What has fuck the problem?
What has fuck the problem?
She wanted to be a singer like Joan Boaz, but instead became a aids riddled cokeslut
Fucking phone.
Just a small town girl who wanted to shoot a little H
She was damaged goods, had severe psychological problems. I mean, did you miss the whole "her yokel dad raped her daily" plot point?
But why not stay with Forrest since the start?
Forest was le nice guy. Women don't want that until they ride the cock carousel for a few years.
What are you doing here?
typical woman. no loyalty, no dignity.
Not even him, how is that not the truth?
Because she wasn't a rational person, because she was mental. The girl hated herself.
She was a liberal loser and Forrest, despite his retardation, was a conservative all-star. Even if you have the IQ of a cucumber, hard work pays off. However, if you think you're entitled to everything, you'll die slowly like Jenny.
Go and tip your fedora somewhere else, faggot.
>bringing political nonsense into this
Did you even watch the movie? He was the only one who was nice to the black girl in the college desegretation scene.
she was abused as a child so grew up to have emotional problems. it was made clear in the movie
because she had severe psychological problems numbnuts. that's like asking why any abuse victim engages in self destructive behavior, they're fucked up
Who do you think freed the slaves? Republicans. Who do you think imposed Jim Crow laws, segregation, and founded the KKK? Democrats.
Please research this topic before assuming conservatives were the racists.
because this a grade school theory of women. like men, there are both mature and immature females, smart and dumb, and the spectrum of interests and personality types they find attractive vary from person to person. that's why almost every normal functioning person has had relationships, not just the "douche bag chads who treat girls like shit"
It's funny how 90% of women are like this now.
I dont get whats so bad about her
wow she's confused and doesnt want to live out her life married to a retard, such a horrible person.
why are you mixing up party labels and ideological spectrums? you refer to democrats, and then to conservatives instead of republicans. implying the southern democratic farmers of the 18th and 19th century were liberal. that's obviously not correct. I mean I'm sure this is bait, but still. also why did you feel compelled to drag identity politics into the thread? why the obession?
Gr8 b8 my man. Farming those (You)s.
Just a typical dumb selfish roastie
what a lil baby
She came back when Forest was rich so that he could raise her bastard child.
only in the minds of bitter /r9k/ virgins who need to rationalize their celibacy. become a functioning human
Who else here hates women ?
She didn't stay with Forrest at the beginning because she wanted to get away (her prayer with Forrest), the fact that she's poor means that she can really only pay for herself by spreading her legs, which leads to drugs and all sorts of degeneracy, she also said that she was messed up which probably means she feels guilty towards the end of the movie to settle with Forrest, who's now a financially set man that has experienced it all.
is it confirmed that it was a bastard kid?
I thought when she came back to alabama they slept together as hinted by that one scene
Roastie detected
why? because I'm not a woman hating virgin who makes sweeping generalizations about how terrible 4 billion people are? I guess. I don't have ill will towards the entire female gender because I didn't grow up being emasculated and rejected by them
>This faggot b8ing you all
lmao yes if you don't hate women you're either a slutty female or a fat fedora wearing virgin lmao! how can you sad fucks think in these terms? you realize the majority of society engages in sex and doesn't have a blanket hatred for an entire gender, right? hahaha please lose weight and get a fucking date. tinder exists! if you swipe enough chicks eventually, someday, you will get a match
To all virgins in this thread, stop blaming others when it's probably you and only you who's at fault for being a pussy repellant
Because they're one and the same. Conservatism and liberalism are subjective, but Republicans have, for the most part, stayed within the confines of what the Constitution allows. Democrats have always been the party of racism and discrimination and have unabashedly disregarded the limits of the Constitution.
Why do I bring politics into it? Because unlike how Sup Forums is designed, not everything in the world is broken up into separate boards that only impact the thread in which you post. Blending elements makes the topics much more fulfilling and meaningful, such as the topic you and I are having now.
kek the roastie is toastie
shoo shoo
it's clearly his gf's son
holy shit i just realized my ex is just like jenny
>wants to be a singer
>got addicted to drugs instead
does this mean I'm retarded? Is my son going to be Hayley Joel Osmond?
>how can you sad fucks think in these terms?
holy sweet jesus have you ever read a history book in your entire life? 300 year old political labels have nothing in common with contemporary parties. the farmers and small town christians of the south were never liberal. there's no basis to this claim. they voted for the Democratic party because they protected them from the northern, east coast republicans and their corporate interests that were at odds with their own. but we saw the voting patterns shift during between the late 18th century and early 19th as democratic parties and politicians ostensibly began targeting legislation at improving the lives of blacks in urban environments, though in reality they weren't. and southern conservatives felt social new deal policies were too concerned with the northern capitalists and ignored the south. they also hated the machine politics of the immigant political factions of northern cities like tammany hall. they didnt like seeing italians/irish/jews gaining political power. so you began to see the new immigrant political parties grabbing all these new voting blocs that previously didn't exist, while the south began voting for republicans. the argument that a label dictates an ideology is so ludicrous it's almost unbelievable to me that you could believe it. you're suggesting kkk, black oppression, gay oppression, and small town farm based rural policies are liberal tenants or attractive to urban liberals. I mean its such an absurd premise. how did you get to this point? how did the school system fail you so egregiously?
but elliot rogers hated women just like all these angey permavirgins posting fedoras now? how can you apply that to the guy who DOESN'T have a blanket hatred for the female gender? is it ironic?
Didn't she give Forrest aids?
No, you can't give someone AIDS through sex, only HIV. Come on man, this is high school shit.
Fuck off back to plebbit, roasty.
>dude the south will rise again also we totally loves blacks now lmao
Oh well that's alright then
we both know you're a virgin. a true, honest to god unfuckable tub of crap. now you have two options: continuing to have an irrational hatred of women, attempting to convince yourself they're all empty headed animals who will only fuck abusive professional football players. or you can unplug your computer, take a shower, get a job and become a functioning member of society where you can view social dynamics in person. there's a very good chance that at some point you could experience a happy and fulfilling relationship with a woman. the way hundreds of millions of others have. it doesn't have to be this way user. you have the power to make things better. you're on the ellot rodgers path now, but you have options
Democratic policies did not help any minority throughout the 18th-19th century. It wasn't until the early 20 Century that Democrats offered the New Deal which to entice blacks to begin voting for Democratic Party leaders and in turn the Democrats would subsidize their living during the Great Depression. Eerily similar to the plantations of the 19th century, the Democratic party's New Deal offered a substandard living to the blacks- - they will provide clothes, they'll provide food, they'll provide housing; however all you have to do is not work not get a job and vote for the Democratic Party. The democrats have always been and still are the party of impoverishment and slavery, except now the plantations were traded for urban, city blocks.
I'm not from the South. Great, insightful comment that added to the conversation though.
what are you talking about? why would you think there's a girl on this website? even camwhores don't ever come here anymore. also can you not grasp simple ideas? why would you apply a picture of a woman hater to the guy who doesn't hate women? meanwhile the thread is actually full of people openly expressing their hatred of women. please explain your logic
>What has fuck the problem?
>not one mention the entire thread
This is some Berenstein Bears shit
yes I wrote 18th and 19th century instead of 19th and 20th. obviously since I referenced the new deal and Tammany hall I was aware of this. please respond to the substance listed of just regurgitating your "hurr democrats are the racists". youre just choosing to ignore the massive demographic shifts in parties. and are saying the new deal democrats are the same as southern farmer democrats of the 1800s. come on.
she got BLACKED
blacks were literally the only group left out by new deal policies. they were rounded up into slum projects during urban renewal and redlined to prevent them receiving any kind of credit extensions or mortgages, meanwhile whites were granted all mortgages and moved away from the garbage and into the suburbs. but yes the southern paranoia that dems were pandering to blacks caused them to start voting for republicans. which obviously contradicts your outrageous assertion that the parties haven't changed in hundreds of years
>What has fuck the problem?
Please inform me of what women do at college. Pro tip they aren't learning
Because he is a fucking autistic retard. I know you would bang a potato with boobs but for women the most attractive things are quick thinking and social prowess, both show that men will be able to be resourceful under any circumstances. Forest ended up being rich but he could have as easily waste it all away with the help of a shady financial advisor.