Is Portuguese worth learning?

Is Portuguese worth learning?
I want to be a translator, but the bigger languages (French, Spanish, German) are so popular and so many people speak them proficiently that it makes me think learning them is a waste of time

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>I want to be a translator

Only if you go to Brazil

Only if you really want sopa de macaco

What flag is that? from some of our old colonies?
about your question i dont know, portuguese is spoken world wide...

Portuguese opens a window for Brazil, be careful though since Portugal and Brazil have different dialect
Pick up Spanish first, and put a lot of time into it, then go for French and then Portuguese, you'll be fluent in no time.

Tem o
Brasão de armas simplificado, de 8 de maio de 1935 a 25 de junho de 1975. - Moçambique ou África Oriental Portuguesa

But we never had that flag that way

If you take some random justification made-up or not, from a LARPer or not from the other. In addition to the Argie dude says, it can open the door to Angola but currently with oil price down there's no incentive working there.

Arabic is good to terrorists attacks and see what the NAFRIs are trying to say

shit nigga is this true?

>go to learn Portuguese
>100% chance it's Brazilian Portuguese

>shit nigga is this true?
Did you even read my first sentence?

It's probably for the best. You need to know Brazilian Portuguese to be able to speak Euro Portuguese, anyway. You need to know which vowels in "dezasseis" to cut (dzs-ayx)

>pronounced leche in Brazil

"Lay-txee" or "Lay-tee", at best. not "Lêchê" like Sp*ciard

It's not ideal, mind you, but it's a good first step onto the bet romance language.

>ananas in Portugal
>abacaxi in Brazil

t. Alberto Di Barbossa

>using the Portuguese flag instead of Brazil's
what did the italian mean by this?

That is NOT the Portuguese flag Italy.

>Bigger languages
>French, Spanish, German

dude that was american education level.

Spanish is not wrong though

It's wrong on the "language" part. It's just discount Portuguese.

Only 11M people speak Portuguese

Oh yeah? Then learning brazilian is better

How's this not Portuguese:

we use both here
i still dunno which one is which

No. You know, the Brazilian market of translator is already giant.

Some people meme that one has spikes on the leaves, while the other one doesn't, but it's a lie.

They are just different words from different local tribes, sold by different merchants for the same thing. One of them took over in Brazil, whereas the other one took over in Portugal, and thus everywhere else in the world that uses the word, since WE WUZ merchants and whatnot.

Xega dji rialidahdji

how's their "chega" different from ours?

also, he doesn't really say "dji", he says "di".

But the lyrics are Portuguese as fuck.

Italian, Spanish and Portuguese are somehow related.

It shouldn't be difficult jump from one to another when you think it's the time.

Anyway, translation in general is a waste of time. It is a career with a very dark future.


sim, eu acho q vc preciser falar portuguese

you're right. I was speaking from memory, but he does always say "dji".

my point about the lyrics still stands, though

>Anyway, translation in general is a waste of time. It is a career with a very dark future.
Why? Do you mean because of google translate?

I always dreamed of being a translator too they pay well and it's a easy job just translate 1000 per day to your native language