Clinton Foundation General

This thread is dedicated to research into possible (if not certain) wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation. We're talking "convenient" deals, cover-ups, etc.

>FBI user's threads
- Part 1

- Part 2

Any suggestions on where to start are welcome. Stay vigilant, for we may get slid.

Other urls found in this thread:


What does CGI and SAP mean?

Start learning about operations Car Wash (lava jato), from Brazil, and Clean Hands (mane pulite), from Italy. They probed a similar issue on the respective countries, we should follow their steps

pastebin to earlier findings.

Still gonna ask for somebody to shape this into a Sup Forums propaganda poster around taking down the Clinton Foundation.

Clinton Global Initiative

Special Access Program

Also this one.

SAP is special access programs

SAP (Special Access Program) See CGI is just Clinton Global Initiative, aka. Clinton Foundation.

pastebin to leaks (don't know if they all still work)

Is there some way that the FBI user's threads can get archived? Or are the massive pics going to have to do?

So guys, what's all this shit about Vermont and shooting up hippies?

What's going on?

We'll have to have pictures for future threads, to be sure.

SAP - Special Access Program (not to be confused with something that runs on a computer). From what I gather, this is above Top Secret information, like they remove all electronics from you and you go through layers of security into a room to read it.

they're still up.

Posting another format and a 3rd one someone made. We're not letting this die.

Save whichever is easiest for you to read.

They're archived! The archive is very similar to the live page. Welcome to Sup Forums!

>First FBI thread

>Second FBI thread


I believe Sup Forums has an archive. There's also the old Sup Forums Archive, but I have no idea if it still exists or not. In addition, Sup Forums archives threads for about a week or so, then the board-specific archives kick in.

Plus, images are easier to propagate.


Do we know specifically where the shooting will be ? It's a stretch but Can we Mabey stop people from going there ?


The map from the last thread seems like the best we have.

Sadly, I gotta get going now, but hopefully, my shit attempt at OP is enough to eventually create a template. Good luck Anons and I fully expect shit to get real before too long.

What symbol are you using to cover the faces or is it just insignificant?

did he ever explain the purpose of the shooting?

FBI dude confirmed legit?

It's some JIDF forced meme. It's meant to dilute our memetic powers.



Trump is directly messaging us.

oy vey, JIDF, you're in for a bruising!

That is of course impossible. But he didn't say anything stupid like most shills.

For example, he said there was a 0% chance of indictment until Trump was president.

I think it would probably be at the Rainbow Gathering, since that's a huge gathering of hippies in vermont.

What's the context of a shooting there?

Interesting first time I'm seeing it.

Thanks for the response.


Have you guys so much as figured out what a Foundation is yet? Which office registers them? The (whatever-it-is) ID of the Clinton Foundation?

I'll bet that in 24 hours, no-one will have so much as an official registration document. This thread is destined to be a continuation of the LARP-BI's original shitposts.

Do we know if there is a group or person leading or hosting it?
Someone should find and contact them

Context? There doesn't have to be any context. Some plant greases a bunch of lefties and the rest of the lefties will spew and froth about MUH GUNNNNNNNNZZZZZ

>Believing every lie they tell you

The dates people should look into are between 2013-2015 for any significance.

I like these generals and I'm glad they exist. Let's make these comfy redpill threads.

I truly hope /trump gen/ user was right and the only reason they're letting Hillary get this far is to make her fall from grace even greater.

>Context? There doesn't have to be any context.

Sorry, I meant what's the context for thinking there will be a shooting in Vermont?

From the way it sounds, if there IS a false flag shooting there, they'll blame it on police brutality.

Fucking depressing.

Oh absolutely, I was genuinely worried she wouldn't be the nominee and we'd get someone stronger like Biden. I don't think 'Bernie' has a chance, and he isn't stronger.


If you search the name of the bank who controls the finances for her SuperPAC, you will also find that the owner of this bank, is a HUGE hillary supporter. You will also find a link between hillary, the bank (and bank owner) and George Soros, who set up a phony "non profit" along with other multi millionaires who all use the non profit to funnel money into the bank and into hillarys PAC.

Did the Russians hack the Clinton Foundation or just her email server?

also and are separate archives, but not as good as the live pages b/c you can't expand the images, highlight users, etc.

Fucking shills are trying to slide this big time. Almost could not find this new thread.

Shills: You cannot hide the truth. It is coming fast and hard. You don't have to support Trump, but for chrissake learn what's really.





tl;dr it's like git, http, and bittorrent having hot, sweaty sex and producing a wonderful open source baby. Content is hash-addressed and immutable so you CAN'T edit something after the fact, you can only create a new object.

Watch out for a false flag at the conventions

Best version. Thanks user. Saved.

I'm definitely expecting it. Soros and Cleveland Democrats are going to try and make the RNC as big a mess as possible.
They might even higher a "Trump supporter" to go on a rampage at the DNC, like they did in the UK with Cox.

Very interesting. Will research.

Bump sliding hard

maybe im just being a conspirtard, but anyone else have a very bad feeling about July 4th night just w/ everything going on. So many crowded people in the larger cities, people wouldn't even notice gunfire?

I'm staying inside. Hope to god im overreacting.

Incentive: use IPFS to download a Hitler movie:



Just stay out of parades and large groups.


Seig Heil!

Holy shit is it getting slid that hard?

the thing is that the clinton foundation is the most transparent presidential foundation, they aren't obligated to release any donor information at all. the information they do release is purely voluntary.

the clintons are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. 3rd party auditors have found about 90% of the clinton foundation funds go towards charity. its not worth clinton's time, let alone political favors for chump change savings on plane flights or paltry salaries.

there is nothing here.

I Hung out with a person who is pretty famous one night. He was in town as a speaker for the clinton global initiative and was interested in my band (music person/tv personality)

Later on that night I just wound up hanging out with his body guard. Former Marine.

His body guard was basically like lets go to the hotel (a trump hotel ironically) and drink on the clinton global initiative dime all night.

And we did for like 5 hours at a really expensive hotel bar in NYC. Our bill was easily like 600-800 dollars. Just walked out when we were done.


>Just stay out of parades and large groups.
Oh i know, just worried about my fellow countrymen....I may not understand or get along with the normies, but don't want anything bad to happen to em

>90% of the clinton foundation funds go towards charity
>there is nothing here.

How many children have you diddled in the past 2 hours?

>Leading Haitian lawyer and a genuine human rights activist, Ezili Danto, charges that UN Envoy to Haiti, Bill Clinton as head of the Haitian relief fund was responsible for some $6 billion of international relief aid received.

>Less than 1% of this amount made it to the Haitian government. Bill Clinton had total control
of the balance.

>She adds, Hillary and Bill Clinton opened Haiti as their private asset to liquidate. They used the resources of the World Bank, the State Department, USAID, the UN, the Private Military Security Contractors, the US military, and the Fed passport and visa issuance capabilities. They got kickbacks called "donations" from anyone who wished to buy from them a piece of Haiti lands, oil, iridium, uranium or gold.


Thank you user!

You guys are doing a great job at falling for b8.

The """"FBI"""" guy is probably a paid staffer of Hillary's to keep you focused on some top tier b8.

Fuck off, Trudeau.

Ironically, shilling on Sup Forums is all he's actually useful for to them.

It's true though, you're walking right into a trap made by Shillary kikes.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

>Over 100 Haitians and North American activists, mobilized with only 48 hours notice, protested against the Happy Hearts Fund of super-model Petra Nemcova awarding Haitian President Michel Martelly a prize for his “leadership in education” in a sumptuous Manhattan ceremony. The foundation also gave the former President Bill Clinton a “Lifetime Achievement Award.”

>One of the main chants of the demonstrators on 42nd Street outside the Cipriani restaurant was “Clinton, where is the money for reconstruction?” The answer was “in whose pockets?”

>Clinton was responsible for overseeing the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Haiti after the devastating earthquake there four years ago. While rubble has finally been cleared from the streets, some 200,000 people still live in tents. Only a fraction of the permanent housing promised and needed has been built. Those built are often poorly designed, badly located, or incomplete.

Yeah, naw that doesn't seem plausible. "Look deeper into the Foundation, goy" isn't realistic.

2nd bamp

keep wasting your time then. you'd be much better off just continuing to shitpost about it than actually try to find non existent facts to back it up.

funny how you idiots will ignore actual, real scandals, but he hooked on ridiculous conspiracy theory level shit like this and vince foster.

>real scandals

I know you're a shill, but at least back your shit up. Name a "real" scandal.


>accepting bribes from Saudi Arabia
>squandering money for Haiti

wow, much conspiracy, so ridiculous

>the thing is that the clinton foundation is the most transparent presidential foundation

just shill my shit up senpai

> 3rd party auditors have found about 90% of the clinton foundation funds go towards charity

bwahhahahha mother of kek, thats a good one m8


Jesus fucking Christ this thread is getting slid hard.

Dumping some old shit I used to have on Hillary during the Shillary threads.

Hey, Swiss Bro, you out there?

Fuck off, ye kike.


Definitely use best screenshot as main screenshot.


We have to debunk the program funds 89 percent thing somehow.


That's why we need to store it on something permanent and trustworthy, like IPFS. A Sup Forums thread lasts days but an archive zip in IPFS is forever so long as one connected node is making it available. I've got three geographically distributed IPFS nodes I can use to host content.

Hillary shills will be out in force on this thread.

Pic related is back when we suspected Hillary of doing crazy shit with the SuperPACs and deport racism.

FBI guy said to focus on the CF itself.

We need to know EXACTLY what he meant by that. Exactly what we need to follow.

You ain't kidding.

All his stuff was put in a pastebin. I don't remember where though.

>One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89% of its funding went to charity.
>We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3% of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

>1 post by this ID

Why would the FBI even care about disinfo here?

The return of 'Sup Forums exposes Shillary' threads, eh?

The real purpose of false shootings is to disarm American citizens in fears of uprising.

Hold on, I may have saved it somewhere. I'm checking.

unfortunately you can't debunk a straight fact.

have you looked at bush's foundation? they don't even release all their donors.

By the sound of it, they want us to do their job for them.

Salary to staff counts in that shit

Learn to read
