This gets better and better every single day.
How is it that a company as big as WB can't hire someone to get their shit straight?
This gets better and better every single day.
How is it that a company as big as WB can't hire someone to get their shit straight?
It's honestly eerie how dc is covered and smeared by disney the same way trump was by the msm.
100 years from now people will wonder how the media made people believe the current dceu was terrible and this propaganda will be taught for future generations.
unlike trump, DC has genuine problems backed up with facts
they're structured like Microsoft, that means each department has to compete with the other, they have a terrible corporate culture and it is reflected in their properties
Who's the source? It's all fake news if there's anonymous sources. Nobody here knows what is going on in the studio and you're gullible to believe a tabloid who's goal is to get clicks.
>Affleck publicly states he won't direct The Batman unless the script is good enough
>Affleck drops out as director
What did he mean by this?
>trying to get career directors to do capeshit
That's the problem, they should learn of Disney and only hire hacks from Troma productions
Makes you think
This movie is starting to look deader than Bruce Wayne's parents
This. Just hire some TV hacks who'll do what WB tells them. The movies will be bland as fuck product but that's the only way the cinematic universe can work. It has to run like a TV show.
Just bring back Nolan
It's embarrassing how DC's live action movies get BTFOd by Lego.
You don't even need Marvel for this shit. My 10 year old autistic brother can make a better Batman film than DC.
>It has to run like a TV show.
Literally what it is. The funniest part of it all is that WB has the best tv directors in the business. Get Allen Coulter or Tim van Patten and they'll make blandkino way better than Marvel and they won't ask questions
? TDK and BB were probably the best capeshit films of all time (ok, that's not a very high bar)... I don't get this comment.
I'm talking about Lego Batman in comparison to The DC Cinematic Universe (kek)
He's salty because even TDKR is better than the best Marvel movie, and it's not looking better in the future
The DCEU is a mess though. They went in without a plan, they made their money, maybe it's time to stop.
Insider here. WB doesn't care how shitty their DC scripts are because they know the fans will defend them no matter what. They can't hold onto directors because the director doesn't like being forced to make a shitty film.
I've heard the words, "the fans are stupid enough to like this, who cares" around the DC offices.
>maybe it's time to stop.
>make a cinematic universe
>kill it after 2 movies
>caring this much about whether your favorite spandex-clad characters team up or whether they are involved in standalone stories
who fucking cares? capeshitters teaming up literally never fucking works anywayt
3 movies with a 4th and 5th coming out this year.
Why not, they made 2.2 billions on 600 million combined budget, made Harley Quinn a household name and merchandising cashcow and sold blurays like candy, but they can't get the talent to keep it going and they won't hire people from tv shows like Marvel. Better quit when you're ahead that's what I'm saying
this, let's be honest the only superhero characters people actually care about are Batman and Superman anyway, and they're so completely different that a joint film was never going to work
bvs worked, but by a miracle. The idea of a shared universe is stupid to begin with. I think a trilogy might work, then everyone should go back to its own separate universe
Maybe history will repeat itself. Maybe Captain Marvel will be more popular than Superman. They won't cancel it unless The Rock backs out.
They made money for sure. But much less than expected.
>he wrote the script
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
>Maybe Captain Marvel will be more popular than Superman.
>they got the director of Lights Out for it
Co-wrote it with Geoff "fanboy retard" Johns actually.
I'm assuming WB started demanding changes after Live by Night bombed. As soon as he stepped down a rewrite was ordered.
I don't care who directs it. Just make sure it looks like a film and keep the fights coherent like in BvS.
Passable capeshit films:
Spiderman 1
Spiderman 3
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight rises
that's literally it
>Spiderman 1
>Spiderman 3
shit taste confirmed
>Spiderman 3
Replace it with Watchmen and you're golden though
>coherent like in BvS.
Spiderman is probably the best of them all, it's such a great film with genuine character development, a lead who isn't insufferable, is relatable and you care about and actual good humor for a marvel movie. Nothing has surpassed it
Spiderman 3 is probably the most underrated capeshit, people who hate it can't actually tell you why it's bad other than "omg I cringed le so hard at that one scene I was meant to cringe at!"
>he watched the theatrical release
soon they'll be desperate and hire kevin smith
>DC is trump and Marvel is Hillary because reasons
Funny about not liking DC movies is about anything but the movies themselves right?
Yes. All 4 fights I could see what was happening. Hell one of them had 0 cuts.
>Nothing has surpassed it
Spider-Man 2 did, anyone who says different well good for you
>make a cinematic universe
>kill it after 2 movies
Crazy right? Only difference is MoS and BvS made some money while being hated by everyone
>Nothing has surpassed it
Nolan did three times
nah it didn't, I can't even remember the villain in Spiderman 2. It was so fucking forgettable
based mel is doing suicide squad 2 right?
DCfag here, Snyder's BvS was cheeky, but it has no place in capeshit. DC is plagued by the Nolan series, if it's not up to par with it's darkness and realism it will get shit on, so the DCEU is doomed to be a no-fun franchise. Also, the casting sucks, besides Cyborg and Batfleck.
so basically you can all thank Nolan for this mess.
>Hey, Master Harry, it's me, your butler. I totally could have told you the truth about your father's death earlier, but then there wouldn't be any drama so I deliberately only tell you now, after you got your ass kicked and being totally pissed off and spent god knows how long being pissy and plotting revenge when you could have been living a more proper live. No hard feelings, mm'kay?
Del Taco would make Superman mexican or South American.
>"20 years in Gotham, how many good guys are left"
>"how many stayed that way"
Joker is older than batman, since when does an old guy have a perfect hairline, dress like a clubber and get tattoos? (Leto never plays characters his actual age)
>teeth busted by the pry bar beating he took from the original Joker and has to have grills now
>went insane after beeing tortured by the real joker
>has a DAMAGED tattoo on his forehead, because he was DAMAGED by the original joker
>has a dead robin tattoo on his arm
>shoulder scars from bullets coinciding with the old robin suit
> J tattoo'd on is face, just like Jasons brand
>in the animated movie "Under The Red Hood" after Ra's Al Ghul attempts to revive Jason via Lazarus pit he says "He returned to this world... but returned DAMAGED"
the tattoos could have also been done by the original joker, to brand Jason and solidify his new position as acting Joker, while the real Joker is in hiding, pulling the strings behind the scenes. the tattoos can also work as a taunt whenever Bruce see's them because he is reminded that he failed Jason. This also explains why the "Bat of Murder" hasn't killed the Joker yet, he can't bring himself to kill Jason.
>HAHA, JOKE'S ON YOU BATMAN written on his old suit
Ayer denies it but what the fuck does he know.
Honestly though, the idea that Joker and Harley tortured and killed Robin for his secrets would probably explain why Wayne Manor is a smoking crater.
>since when does an old guy have a perfect hairline, dress like a clubber and get tattoos?
I'm sure there are drug lords in their 40s who wear jewelry and have tattoos. The fact that Jared Leto himself dresses like a young guy and has good hair kinda blows out your opening.
That doest change the fact that
( a) MoS was polarizing
( b) BvS was mostly disliked
( c) Jared Leto was underused in theatrical Suicide Squad
( d) BvS underperformed
You can say "capekino" and "miney doesnt matter". Thats all BS.
Trump has the benefit of a populace that genuinely believes he can fix things. Ssme populace also eats up Marvel movies and thinks the DCEU is shit
the fact that you forgot to read kinda blows out your post
>(Leto never plays characters his actual age)
You want to know the worst part? The scene with Peter Parker dancing wasn't supposed to be cool - instead, it was his personal, warped idea of what being "cool" is. It was supposed to make you cringe, because it was a lonely science nerd's idea of being cool. But the genius of it is lost with Marvel fanboys.
That's what he means by you being destroyed by your own point. He doesn't look his age and able to play characters younger than you and yet in that same vein you question a FICTIONAL character for having the same trait. He's not saying that joker is the same age as Leto, but that if Leto, a real person can do that shit, so can a FICTIONAL character.
Then please explain to me the genius of this scene as well
(e) Suicide Squad overperformed
(f) All audience scores place these movies around 6.5 where they belong. Nothing stellar but not le "everyone thinks is shit" shill meme
(g) They all sold s lot of blurays, again not le "everyone thinks is shit" shill meme
(h) WB made so much cash with these movies that they are begging people to agree to do more
>capeshit will end in your lifetime
The Joker's never been known to look young though, it's literally the opposite. and if that's just another one of Snyder's unconventional plot points then fuck me, but i'm not buying it.
I'm trying to see the scars in the extended Arkham shirtless scene. Granted, my download is only 2.6 gigabytes, but I can't see them. Also, the graphic in the movie says Harley is an accomplice to the murder of Robin. That's impossible given the events of her meeting THIS Joker in Arkham as Dr. Quinnzel. .
Batman is so fucking easy to put in a movie, why are they complicating things that much?
Kung Fu movie+Noir Detective+garish costumes
We should be having 1 Batman movie a year with this formula and they would all be good.
>Harley is an accomplice to the murder of Robin. That's impossible given the events of her meeting THIS Joker in Arkham as Dr. Quinnzel.
that's already a confirmed fucked up plot hole, because when Dr. Quinzel met Joker he already had grills, but Joker was supposed to get grills AFTER killing Robin.
>unlike trump, DC has genuine problems backed up with facts
>unlike trump
weak bait
weak shill
Because Snyder shouldn't have made BvS. He should have made BvS as his own version of Shyamalan's Unbreakable: an original, standalone work that uses superhero comics as a source of influence BUT without the legacy (burden) of the established characters. It's funny that of all movies, Snyder has made, it's Watchmen, which is a comic that is meant to be a thinly veiled parallels and responses to existing comic book property. That's what BvS should have been, an original movie where people can recognise the concepts he wants without being restricted by the need to accommodate other stuff like a DCEU.
Sure, that'd mean less budget, less exposure, but he will have all the creative control he wants to muse about whatever philosophy he likes for an audience who wants more than fancy fight scenes while WB/DC can do the crowd pleaser Batman and Superman stories that can reign in billions.
Thank you for correcting the record.
B-but marvel has a hulk user ...
you are right though
I am sure theres a mass viral smear campaign by disney, they are good at this.
But it would help proving it if DC had any good movies.
wich they don't, so we re stuck on the guess zone.
Then again, i am sick of capeshit movies, i cannot stress this enough.
This trend needs to die asap and all of you who enjoy brand vs brand wars should kill yourselves.
THis means Ridley Scott is taking over. HYPER
too bad they fucked this up. afleck was a great batman
With cape movies being red hot, I really think that Suicide Squad made about what they had hoped, given how much they hyped up Joker like he was the star of the movie along with Harley.
It's actually the lowest grossing Joker movie that isn't 68 or a cartoon.
Hey now, if Bay did something like the Metal Men it'd be awesome
Is this going to be the meme of the week?
that means STEVEN SPIELBERG is taking over, so MEGA SUPER HYPED.
How about DC just sucks cock? I grew up reading comics with my brother and like all of these properties, but Marvel has the formula for fun and entertaining and DC is trying to be muh deep edge lord. Nobody wants to see that shit, especially from fucking comic book characters. The want to be entertained, not made to think about superheroes and their relation to the human condition on any level past watch me fuck and kill
You thought wrong, they could have made him the star of the movie if they wanted so what you say makes no sense.
You're actually 100% correct about Spider-Man 1 being the best. 2 actually sucks, but not as much as 3.
Ayer said that was just "his interpretation" though. Which is different from Snyder's idea of what happened. Mind you, I'm not taking the text accomplice Easter egg as canon since I could picture some fuckhead thoughtlessly putting it in there. I just don't think you should bank on Joker being Jason Todd. Just because he has metal teeth and damaged on his head doesn't mean it was from the events of Robin dying. Also I noticed while looking for the scars that he has his dead Bat and dead Robin tattoo already. That could be from the death of Robin or it could be tats he got in response to Batman getting a side kick in the first place. Maybe an indication that there's "no mercy on your boy wonder".
>so what you say makes no sense.
I'm saying Suicide Squad was sold as a movie about Harley Quinn and the Joker, with Will Smith tagging along. In print and digital and television media, the Joker loomed large in the advertising.
Another Joker movie featuring Harley Quinn, Will Smith as Will Smith, with appearances by Batfleck and a bunch of people no one gives a shit about should have neared a billion dollars.
Not if Batman is in it for 20 seconds and the Joker for 7 minutes, my delusional friend. That may explain a big opening but not having better legs than civil war
So now the goalposts are "whichever is leggier"?
Jesus Christ.
M.E.M.Es become real when you /DREAM/
The argument is that Suicide Squad overperformed, which is what having better legs than the highest grossing movie of the year proves. Protip: posting memes and "jesus christ" can't change the numbers
Now if you're right and 7 minutes of Joker is enough to make 750 millions without China, don't worry for the DCEU it will last for a hundred years and we'll have multiverse spin off cinematic universe with Morrison beating thugs in real life Detroit dressed up as Batman
>Blame the guy that made one of the only good capeshits ever
>see the movie at the cinema
> it sucks
Hey user you should totally buy the blueray to see again this film you didn't like. Only now it's longer than 3 hours !