Is sexual liberation an issue if people have to deal with the consequences (STDs, broken hearts, shitty lives because you move from partner to partner, being poor because you are a single mother/father)?
Is sexual liberation an issue if people have to deal with the consequences (STDs, broken hearts...
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I don't know. What I do know is that if you're a Saudi prince, you can get Instagram bitches to eat shit and puke hummus.
what? link/pics/story?
new fag
It's almost like there's this omnipotent creator God who knew this was a lifestyle that would always lead to a deep global unhappiness that far outweighed the few fleeting moments of pleasure it entailed.
It's almost like he loves you and is trying to give you the best advice.
haha oh wow, some lunatic actually took Sup Forums's memes to heart
People having fun while I cant score shit...
>Im actually being honest here
Life on easy mode
Not if I run "into" her ;^D
what ensign is that?
Well, people who have had multiple sex partners before marrying are more likely to get a divorce.
I don't know if her body appeals to me, her torso is like a beer cooler.
Forget all that just have mandatory id cards with every person you have slept with and what diseases you have had/currently have.
I am almost completely anti-government intervention into citizens lives, but this suggestion seems perfect and incredibly simple:
No Lying About Your Sex Life.
Line up consequence with action and then allow freedom. If you want to be a whore (male of female) that is perfectly fine as long as you have a card they can ask for that has every person and disease you have ever been with. Freedom with mandatory responsibility is the way of the future imho
Thoughts in this fascist NWOish idea?
holy shit, what a great but idealistic plan
Should have regular testing instead of having to divulge who they slept with, people will riot over privacy concerns
How about we just teach people useful earthly skills so they don't get bored and use their God given life having sex and masturbating everyday. Sex feels good and that's literally the only justification people have for it. We have to provide people with something that feels better.
Why not just pressure the pharmaceuticals to release cures to the STDs and have people pay for monthly treatment like an Xbox live subscription?
Lower prices during labor day or Cinco de Mayo. Special offers for homosexuals only after Thanksgiving and fourth of July.
To be honest, I don't really care if people have STDs, broken hearts, shitty lives because they move from partner to partner, or are poor because of single parenthood. It becomes a problem when taxpayers have to pay for their STDs, therapy, welfare or child support.
Pic somewhat related, I'm starting to think he was right. People should not be responsible for other people's lifestyle and mistakes.
G-d works in mysterious ways you fat fuck autist. Don't you dare question Him.
It's good, healthy and fun to have as much sex as you can. STDs are nature's way to vetting out the weak.
STDs don't usually kill weak or strong, they're just nuisance to both. And if you talk about HIV it doesen't differentiate at all, it kills what is left without medication.
Why bait?
I dont care if people are sluts, I just need them to stop having children they cant feed.
Sexual revolution = single motherhood
Single mother hood is leading cause of nigger cancer.
STDs are probably the worst of what you mentioned. Sexual liberation however is just a meme. Sex has always been free flowing the only difference is now people are open about it. I honestly have no clue why Sup Forums treats this as a major controversy when it's been happening for generations.
>People should not be responsible for other people's lifestyle and mistakes.
You cannot avoid it unless everyone lives like hermits.
2 of those problems can be solved with condoms/pulling out, I don't see how your life turns shitty because you fuck more than one person, and if you're willing to be sexually liberated then you don't care how spoiled your goods are
>It becomes a problem when taxpayers have to pay for their STDs, therapy, welfare or child support.
what do you think this shitty Planned Parenthood bullshit is? I don't have any moral issues with abortion, I just don't want to foot the bill for all of the bad decisions of sluts who refuse to wear condoms. Rape victims should be able to get them for free imo, but we can't hand them out willy nilly at the tax payers expense!
>tfw i live in OR, the most socialist fucking state in the union
Glad it's not too Big Brothery
The more I think about the idea of freedom, the more I realize that it REQUIRES responsibility and honesty or else it will be exploited.
>living on the west coast
Freedom is fine as long as people have to deal with the consequences. All it takes is one STD, or child out of wedlock, and the consequences that go with it, to wake people up
You should read Brave New World
Why the fuck didn't he just program the right desires into us in the first place???
>crazy bitches want meaningless sex
>dick soft
>lovely classy virgin wants to be qt wife and mother
Are we just version 1.0b1 or some shit? Did he outsource our sexual code to the inter galactic version of PooInLoo India?
it was nice in the 2000's man, its like we didn't even exist and I was loving that shit. Now with all these califags moving up here the whole state has tucked its penis, put on a dress and shoved a tampon up its ass. OR is becoming feminized and this is why I need Trump to shit on these liberal bitches
That ignored the psychological damage a whore or manslut has though.
A man who has been with 100 women will be a terrible unfaithful husband most likely. A woman who has been with 100 men will likely be a vag blasted whore (regardless of any diseases).
The card would still be private, but if people were required to have one (keeping it updated without invading privacy would be EXTREMELY difficult) the benefits would be yuge.
Perhaps harsh punishments for not reporting having sex with a new partner?
Having sex with them and registering it would be 100% legal. But having unreported sex would be a fine if anybody (including the person you had sex with) reported you and you were found guilty.
Both people would generally have to stay honest in that case because if either reported the sex while the other did not (prisoners dilemma) the one who did not would be screwed for trying to hide their whorish ways and decieve their next partner like a kike.
why are these funny
If enough people lead shitty lives and are poor because of it, it directly affects the health of a society and an economy.
I literally gave you fucks the best answer to the degeneracy problem and you're all chasing your tails trying to find a better solution.
jesus christ this image is the epitome of cancer. kys
Why is it called liberty if it liberates nobody?
You cant force people to cure their boredom with "earthly skills" you autist
Noone would freely choose earthly skills over sex/beating their dick
It's almost as if humans observed this and wrote it in a book and said God wrote it.
Yeah pretty sure we are in beta.
>tfw intergalactic dev team hasn't released new patch notes
That's where the argument of free will comes into play. Some would say God doesn't like directly pulling strings, he wants people to be able to make their own choices, but he still laid out the true path to happiness in writing for you.
You're a fag
This desu senpai
The greatest story ever told
Not if they ACTUALLY have to deal with those consequences. They don't as things stand now. Single mothers are subsidized, abortions are easy to get, STD treatment can be subsidized or paid for by interest groups, the social backlash is cushioned by lobby groups and bloggers who defend sluts.
I feel the same about drugs and being fat. If society didn't have to deal with your medical costs or you driving into a bus full of orphans because you were drunk or high I wouldn't give two shits what adults did in their time off. Unfortunately society does pay for this shit, so I have to have an opinion on what private citizens do in the privacy of their own homes.
The problem with single mothers is do we really want future generations being raise by the women to fucking stupid to run their life.
I don't care if some chick wants to fuck around and dies alone and childless, but when you know that's the people raising future citizens and voters... Fuck
>They don't as things stand now.
It makes a nice story for the right wing, but in reality these people do pay the consequences. Some of them pay today, some of them 5 years from now, some of them 10 years -- all of them for the rest of their lives.
Mistakes of this sort are not mistakes that money can fix, and all the things you believe they get for free are rarely as easy to come by as you think. That's why they bitch so much everytime a based politican puts the smack down on Planned Murder.
Sexual liberation means more sex outside marriage (pre-marital, extramarital), particularly for women.
Today, most young women are sexually active outside marriage.
Their grandmothers mostly reserved intercourse until after marriage.
Such generational differences are referred to as the "sexual revolution," or "women's liberation" because women's behavior changed more than that of men.
Women's liberation often strikes me as semantically troubling, implying that females are finally getting what they have long wanted.
Not an argument
It's the jews behind feminism that call it "liberation"
Many women want to be happily married and raise families with a loving husband but when you let the jews control the media: men and women become degenerates
>being poor because you are a single mother
They don't deal with this consequence, my taxes do.
Maybe in England. Use your newfound freedom from the EU to drop your autistic welfare state.
In the US, they get next to nothing.
>In the US, they get next to nothing
Except alimony and child support.
There is no "they". Society manifests itself that way because it is what YOU wanted.
Now burn.
Sometimes. Not very much in almost all cases. You only here about the high profile ones in which the girl makes millions off some rich ex-husband. Most single mothers are poor as fuck.
As I said. Some pay today, some pay years down the line. They will all pay the piper many times over.
This. Women can get extra welfare for their extra kids, from their baby daddies, and alimony too
Prove it without resorting to anecdotes and exception-cases.
I'll stop you now: you can't, because on average there is nothing for single mothers but suffering.
The pendulum is swinging back to the side of righteousness. All liberals will burn in this lifetime or the next.
>Because of his lavish lifestyle and heavy drug abuse, he reportedly suffered three heart attacks before the age of 32.
Is this some jew attempting to be subversive or something?
Modern American society does not manifest itself that way because I wanted it. I actually don't want that.
You've just described social media.
It's like you have never had a male family member's life ruined by women and the government
Consider yourself lucky
Who the fuck shares everyone they fuck on facebook?
And who the fuck posts STD's on facebook???
google Dubai PortaPotties
Then choose to do something different.
Nice anecdote. Again, you are not going to actually find any statistics on this because they simply aren't on your side. Women really do pay the price. The government can only occasionally delay the inevitable, but never for long.
You will never see a successful single mother (outside of Hollywood, I suppose)
of course there is no law written in text sayi those things, divorce court and alimony court work on a case-by-case basis, and it (((just so happens))), that women get the kid and are paid alimony money
You seem to think alimony money is "a lot of money"
That is rarely the case, as evidenced by the fact that single mothers live in shit conditions and their kids are always fuckups.
The system isn't perfect, but anyone who thinks that liberals don't pay the blood gods their due is not paying attention. If liberals did not pay, then I promise you brother, they wouldn't be joining our ranks daily.
There are guides for this shit online
This. Jews and Christians severely underestimate what man is capable of. What's happening to us right now has happened over and over again since the dawn of time.
>why didn't he get it right the first time -- why didn't a perfect creator make a perfect world?
>that's where this nonsensical excuse about 'free will' being so mysterious and important gets trotted out, because somehow that makes perfect sense that the world had to be broken into a living hell of insanity and suffering because 'free will given to imperfect beings' was such a cool fucking idea
Any other religion than Cuckstiantity pls. At least the others begin with the assumption that the world was not perfect, and the Gods aren't omnipotent -- not that living in a fucked up world is somehow a really cool idea. You're literally a fucking retard if you think that way.
Meet a girl. Want to know more about her
> profile pic in club half naked hanging off a nog or Chad
> profile pic with family fully clothed or with friends fully clothed.
If you can't spot the slut you must have a severe case of the assburgers.
He did.
Adam broke it.
The problem is people refuse to put those together and see how sexual liberation leads to problems for them, they just develop cognitive dissonance towards it.
>engage in anti civilizational attitudes and behaviors
>civilization begins to fall apart
>all religion supports pro civilization attitudes and behaviors
thats all u gotta know user
I never said that most dont live in shitty conditions, but look at this
No one would be honest though. Virgin dudes would say they scored with a bunch of girls and sltus will say they are virgins.
Sentiment is right, but you can't execute that in reality.
and also, since they live in shitty conditions and raise their kids to be shit, that drags civilization down to shit
>he thinks those girls that have innocent facebooks haven't been fucked by guys like me
They are frequently just the smarter sneakier ones bro
>implying an all powerful god couldn't make you perfect and still have free will
I have no idea what kind of point you're trying to make
Are you retarded?
ITT: Virginal Nu males.
Goddamn I don't know why that got me.
things that never happened, basement dweller edition
So says the millennial...
Exactly. All was perfect, in the beginning.
Free will without the ability to choose is not free will.
How do you know they would be honest, that's what I'm saying? Are you going to subject them to a polygraph or something?
If the government asked you if you committed a crime and told you they would put you in jail if you said yes but to be honest with them, would you say yes?
Not an argument
But sure, just tell yourself that girls who pretend to be innocent on social media HATE sex
biggest redpill, jump to 1:25 for the conversatio if you don't care for the intro
Confirmation from both parties with evidence if questioned and punishments if found guilty/lying etc etc
How do you think illegal rape works?
Free will includes the ability to choose badly. If you're made incapable of choosing incorrectly do you really have free will?
Good vid
Simple Argument should be brought to our governments in order to start the discussion of porn: either legalize prostitution or make paying pornstars illegal. It cannot be legal based on whatever the fuck logic they are using to ban prostitution