How long until she gets her own tv show?
How long until she gets her own tv show?
Wait until she turns 18 and starts doing porn. I want to see those huge tits.
I keep seeing this bitch posted on random boards, who is she?
Does this cunt have a viral marketing squad? She's not funny or entertaining and she's not doing anything more than acting.
Too bad about the busted face and receding hairline
she has natural marketing skills
The Jews have other plans for her.
A normie meme. They have taken over.
>13 years old
>32 EE tits
What now athiestfags?
cash me ousside how bow dah
literally who shes too stacked for you pedos to be into her
don't care what age, wood stick my dink in that
u wot m8?
Would berry my dick
you're sick
I want to stick my dick in her tight teen pussy
>all those thirsty negroes with their fucking retarded nigger speech
>where's your mom
so much this.
No need to wait. She looks almost exactly like a young Jada Stevens.
I think it is pretty obviously a PR buildup. Expect her to have a reality show and constant stories on TMZ, etc.
There is a good chance that she is normal, even smart, but playing a role.
You're in trouble.
>1. You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.
wow. did you finally get around to reading the rules?
>United States law
>implying you fags aren't ITT lusting after her just the same
either post nudes or fuck off faggot
You too.
im the same guy you autistic sperglord
I need a quick rundown about this girl
she's going to get blacked for sure if she hasn't already
can't wait for the video
ironically quoting memes at fair jailbait maiden > nog speech
Is she really 13?
Not even Ariel's was that big when she was the same age
i am the source hero, I shall provide for all if I have the information in my lexicon
down with the non sourcers, up with the spoonfeeding, share with all
"crazy" wigga bitch went on dr phil
hot loli, big tits, got famous
acted tough
catch phrase "cash me ousside"
someone caught her outside in another video and she got beat the fuck up
social media fronting
social media whoring
going back on dr phil or already has, who cares at this point, its all about those loli tits
retard mom talking about the show and acting proud as they get in a dr phil owned(?) huge expensive black jeep even though she is probably arguing with her daughter about her behaviour
even dr phil knows when to cash in
old good south park is proven yet again to be prophecy as the degeneracy of society advances
>if she hasn't already
LOL really bro?
Is this the wigger who was on Dr Phil?
From what I've gathered she's a vapid spoiled little asshole whose mom took her on Dr Phil. And she refuses to speak English and instead uses some weird-ass millennial slurring to the point that they needed a translator.
And she has big tits for her age so Sup Forums is interested despite her being fucked in the head.
her being fucked in the head is more than half the fun, imagine almost choking her out while she talks to you in that stupid lingo as you slammed her pussy