm a conservative.
Alt-Right is the trendy name given to it by the liberals
I agree.Americans who earn minimum wage deserve no less.
If you have no skills you have no value.
and yet their labour is still in need or they wouldn't have a job.
lel, that picture. So true.
I was absolutely stunned when I heard Bernie-voting FUCKS on Facebook claim that the reason England should stay in the EU was because of free trade.
I support free labor camps for these people.
Tell your elected representatives that then. Because they've cucked you so hard the left had to come up with an alternate name for actual right wingers.
>winning democrats
are you friends of occupy democrats? one more to add in the shill archive I guess.
I tell them.. every time I vote.
Cool buzzword (((((cuck))))), btw. Faggots continually humping that word are more a cancer than the shills around here.
Fuck you, stupid people think that they are some kind of super heroes and deserve a middle class standard of living for performing unskilled, lower class work. Big fucking deal, they get their uneducated, worthless asses out of bed and spend the day flipping fucking burgers. This is LOWER class labor. If burger flippers and shelf stockers are middle class - what type of work does the lower class do? Since lazy and stupid people can't earn significant income based upon their skill and knowledge, they demand that the governmentsteals from others. We need to start reducing poverty by shooting down the poor. I hate those scumbags.
equality is code for communism
Richard Spencer is a pyramid scheme faggot, and I've never even heard of RamZPaul.
why i feel you would support children having to work too?
>If your labor isn't worth a living wage, why are you selling it in Santa Cruz?
Labor produces 85% of all the Gross Domestic Product. It manufactures the goods and provides the services that create 85% of the capital. Yet it only receives 57% of that value in wages.
Right-wing conservatives who can't recognize a bad deal when they see one will defend wage inequity. So will the capital owners who are guilty of skimming too much off the top.
>equality is code for communism
Everything is code for "communism" when you're retarded.
>There is no reason a "family of two" should have a sole provider.
I just love it when capitalism helps to destroy western civilization. Such delicious irony.
>blames the jews because he has no argument against this
>Right-wing capitalists want no government.
Bullshit. They wouldn't survive without government regulations preventing competition from entering the market.
The only difference between the "right" and "left" in the US is they want to use government to give power to corporations and themselves respectively.
Alt-right isn't "alt" at all - it's just the same old "free market is god fuck the poor" crap the GOP has been spouting for decades. What's fucking "alt" about it - they aren't fundie """""christians""""" and they don't mind fags? Big whoop.
>We need to start reducing poverty by shooting down the poor. I hate those scumbags.
t. poorfag who thinks he's rich.
Why do I feel you love sucking government dick for all your needs?
Oh, your Mexican flag, that's why. Tell me how well your socialist government has done for mexico.
People get paid for what their work is worth. If you want to get paid more, do more valuable work. It's really not that hard.
No, the "alt" part is race realism.
This isn't even an ALT-right belief...
>socialist goverment in mexico
kek, how its plan 8 doing?
or the welfare queens?
you mean the socialist goverment that was doing pretty good up to the late 80s?
T. white privilege card carrier
Why do left-tards think time spent working is valuable by itself?
People pay for VALUE. If you want to be paid well, produce value. The amount of time you spend doing it means nothing.
>see thread in catalog
>open thread
>1 post by this ID
Damn straight, and I want to maintain that privilege.
Right, fright wing Jews in search of cheap labor to dispose of at the soonest inconvenience totally weren't involved with that.