
GTrying to make up my mind on the Holocasut.

I've heard both ways about the numbers 6 million dying. Was Jewish population at 18 Million or 12 million prewar and what sources do you have?

Second were the gas chambers fake

Other urls found in this thread:


Why have there been so many made up stories past off as real?
Anna Frank and the one where that dude claims to meet his wife in a death camp.

How many jews did germans have control over during WW2?

ahahaha unholyhoax

It's total bullshit.

>The amounts of people who think this is a hoax will just increase the further into history it gets


Gas chambers are a myth

But a shitload of innocent Jews were executed via firing squads

A soldier showing us the secret project. Krauts drew a skull on the door to keep the victims quiet.


Oh I am laffin

Jews calling this document "fake" does not suddenly make it fake

Divergent series. 6+6+6+6...

Were the jews innocent?

Fuck no


Treblinka. Why don't we dig up the remains to give them a proper burial?

It hasn't even been 100 years and already people are too stupid to do their own research and are forgetting/diminishing the atrocities of the second world war.

It's really sad.

No, all evidence points to it being real.

>This is actually how dumb Sup Forums is.

Crema 1 in Auschwitz I (the Main Camp) is not a "fake" but a restored space meant to be a memorial and symbolic representation of all the gas chambers and crematoria in the Auschwitz complex.

1 post by this ID.... Really makes you think....


Under 1 million died to disease and starvation which is perfectly understandable given that Germany was losing WW2

Interviews with Holohoax survivors

Hitler was less "racist" than most Americans (pride in ones race does NOT mean hatred for other races)

Nazi's actually had respect for other cultures

What a racist.

Just not the Jews

Check the death tolls of the camps on Wikipedia. The official number (including POWS and such) is now only around 2 million.

I suspect it's even lower considering that the only physically existing gas chambers are both sketchy. The concrete walls of the Auschwitz chamber are covered in scratches apparently made by fingernails, and the chmabers at Dachau have windows and no locks on the doors.

>Diversity mind


There is plenty of evidence debunking the "gas chambers"

And 10x as much debunking the RIDICULOUS "jewsoap" and "jewskin lamps"


Many reputable famous intelligent individuals explained the evil of the international parasite

Some died mysteriously in car crashes

Yup, lolocost believer. Restored by the Soviet union. The very same who claimed that Krauts assassinated Poles at Katyn. The pic on the background is the one which was first shown, back in the days. Nobody could in western world check this shit. It was alleged to be a gas chamber. Then the narrative had to change for people visit the Holohoax holy sanctuary.

There's a mistake on this map. The alleged Natzweiler-Struthof is in France. But you get the idea.

Why do the Jews fear the Samurai?

Because Hitler was a bedwetting liberal.

Because they were a people of honor, intelligence and unique culture

kek, i never noticed that.

Even to this day the japs defend us from subversion by defeating the jew every time he tries to manipulate the owner of this website

This guy has more docs, very rational.

Where is the source for this?

that is a delousing chamber

What was shown as a gas chamber to french kids in their books during the 60's and the 70's. What a fucking hermetic gas chamber.

The holocaust happened. There's simply too much evidence to deny it. Only arguments that it didn't happen are conspiracy theory retards talking about the jews faking the entire thing as some well planned and elaborate hoax. I think it's possible that muh 6 gorrillion could be an overestimate or underestimate since there isn't any real way to know the exact number. I'm not very informed on how that estimate was reached though.

I am an AMERICAN jew that really does not like the Jewish people

Come at me JIDF, you fucking kikes

SS policy to literally work inmates to death. Attritional loses of inmates through abuse/neglect, starvation, disease, logistical incompetence, pogrom/forced march when retreating- probably millions died that way. There was train to oven process with jews and other ethnicities rounded up and liquidated. How many perished in that process is the only unclear thing.

Door is off it's hinges. Who's to say that wasn't written afterwards?

But why? Why not keep them fed so you can have continue having free workers?

The Holocaust never happened.....yet.

God bless the Eternal Japs

New to Sup Forums here

How exactly can you prove they where fake? and if you can surely it would be made public right? what am i missing from this thread that will make the average person believe you honestly

>Crema 1 in Auschwitz I (the Main Camp) is not a "fake" but a restored space meant to be a memorial and symbolic representation of all the gas chambers and crematoria in the Auschwitz complex.

So, its a fake? Why not just leave the gas chambers and crematoria where they were?

Germany was at war with the world, how much food and other supplies do you think they had.

You are right. But back in the 60's... make a good caption in a magazine, you get your piece of propaganda.

Prussian blue on a delousing chamber due to Zyklon. No stain in Majdanek. At Treblinka the krauts used "diesel fumes"...

They also fit 2000 people into a bedroom sized space, and gassed them

Because they would have been expelling HCN right into the SS hospital.

“The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.” -Professor deHaven-Smith


Lost my shit

Or just watch this and then form your own opinion

9/10 documentary (-1 point for bias)

cba posting all of this every time this fucking thread is started:


Buchenwald. The "shrunken heads" were used as a "proof" in Nuremberg trial. Not the lampshade.


watch this from start to finish really unbelivable stuff


Thsi news just in. 75% of the human Body is water, 18% carbon. How much is left when they are burned?


Individual jews can be based, but as a whole, the Jewish people are a genocidal, supremacist based ("God's Chosen People") evil plague on humanity that is trying to enslave the gentiles

At the female work camp, Ravensbruck, it was observed that better treatment resulted in better work throughput but 'annihilation through labour' was the only constant policy of the systems management. Inmates were considered state enemies, why expend anything beyond that which allows it to subsist? Following reversals in the east when promised capture of soviet POWs never materialized, it was thought to improve conditions but there was already a collapsing supply chain all across the Reich and occupied areas.

Polynesian heads replete with tattoos. NOYSS!

I hate anime (for now)

But goddamn am I eternally greatful to the Glorious Japanese people

>There's simply too much evidence to deny it.
How many times does one have to say this? David Irving already debunked their evidence. He said every other book uses secondary sources in their books and quote each other all day everyday and even use proven fake works as sources. David Irving uses real sources like being the first person to look at ALL of Goebbels diaries and spending 30 years tracking down Hitler's secretaries, friends and the like and convincing them of giving him their diaries and papers. Look at him for the info.

This just in after your this just in . Treblinka was a transit point and nothing ever happened there. Fuck off.

You can't burn water.

Many People died in the camps, nowhere near 6 million, most of the camps weren't even 50% jewish.


Its not about whether it happened, they did round them up, they did secure them in work camps, and a large number did die because of it.
Whether or not disease took the most lives, whether firing squads or Zyklon B or Diesel, its really doesn't matter.
What matters is if you accept the extreme view of either end of the spectrum, that being if it happened at all or whether it was as purposeful and the worst thing to ever happen ever, you deny the realities of the world that things are never one way or the other, always somewhere in between.

I swear soon there will be a truther movement for the shape of the earth.... Oh wait.

>surely it would be made public
Kek why, who would benefit from that? The public doesn't care about things unless they're told to.



He prevaricates enough now to keep the kashrut mob off his hide and avoid the gaol.

Oh. Someone sounds butt hurt.


>Individual jews can be based
This. Like David Cole and even Finklestein to an extent. He said his parents were exterminated but did he ever say how? Yes there is no shred of doubt that there probably were occasional executions of Jews that would be a crime but systematic killing and gas chambers? No.

Someone call Israel



>Guaranteed 0 replies.

I see a lot of evidence against, yet nothing that refutes these claims. The numbers don't work for the holocaust.

A question for Holocaust believers:

If 1.1 million people were killed in Auschwitz, 800k in Treblinka, 167k in Sobibor, 200k in Chelmno/Kulmhof, 80k in Majdanek, 500k in Belzec, this amounts to only a total of 2.9 million people.

These were all the death/extermination camps in Poland, btw.

If you add in the victims of all other concentration camps where no large scale (50k and more) gassings took place, and people only died out of other causes like disease and attrition, I'd say you'd get another 600,000 or so.

Dachau (41,500),
Mauthausen-Gusen (100,000),
Buchenwald (56,000),
Theresienstadt (33,000),
Bergen-Belsen (52,000),
Sachsenhausen (30,000),
Stutthof (85,000),
Neuengamme (60,000),
Ravensbrück (30,000),
Flossenburg (30,000),
Natzweiler (22,000),
Grossrosen (40,000)
Vught/Herzogensbusch (749)

So we're sitting at around 3.5 million.

Remember the holocaust death toll is 11 million civilians, of which 6 million are jews. Are you telling me the remaining 7.5 million were all killed out in the field?

I know the Warsaw Ghetto uprising/clearing (13,000) and Babyn Jar + related mass shootings (33,000 + 150,000) are things we learn about, but no effort is taken to explain the remaining 7.3 million victims.

If you can provide me with answers, great

Ever heard of (((disinformation))) or (((conspiracy misdirection)))?

Kike spoted.

Let's dig up the fuckin' site and count the teeth.
700 000 jews x 32 teeth, we will find at least, with no chance, a million human teeth.

Plus read exactly how the bodies were burnt in Treblinka. On pyres. Krauts did not know how to build an oven.

Dig up, nao! We'll get rid of the problem and deniers will have to shut up, poor jews will have a proper burial. At the present time, in our glorious democracies, they're put in jail.

no gas chambers
anne frank is a fabrication by otto frank to make money
no orders by hitler
exaggerated numbers
a manual written by an expert claiming that zyklon b was used to gas jews also claims that 99% of the zyklon b would be consumed by such tasks as delicing and countering rats
all the "death camps" that were searched were suspiciously redacted from the list of "death camps" immediately afterwards

People die all the time for exposing stuff that the (((Mainstream Media))) refuses to cover

>Or pro-palestinian comment
Holy fucking shit, these rats steal a country and even enforce laws against people manifesting against the oppressors?
That's it, this world is completely fucked.

Can I see some? the didn't happen camp just posted a lot against. I've yet to hear anyone refute the Gas chambers didn't exist or explain how to make the numbers work

The Red Cross.

Right there at the top you fucking kike go find em


still sounding butt hurt there Klaus. Did the French not kick you out after the war?

I was part of a gruppe that GPR'd and soil cored the site. Nothing is there. They erected some ghastly Jude Scheisserkunst to stop any more problematic examinations.

Nah, 7.3 millions of them just faked their death and they created Israel.

it evaporates ya meme

Like I said

I am jewish, but I am bombing this thread with redpills because fuck jews

AFAIK the discrepancy is because they've relatively recently revised the figures down.

Ever heard of JIDF?

Google it and do your research

They pay kikes to brainwash pro-jew bullshit around the internet

They slavicised their names and took over Polen and they were flooded into Baltimore Harbour, Maryland Staat at night bypassing all normal immigration procedures.


Pre war
>500000 Jews in Germany
>about 2 million Jews in Poland
Six gorillion gassed
12 gorillion survived

You do the math OP



She was only allowed to excavate adjacent to a Catholic cemetary. True story Zhidovski.