Richmond, CA gives black people $1000/month to bribe them not to murder.
"We don't negotiate with terrorists!" lol
Richmond, CA gives black people $1000/month to bribe them not to murder.
"We don't negotiate with terrorists!" lol
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What would Sup Forums give me to go back to Africa?
>that pic
Then solving gun crime in that city would be as easy as arresting those 28 niggers.
Would legit chip in 1000 bucks to a pool
They should take down the names of every nigger that took the money then arrest them.
I've got like $5 of change in my car, I'd throw that at you until you got annoyed enough to leave
so it's a protection racket
an ak-47 and some condoms
>niggers shoot niggers everyday
>can't control their animalistic instincts
>give them 1000$ bucks a month to not kill people
>to not commit crime
Tell me, how is this NOT theft? The state government is literally taking money from non-criminals and giving it to criminals so they don't commit crime.
Shut up and pay your taxes, goy.
I could probably scrape $20, thats probably enough to buy a goatwife and an AK in africa.
Why don't they just fucking put them in prison?
Damn he has a point TOP KEK
>read response
>look at flag
>360 and walk away
28 bullets would have been a lot cheaper
Why? We want them to kill themselves.
Remember Tocqueville's warning about democracy lastong as long as it took people to realize they could vote themselves an income. This peace will last as long as it takes blacks to figure out that the government has embraced blackmail victimhood as policy.
It sounds more like a reparation to me, what normal person gives a shit if some savages murder? Sooner or later people will be fed up with them. That's fucking rewarding people for killing.
this peace will last until one nigger thinks
>Damn I need 2000 bucks this month
It's the whole people can be rehabilitated, the prisons don't work bullshit. It is California we're talking about here after all.
How new are you?
Twice your yearly wage. With that you'd be living like a kang back in Africa
>trys to call out someone being new
>makes an even more classic newfag mistake instead
It's cheaper to give them $1000 a month than to keep them in prison.
>1000$ bucks
>checks flag
wut da fug? What are you?
1 9mm hollowpoint is like what, 80 cents?
if he kills someone, how cant the victim's family sue?
The guy in charge is a literal neckbeard.kek
>Can't even into IDs
>still trying to play it off
Keeps getting better
That's basically what welfare is, isn't it?
If you're high IQ enough to find this place and stay, we don't really care about you, as far as your nig cousins and brothers, if I was the US government I'd start with 50k straight up to renounce US citizenship.
Considering it costs around that to house someone in jail, I'd work my way up to 500k every year so the only blacks left are the ones that know white societies are better and thus delaying gratification (and not going back to a third world shithole) is their best hope.
With 80%+ of the blacks gone, we could establish a superior society. Also we could do the same for the spics.
What if they still commit crimes.
Also what will they do with the extra cash
True. Why not bring back banishing people? Literally force them into a larger ghetto area where crime is already high.
They should. I don't agree with the law but was pointing out their rationale.
Prison makes the problem worse. Don't people know this by now?
Lolno, try 30 cents, although I'd prefer just lining them up and braining them with a regular FMJ round since they're like 18 cents a round and that's what I have the most of.
>tfw I have enough ammuntion to literally put one bullet in the back of every one in ten niggers in my state
when will simply killing these trouble making niggers come back into style?
Just stop. This is embarrassing.
>You received $2000 for being a good sport!
Who needs condoms when you have virgin babies?
I live near Richmond and let me tell you, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
THESE FUCKING NIGGERS GET EVERYTHING! We have the chevron plant here, which is still very profitable despite the state trying to bleed them dry and doing their best to get them to move to texas.
But thats not the point. These niggers. Chevron gives millions upon millions to RIchmond. They have all brand new shit, new roads, new rails, the city is kept super clean, they give money to schools so these niggers can have computers etc. AND best of all here is the kicker, niggers from Richmond get priority job placement at the refinery which is a nice comfy union job starting 70k + benefits.
WELL PAYING JOBS ARE NOT ENOUGH (they can't find anyone qualified)
Right wing death squads when?
Holy shit, will not be driving a Chevy anyou time soon.
is that more effective and cheaper than putting them in jail?
i can hardly believe that
Give them more and ask again.
No Buddy a chevron refinery where they refine gas. But the point still stands.
Dude wtf are you taking about. How can you give someone a 70k job they cant perform? Maybe he just went to college like any white person with that job?
In your story the blacks do nothing steal and rob. But they goto school and have jobs well which is it?
I work with a lot of blacks when i worked construction and at my office job now. I have meet millions of black people and never had problems. Just because the 1% of blacks on the news are bad doesn't mean they all are.
Is this retard day on Sup Forums? They pay the city massive taxes in order to provide the niggers a better education and public services than many of the surrounding areas enjoy. They obviously dont take advantage of this to advance themselves.
They give priority for jobs for niggers from Richmond, which yes they have to be qualified for, but if they could meet those basic requirements they could get good jobs. Which they dont do.
They have alot given to them, and they fuck it up. Now do you see young one?
>1% of blacks
It's probably more like %15 of blacks but they commit such an inordinate amount of crime it seems ubiquitous among blacks. Most violent crime is committed by less than 3% of the US population: black males between 18-35.
Jesus fucking Christ. The government is paying the mob.
America paying their criminals to not kill them.
>Americuck confirmed for cuck world champions.
>Want to make $1000/month for FREEEEEE??
>Commit crime - WITH A GUN!
No user the blacks you met are the 1%, the criminal savages are the majority of blacks.
there a lots of poor whites that getbl welfare as well. And it seems your mad that a black guy has a degree and a better job than you.
>If you're high IQ enough to find this place and stay
>niggers from Richmond get priority job placement at the refinery which is a nice comfy union job starting 70k + benefits.
>there a lots of poor whites that getbl welfare as well.
Blacks make 15% of the population and commit 50% of the crimes.
It's actually more like 5-6% overwhelming young black males
Sounds as if Richmond actually has someone intelligent looking at their problems.
Why can't we just great a new country for ameican-nigs and force them all to live there. Give them Alabama and georgia and surround it with a trump fence. Offer to throw in south Carolina if they all go voluntarily.
Tell them it's their reparations then lock them out.
t. Richmond nigger
>U S of A
What could I even do with the US dollar out there? Money can't be used for everything. Also I would want to be trained for survival, access to the internet, a bimbo, and a death squad for the liberation
Nothing, you're probably an alright guy.
I don't need to hate every individual of a group to think that group is shit.
a ticket
typical shitposting assie
If you want those high end meme rounds, maybe.
>Reload my own ammo
>Can pump out .38sp for $0.08-.10 around.
Audie Murhpy
Point and case, I don't have a problem with leafs but this leaf is clearly a faggot - I still don't hate all leafs.
Honestly if all niggers left US, I would give my life savings to make it happen. I got 20k saved, I think I will have more in 10~ years, I mooch off from parents and live in their cabin for free :D
Pretty cozy and short distance away from work
Audie's gun.
Time for those blacks to have babies and they too can receive $1000 a month each!
>that picture
why the fuck don't they get rid of those 28 people?
That's a fine nigger gun.
>hurr durrrr look at me holding the moral high ground durrrr
You don't know what our niggers are like, you've probably never even met a nigger
You have never met a single black in your entire life.
anytime you question the sanity of this just remember; California. Most of America would gladly see it wiped off the face of the Earth.
Shitposter on Shitposter Violence, and a holiday weekend too.
at least we can say cunt
They have Abos there, worse than Nigs.
why not BTFO those people and call it a day?