
/brit/ invents a meme edition

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the jews

Follow Lei Feng's good example


the romans


waiting for the 'I'm outside' text from the ubereats man

Applied for a job at the BBC for the bants lads


bit drunk x

/brit/ posters should get footballer's wages

people who work in call centres aren't bad people; they're just normal people like me

roman britain was black

just fuck off

caranimaisie (cara+anime+maisie)

t. call centre worker

>Ryanair is the busiest European airline

Irish poopoohouse

oi can you change the text that the news anchors have to read if you get the job

>because they get in for free for being non-white

non-whites don't go to university for free in the UK my man. that's in america - and only applies to blacks and latinos not to asians or orientals.

you're awfully ignorant for a rad cen - but then again you're just a rorke trying to legitimise your views.

Great British Innovations

prefer the bromans

Post willy

Would literally never fly Ryanair. Don't care how cheap they are.

any o'brien man in?

well I do in fact work in a call centre

not that drunk you poof


>you will never live in the post-apocalyptic urban decay

we need kev/tim in this pic

no that is literally the UK

there are extra bursaries and grants available to people of colour at pretty much every uni

Applied as a broadcast journalist lad. Don't think they write the teleprompter text 2bh.

'ow do fellas

Buy my Peugeot

Sing us a sea shanty la

call centres are the modern coalmines.

rees-mogg, boris and theresa want you all to zero-hour workers working 7 days a week, 80 hours a week in them.


what can I make with loads of eggs, milk, ham and pesto????

im thinking an omelette of some sort

I'll give you a tenner for it lad

well apply for the job that does then



>'spotify helper' uses a fifth of a gig of RAM

vaguely remember when spotify wasn't a bloated piece of crap

Would unironically be a NEET than a call centre runt, my sanity is priceless

Give me an examples for indians and chinese students.


probably because they know educating these savages is the only way to stop them shitting up our countries.

everyone knows this but they just dont say it. even the leftists.


Bet none of your NEETcunts have BT Sport and internet

You're all with TalkTalk

follow Otoya Yamaguchi's good example

you need cheese for an omlette you could just make egg foo yung

I'll keep an eye out lad haha

being picked on at work again lads

your mum's a bloated piece of crap

not impressed


imagine being this much of a deano

>the music he listens to is on spotify
lmao pleb

don't tell the DWP, but back when i was on bennies i accidentally applied for a call centre role.

they invited me for an interview but i didn't write it down in my job centre book.

got on a grad scheme about a week later.

Theres an epidemic of young protestants in NI leaving school early, unable to read or write


need this done to me

>egg foo yung
will have a google cheers


I was working on the phones at a calk centre for 7 months before getting promoted


watching the ol' depressed equine programme

how the fuck can people be bullied at work

Would've accepted that before Brexit. Tough luck united kingdom of rorkes



I pay for IPTV so I can have all the sports channels, shan't be handing a PENNY over to the TV kikes xx

Why? What is it about call centres that concerns you?

All you need to do is sit on a chair, answer calls, speak to normans and interact with a computer. Also the pressure cooker environment makes time fly in.

*does a silent smelly fart*

Need a German porn star to touch my willy and call me swear words in German

>Frenchman backtalking me


hello /brit/

oh whats up la-

very smitten with a qt cornish girl at work. going to go on a walk with her in the mendip hills soon. im going to invite her to walk around an arboretum when autumn is properly underway as the leaves will be very beautiful i imagine.

hate pakis

love pints

If you got chicken stock and flour you could make bechamel sauce with the milk (That sauce you get for lasagna lad)

You could cook/mix the eggs with ham and put that sauce on top of it plus pesto.



Deutschland von die Karte streichen, Frankreich muss nach Polen reichen.

right who farted?

>european national """""""""""anthems""""""""""

this is what a REAL national anthem sounds like


back 2 back ww champ


*kills you*




I don't get it

Poley, you said previously you didn't want to buy a new telly because you didn't want to become too comfortable at home because it would preclude you from being able to move out.

Yet you willingly enter into financial contracts for sports packages which surely last 12 months or more.

Just another example of the cognitive dissonance in your increasingly fractured mind.

tfw u know for a fact that all your "friends" are out tonight but they haven't invited you

going to the cocktail bar lads

what should I order to not seem like a poof and also to not seem like a charlatan?

wish i could go back to college
best time of my life

1v1 me fag


concerned about my appearance but only really from the waist up

hate wearing jeans/pants or anything other than cheap sweat pants

I'll go out with you :3


Hate Pakis
Hate pints

Love Britain
Love Coke Zero

Simple as

The contact means nothing to me, I have an income

I'm happy too leave and continue paying it off for someone else to enjoy

Rum Martinez


Jaffa cakes are by far the best thing that has ever come out of your monkey island.