Why the fuck didn't Melfi get Tony to deal with the guy who raped her?
Why the fuck didn't Melfi get Tony to deal with the guy who raped her?
>there are people like OP who think this was just a show about gangsters and pretty much missed the point about everything
Don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you
She's better than that. That was probably the best ending to any episode in television.
I love the hypocrisy of it, "I have the moral high ground because I refuse to sic my Mafioso client on him but boy could I if I so chose!"
Keep rubbing that cream in your vaginal walls, Melfi
She would have to give him what he wanted if he did. He doesn't work for free.
>She would have to give him what he wanted if he did. He doesn't work for free.
What? Tony has given her monetary gifts before and at most just asked her to keep their sessions private which is her job anyway
Monetary gifts and favours are different. He would most definitely demand sex after helping her out.
Same reason people object to the death penalty. Ego. Wanted to hold on to her moral superiority.
because it's wrong
>Don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you
I expect you feel that way a lot.
once again you've fucking nailed it and showed us all your razor sharp intellect, most importantly you've earned the respect of your peers. In your next post you'll tell me to fuck off back to red dit, and point out my cuckold status, yes?
Should have stayed off Sup Forums today, I've tangled with a master.
>Series creator, David Chase, says of the rape subplot and those expecting revenge from Tony: "If you're raised on a steady diet of Hollywood movies and network television, you start to think, 'Obviously there's going to be some moral accounting here'. That's not the way the world works. It all comes down to why you're watching. If all you want is to see big Tony Soprano take that guy's head and bang it against the wall like a cantaloupe… The point is—Melfi, despite pain and suffering, made her moral, ethical choice and we should applaud her for it. That's the story."
>. He would most definitely demand sex after helping her out.
>Yo Melfi after you're good downstairs I'm gonna ask you for a bit of that gabbagool, capice?
You're a stupid faggot
pride of her faith in the social contract, like any liberal
>believing the conversation would've gone that way
And you really missed the whole point of Tony's character if you think not.
>if you kill your enemies, they win
What a cuck.
better yet why there was no topless sex scene with her? Or Charmaine?
You are saying this quite comfortably behind your computer screen aren't you? Sitting in your 300$ gaming chair that mom bought for you, whilst sipping on hot cocoa and having tabs on the "latest anime episodes", weaaboo music playing in the backround on full blast and mlp tabbed. Ah, quite comfy, ain't it. Anonymity sure is great. You can say whatever you want because no one will know who you truly are.
You believe you are hardened. An edgy hero. But in reality, you are really just scum. A useless shit stain. A waste of space. No purpose in life other than to leech off of the hard work of others. People like you need to be eradicated. The world doesn't need your shit. You are better off dead, faggot
fuck off kid
>Lorraine Bracco's character is raped by Jesus Rossi, or J. Rossi. In the film Goodfellas, Lorraine Bracco's character also has a nemesis named J. Rossi (Janice Rossi), whom her husband is sleeping with.
I always found this to be such a strange reference kek
Chase is wrong
She made a decision that ultimately will lead to more women getting raped
>o but muh moral high ground muh stronk will power?
Just as she asked Tony how many people had to die for her personal growth, how many people have to get raped for Melfi's personal growth?
The real point is everyone in the show is a fucking hypocrite
I dont think he would have.It seemed like he cared for her and wouldn't have furthered her emotional trauma.
*his personal growth
Melfi is a selfish cunt
the real point is that it's a shitty show with le epic deep writing with le anti-hero omg so meaningful
Is the pasta?lmao.
>The real point is everyone in the show is a fucking hypocrite
this user gets it.
Look at the reactions of her work collegues when they discover that her client is a gangster. They quickly forget about the hippocratic oath
Are people on Sup Forums really this retarded or am I being trolled?
Nice pasta
I fucking WISH I had a $300 gaming chair, that would be sweeeeeeeeet.
>It's a triggered Sup Forumsfag post
OP here
Not completely retarded to play devil's advocate to hear opposite views and try to breathe a bit of life into this dead board. Which incidentally is dead largely because of sneering half-smart cucks like you shitting on every thread with your projected virginal frustration.
Thanks for confirming you're baiting.
>the creator of the show is wrong.
Do you Sup Forumsfags get that that picture is a parody of how abortion laws are written?
wheres the hypocrisy?
Chase is being a bit of a cunt here. It's not pleb conditioning or bad taste to want the rapist to get his, it's instinct. I like Melfi, I care for her as a character, and I wanted in any small way for her to get back at the person that hurt her. Not that her hiding it from Tony isn't completely valid, but feeling the other way is just as reasonable
Who was in the wrong here?