Is it real or a meme?
Porn Addiction
If it wasn't for porn, I wouldn't be a virgin
Probably real. Who cares though, cunts are cunts. Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal and it becomes less of a big deal.
it's real saddly
There is a fine line between addiction and compulsion. Porn can be a compulsion, not an addiction.
Its as real as gambling "addiction" and shopping "addiction."
I jerk it to porn at least once a day, and any time I even get a chance to even think I have a chance with a girl I still get ten times harder than when fapping to porn
it's real but that's the whole fucking point though
it evolved to be the most pleasurable and addictive thing so that you would be pushed toward reproducing
otherwise what's the point?
Real, I took up smoking to lessen the urge for porn.
Sounds like something an addict would say.
>Is alcohol addiction real or is it a meme?
>Is food addiction real or is it a meme?
>Is social media addition real or is it a meme?
>Is sex addiction real or is it a meme?
You can literally abuse anything that makes you feel good.
Everything in moderation.
I have a rule where I don't fap to a girl I like because I think it will jinx me
>I'm a lame fag so I'll blame it on everyone but myself
Or someone who thinks we label addictions too often.
It further erodes the buying power of pussy.
Porn is not an addiction, because I know I can stop anytime I want if I choose to. I just choose not to.
Once a day is not an addiction.
6 + times a day when you have free time is when it starts.
Its very real. Its not a meme
Feels real to me, but what's really happening is that I've become a dopamine junkie who craves alcohol and masturbation.
Every single day? Ever had a day where you've felt you couldn't be bothered? Not many, I'll wager.
>tfw porn addict
>tfw hate reddit
>Reddit's NoFap may be the obly thing able to save me
>refuse because reddit.
THIS. Feminists BTFO
It's real. I am addicted to porn despite having a girlfriend. It's pretty lame.
>Is it real or a meme?
I wonder this also,
if you find a reality where there is no porn but nothing else is different, would people still think about sex differently or they still be the same as the other porn-filled realities?
I've been addicted. Spent waayyy too much money. Caused actual physical harm to myself.
Obviously starts as a form of stress relief that grew into something more damaging. Like looking at the clock and seeing 10 hours go by like nothing, or tallying up the totals on the bank account.
It's a meme. But it can get habitual.
You can be addicted to anything
I would recommend reading "Drugs don't take people, people take drugs" By Eugene H Kaplan
It's not solely porn. It's the internet as a whole that's the problem. It is in and of itself addictive, think about it.
Want to socialize? Come to Sup Forums. Food? Order online. Play a game? Steam and websites exist for that. Date? Online dating. Apply for a job? Websites for that exist. Read? You're doing it right now.
The internet as a whole is designed to keep you tuned in for hours. Porn is just one facet of it.
Everything that society deems bad (and some shit that is actually bad for you) is addictive: porn smoking fatty foods drugs. It all hits the receptors in your brain saying this is good I want more
I love how every Porn """""Addiction""""" story always leads to the dude claiming he starts off watching normal porn then has to move on to hardcore gay gangbangs just to get themselves off, but none of them come out and admit they are faggots. They just blame it on """""addiction""""".
noticed this too famalam
I was jacking off to trannies since I was 12, I didn't just "get there" from an addiction. These faggots would do the same thing.
The only thing that has increased for me as a "fetish" would be I have a thing for indian girls now too. But being attracted to more pussy doesn't seem like a negative to me at all desu.
because porn is nothing like real sex. Smelling a girl is enough of a turn on too.
If these guys are getting ED, porn isn't the problem. Cant believe there are retards that think doing something that your body is supposed to do is somehow bad. monkeys at the zoo jack off for fucks sake.
Its pretty real. Not as harmful as other addictions but it can mess you up mentally. Its pretty easy to get addicted since whacking off feels good and whacking off to something arousing feels better.
Like all things, in moderation, porn and masturbating is fine.
When I was a kid I'd pause certain cartoons like Pokemon when misty was in a bikini or DBZ when bulma was undressing and jack off to it, if porn didn't exist we'd just find some other way to jerk it, like guns, without them we'd just use knives or bats.
>spent money on porn
>porn related injuries
What kind of super porn are you watching?
I can't get with girls, so porn is a substitute.
Porn addiction is not even close to comparable to drug addiction.
Been jacking it since six grade every day, multiple times but I still get off to just vanilla stuff. Of course I don't get off to seeing a nipple anymore but I'm not jacking it to trannies or fucked up porn.
How do you spend money on something that's entirely free unless you were paying for snuff or cp?
Anything can be addictive. You can abuse cheeseburgers.
I feel you, I can only get off to freemartin
Femdom stuff, and after so many years I felt like I watched all I could of my fetish, so I started buying porn online, you always feel so ashamed for spending that kind of money after you jerk it.
Can only get off to femdom stuff.****
I think i may be addicted, if i dont fap when i feel the need to, all i think about is fapping, it dominates my mind. I try my hardest to focus on work/hobby but its like an automatic action.
Post-fap i feel groggy and lethargic. Full of regret..... goddamn.
>tfw user thinks wankers cramp is an injury
>tfw no face.
>You can abuse cheeseburgers.
She certainly did.
>but I'm not jacking it to trannies or fucked up porn.
because you're not attracted to that stuff.
I started off with that stuff because that was what turned me on, tits and penises.
I jack off to normal porn too if I feel like it, but the guys saying they HAD to get off to harder stuff are full of shit, they would have liked that stuff to begin with, they just feel ashamed about it and want to blame it on something else.
I jerk off once a week , sometimes with porn sometimes without , since i can get a gf i need to release myself somehow ( and no i m not gonna pay a hooker , i m a greedy bastard )
got heem
>they just feel ashamed about it
Eh, I certainly have moved onto more fucked up stuff as time went on. Do I feel ashamed? Not really, it'd certainly be embarrassing to explain some of my fetishes to friends or family, but I did genuinely view some of my more bizarre indulgences as not even close to arousing before plunging in.
>fap to gay porn
>can't get it up to fuck a grill
>I'm not a fag I swear
There may be real porn addicts, but mostly they're just queers in denial.
It's addicting in the same sense that sex is addicting or eating burgers is addicting.
it pretty much is. No big difference between television, Sup Forums, social media, vidya or porn.
The no-fap crowd just makes porn a special case because it's a sin.
hohohohohoho damnnnnnnn dudeeeeeeeee what did you stick up your ass?
modern civilization is also addictive as hell. Most of the sheepherder kids can never leave the urban environment once they tasted its fruits.
Meme, ask /adv/ or /sci/, they keep pictures for this shit.
>groggy and lethargic
what is this mate
only noticed it as i got older/more addicted
literally feels like fucking dementia for an hour
Sounds like me I fap just as a natural response not for pleasure anymore and feel like shit afterwards. Have to fap twice a day also and if I don't It drives me nuts at work till I do it in the bathroom.
prolactin bro
you produce more of it the older you get, don't worry too much
if it becomes a problem take a zinc supp immediately before fapping
>guys, I gave up a degenerate addiction by replacing it with another equally degenerate (and dangerous) addiction
I feel you. Reddit cringes me out but that sub can be OK sometimes. Its the "you can't handle this broo tip tip" attitude that puts me off. When its just people describing their experiences and how the believe their addictions are coming about (associations, etc) its pretty good. I'd say just stop fapping anyway, its just such a miserable waste of existence
Sometimes I get bothered about being a virgin, then I fap and it's all good
ITT: porn addicts making excuses
Just give it up, you know its degenerate. Imagine what you could be doing with that time better spent, along with some basic self control and a goal in life.
No. My life is terrible and I have no motivation. If I had a gf I would.
>Imagine what you could be doing with that time better spent, along with some basic self control and a goal in life.
Just imagine productive you could be if you had no hobbies and where a lifeless cog in the industrial machine, just imagine how much money you could be making for me!
Nah its still my fault, not putting on blame
Just identifying the tool
porn is addictive, however masturbation isn't and is perfectly healthy. For anyone who's worried about if they have a porn addiction that's fucking them up, just drop the porn. Fapping itself is something we've been doing since we were caveman, but porn should definitely be moderated.
I tried no fap for a few months, it was pointless, nothing changed
Of course it is. Anything can be an addiction if you do it often enough. Things that make you feel good are the easiest to become addicted to.
I did it for ten months without any change.
Pretty sure it's a placebo for the easily influenced.
How is once a day? Usually twice a day on my days off.
If all you do is jerk off all day developing deeper and more perverse fantasies then yeah porn is bad.
If youre like every other normal healthy human being on earth jerking off to porn every now and then is perfectly fine and probably good for you
I don't know how someone gets addicted to porn.
You watch it while you don't have a GF because you have to jerk off.
Thats all
Only a certain percentage of the population can become addicted to things.
Is this a troll or are you really this ignorant?
I've seen tons of porn without even a smudge of addiction. Having a girlfriend makes me stop watching porn almost entirely, instantly. I think being addicting to porn is an issue of weak minds.
By this stupid logic everything's addictive.
Food you like. Your hobbies. Jokes you find funny. They give you spikes of chemicals in your brain, and now your brain wants more of it.
The thing is these things cause spikes to different extents, and as far as I know it hasn't been quantified as to what extent porn, versus drugs, versus just "things you like to do" are on the scale.
try. I guarantee you that you won't make it more than a couple weeks.
according to numerous testimonials the resetting of a PMO addiction can take over a year if not longer. It depends on the person and how severe their addiction was. If you've been jerking off daily to hardcore porn expect the healing process to take a while.
It's a retarded meme because anything that's done excessively to the point where it impacts your life negatively and you can't stop or devote less time to that activity is an addiction.
>Videogame addiction
>Fitness addiction
>Browsing an American knock-off of a popular Japanese website for anime discussion owned by a Japanese man on a sub-board for political discussion during the weekend instead of enjoying life addiction
Anyways the "cure" or answer for porn "addiction" is simply being in a sexual relationship or frequently engaging in sexual intercourse with others, also society places too much value on sex so that's what is constantly on the majority of the populations mind... The're other hobbies out there to partake in and if that individual can fill in the sexual void then their "addiction" would be no more
tl;dr have a sex life that you're satisfied with and this won't be a problem
Personally have a hard time going pass 2 weeks without a fap
>I usually fap once per week or so
I pretty much can't get hard from 95% of the porn anymore unless it's the highest quality. If it's your generic "amateur", JAV, western, hentai anime/manga, it just doesn't do with me. Currently only super high quality porn, and 3D hentai works. But I fear the future in which I also get tired of it. I haven't tried NoFap yet, do you think it'll help (like reset) if I take a long break? But I'm too addicted.
Of course it is real, you can be addicted to anything pleasurable and porn from a biological perspective is like having an endless harem willing to do whatever you want. With porn your brain is pretty much saying "holy shit I am getting so much sex with so many different women. I guess I pretty much just won life."
You can try but I promise you wont go very long without it.
Is over masturbation a thing?
i used to be addicted to porn. then i fingered a girl, and now im addicted to fantasizing about doing her. after we real sex, ill prolly be addicted to fucking.
basically im addicted to sexual intimacy, but as my understanding of it changes so does the object of my desires.
I've never masturbated fampai and I'm a girl and I've always so frustrated and angry for no reason. Like, I've literally had to go to the psychologist because I was depressed and would alternate moods easily
Are you me?
Did that my entire school career. I got pussy, so I guess it worked.
If one stops, will it change anything?
>I'm a girl
>always so frustrated and angry for no reason
>depressed and would alternate moods easily
You only had to say it once. We get it. You're a girl.