>*walks angrily*
>*wears tophat tilted slightly forward*
>ahhh hmm hmmm
>*rides horse angrily*
>ahhh nootka hmmmmm
>*mutters in african*
>*puts powder on face*
>mmmm powder hmmm
>*unsheathes karambit*
>aaah hmmm mmmmm
>*bangs sister*
>choose your next words...very...carefully
>*bangs sister in her dreams via african magic*
>mmmm nootka... ahhhh
>*opens eyes wide and stares*
>hnnnnnnn hmmm
>*cuts out heart*
>mmmmm tell the company hhhhnnnnnn aaahhh
>*has vision of his mother in a river*
>hhhmmmhhmmm the treaty hmmm
>*doesn't wear pants*
>speak to me of poison, hmmmm
>*slices off thumb*
>be very careful, mmmm
>*frightens child*
>are you crown, mhm, or are you, mmm, company?
>*blows powder*
>mmmm, give me a ship hhhmmm
>*sees ghost*
>*takes alcohol*
Didn't read lol
>Nootkas internally
you don't speak but you do have answers
>*bangs sister in her dreams via african magic*
this show is so goddamn dumb. its a shame, the pilot was pretty good and tom hardy is always fun to watch despite being a horrible actor
mmm be... very.... care....ful mm
it's just generic now, ok i get it. maverick doesnt care that he causes war.
Is anything unpredictable gonna happen or not??
This was really underwhelming, I mean you have a setting like this with all these other tribal themes and this is all you can do with it? Sad. Probably not going to watch the second episode.
This meme is already shit.
People are incapable of appreciating slow build-up. It has to be action packed and jet setting to different locations. Shows like this one and BCS can't make it in today's pleb filled society.
Perhaps more importantly, those tits look more deflated than Jake in this pic.
I've started to walk like him round my city, feels good man
Peels an egg with gloves on and eats it whole
*eats saltpeter*
Someone please make a Sup Forums stream for tonight's episode
the seasons half over and it'd just been tom hardy walking between the same 4 sets and slicing down people's legs. it's not interesting. and the writing is atrocious, the plot isn't even serviceable
Why did he kill WInter?
i was thinking about this show today after watching some black sails. i was wondering what motivation hardy has for giving two fucks about nootka. i mean really give a fuck. now that sister is free why not just split with the diamonds and live in the southern us where sister fuckers are the norm and not taboo.
He still needs revenge on the company for killing his pa
Isn't that his plan though?
He sided with the Americans so that he can get safe passage through their blockade.
The only reason he didn't leave is because EIC blew up his ship.
then why worry about getting the gun powder to trade for furs in nootka? should have just killed cuck dude when he got the boat and split.
the HONOURABLE east india company
>muh pelts
But he is probably interested in finding out more about his mothers people because she had carved the same bird symbol into her fireplace that he got carved into his neck while he was a prisoner in Africa or some other mystical bullshit that hasn't been revealed yet.
how did he peel that egg with those thick ass gloves? I was so distracted by it I missed the dialogue
is that why it's called taboo? because he fucks his sister?
half sister and the voodoo shit.
yeah i guess. just seems the writer is bad at showing what drives the character.
dead nigglet mmmmmmmmmmmm nootka
the FUCKING americans
My theory is that he got cursed in Africa or some stupid shit. The whole black magic thing is very vague at this point, but we will probably hear more about what happened to him in Africa in the last two episodes.
Are they the same character? Revenant only takes place 10 years after this
mhm really makes me hmmm
That hunched swagger
>implyign tom hardy isn't mumblekino
*eats pigeon shit*
talk to me of poison.
*gets stabbed*
*tears out throat with teeth*
When is peaky blinders season 4 even being aired? The wiki said yesterday. Loved his part in the series.
the fuck is this
It's an in depth critique of the BBC tv show Taboo, by and staring Tom Hardy.
walkingkino, mhm
Could be his son
Goofball midget. the ridiculous hat just accentuates how tiny he is
>despite being a horrible actor
hmmmph... be very, veeeeery care-ful, now, mhm
>If I take off the mustache, will you die?
how did the Brits get cucked out of so much Pacific coastline?
mhmhm yes
>*makes unique ally*
Screencap this
hmmm necessary evil mhmm
Because Russia had it first and Britain didn't want to fight a war with Russia over what they viewed as useless land.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing when you discover that Alaska is full of valuable shit that technology makes valuable in 200 years.
what did he mean by this?
French fried potaters mhmmmmm
So user what did you do to fix the delaney problem hmm?
God fuck off xfactor reality tv brain rot shit!
What episode is this? I thought it was episode 7.
So winter wasn't dead the whole time?
new ep is ep 7 airs tonight/tomorrow in the UK
only retards ever thought she was
Stream whererere? When does it airs?
It's literally on right fucking now in the UK. Started at 21:15.
This is episode 7. Winter is dead.
oh ok no need to be all agro about it
you arent even british and your acting like this
And I unfortunately am.
>This fucking black cunt
I've spent too long on Sup Forums
New drinking game:
>Drink everytime Tom Hardy says, "hmmm"
I'm already wasted
No pigeon shit, no painting himself, no carving nootka birds, no stiring, no FUCKIN AMERICANS.
It's like you only watched the first 8 minutes of the first episode.
Torrent like a non cuck
Gave it to the African desk.
>>Drink everytime Tom Hardy says, "hmmm"
>I'm already dead
The deal Delaney made with the nigger was to have a pardon for all crimes. Including the powder.
You'll see. Screencap this.
>When the walk music comes on
you got me at bangs sister
>franka potentes character name is "Von Hinten"
>tfw the brits invented waterboarding
I'm afraid not. Chinese invention, sadly.
Best part of the show, he did it on purpose
>For You.
Too much Gatiss in these episodes
Pretty sure we cucked the chinks too laddy
>I have a use for you
Based Delaney does it again
Shit episode desu. Did he have his flesh cut or his fingers chopped off? I couldn't see.
YFW getting caught was part of his plan
‘I’m going to sail away and all those who have use to me will sail along with me – and on my ship there will be no rules and there will be no judgment. We are sailing to a new world’
I hate this cunt
>getting on a ship with a schizophrenic
Even my mum said it was terrible acting. The problem with the scene in this episode, I can't tell if it was her legit acting sad or pretending to be sad James had no use for her.
>le evbul Britain full of evubl rayciss :(
Sir Stuart?
*knocks on door
*wacky music plays*
*plays happily with child*
Did bizzaro Raimi guest direct that scene?
>>I have a use for you
now what did he mean by that
mmmmm nootka mmmm be veeeeery care-ful now
Hrmmm I have a use for you hrmrh